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Leeeeez go

Y/N's POV:

I stand guard outside the city that was once occupied by the Rakghouls. We still have fire teams finding them hiding or nesting or whatever the hell it is they're doing.

Jane: Hey.

I turn around to see Jane walking up to me.

Y/N: Hey. Shouldn't you be yelling at some FNG's?

Jane: Ethan's got me covered on that.

She points to Ethan yelling at some new people and dragging them through the mud.

Y/N: How you holding up?

Jane: Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss our alone time.

I laugh and continue to observe the surrounding desert.

Y/N: Yup good times.

Jane: Ya know we could probably sneak away from this post, have a grunt watch it while we're away.

I ponder the suggestion before shaking my head.

Y/N: As much as I would love to I've got bigger fish to fry.

I nod my head at Oblivion who is sitting cross legged and hovering off of the floor.

Y/N: Fucking emo monk.

She giggles a little before composing herself. Then oblivion makes his way over to us. I straighten myself up before he stands in front of me.

Oblivion: Gather a team and get ready to leave.

Y/N: To where sir?

Oblivion: Do as your told. Or do I have to remind you what happens when you disobey my orders grunt?

He ignites his blade and holds it against Jane's breastplate.

I grit my teeth and push out my response.

Y/N: Understood sir.

He walks off towards the transport vehicles.

Y/N: Let Sandman know he's in charge while I'm out.

Jane: Right...you okay Knox?

Y/N: I'm fine.

I start to walk away when she grabs my hand.

Jane: You don't have to lie to me.

Y/N: It's nothing, I just don't trust that asshole.

She nods before letting go of my hand.

Jane: Go get em boss.

I nod and walk off to round up some troops.

Y/N: Ace, Evelyn, Ethan your with me.

Ace: Where to?

Y/N: Don't know but Oblivion wants a small team to go with him somewhere.

Evelyn: Right, what kind of weapons should we bring sir?

Y/N: Your regular rifles should be fine, just make sure you have a sidearm.

Ethan: Copy that sir.

And so we trudge to the transport vehicles and link up with Oblivion.

Y/N: Where to sir?

In front of him is a map. He points his finger to the middle of the desert.

Y/N: Sir that's in the middle of nowhere, why would we be going out there?

Oblivion: For reasons beyond your own comprehension. Do not question me ever.

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