Courage Under Fire

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Leeeez go

Y/N's POV:

I sit in an APC with my squad. Ever since we cleared out Verdun my battalion of men have been reinforced and now are numbers range in the thousands. Right now we're headed to assist in the assault on the "Castle". From what we've been the rebels have heavy duty shield generators preventing any air attacks and artillery barrages. They've set up pit traps to keep out our AT-ST's. So the only way through is a head on assault. The 607th has been given the opportunity to be the first troopers to begin the attack. Lord Vader has deemed us worthy of this mission.

Y/N: Equipment check.

Jane: Set.

Natalie: Set.

Ace: Set.

Ethan: Set.

Zero: Ready to rock and roll.

Sandman: Ready.

Bruce: All good here sir.

Brock: Set sir

I press my hand to the side of my helmet and broadcast a message to my men. We're still yet to find a replacement leader so for now I'll have to suffice.

Y/N: Alright listen up Devil Dogs we've been entrusted by Lord Vader himself to push the rebels out of the "Castle". We will not let him down.

The APC comes to a stop and I step out to see an FOB set up outside of the "Castle" I lead my men to our position as I eye the enemies defenses. Machine guns line the top walls, snipers positioned in the towers and a closed draw bridge.

Sandman: Looks inviting.

Y/N: It sure does, doesn't it?

Natalie: Nothing we can't handle right Knox?

Y/N: Well we're not called Devil Dogs for nothing. Let's show them what their friends saw at Verdun.

We start making our way to the shield when we're stopped by a cold menacing voice.

???: 607th.

I turn to see the intimidating tall and black figure.

I turn to see the intimidating tall and black figure

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My heart rate quickens.

Y/N: Lord Vader.

Vader: Sergeant Knox know this is the first time I entrust a mission to your legion. Do not fail me.

Y/N: We won't sir.

I salute as he walks away.

Zero: Someone likes black.

I elbow Zero.

Y/N: Shutup before he comes back and kills us all.

We start making our way towards the "Castle"

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