Kids killing Kids

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Leeez go.

Y/N's POV:

I stand guard against a column with Zero.

Zero: So any word on reinforcements?

Y/N: We're supposed to be switching with Delta Company and then advancing further into the woods.

Zero: So what are we sir?

Y/N: We're the spearhead of Empire. We're going to be the ones to do the heavy lifting on this planet.

Zero: Haha finally! I've been looking for a good campaign!

Y/N: Fumes Zero.

Zero: Oh whatever.

I stare at the woods that surround us.

Y/N: Hey Zero?

Zero: Hm?

Y/N: How many of them do you think are watching us at this very moment?

Zero: I'd say about 5 or 6.

Y/N: How do you figure?

Zero: Well duh I'm staring right at them.

Y/N: What?!

Zero: Yeah two in the trees with binos. The other four are sitting in bushes.

Y/N: And you didn't think to tell me?

Zero: Well they don't have guns sir.

I face palm.

Y/N: Okay c'mon let's go scare them off.

I aim my blaster up as I advance forward and Zero follows behind me. The people on the floor get up and run and we let them. Because our targets are in the trees.

Y/N: So you two gonna come down?

The two scouts hesitantly come down and it's then I realize something.

Zero: Kids!

Y/N: Whats the rebellion doing letting kids be their scouts?!

The kids look at us scared that we're going to blast them.

Zero: What do we do boss?

I look at them. I then sigh.

Y/N: Cuff them.

And so we cuff the kids. My heart aches a little because these are just kids. We march them into the village.

Brock: What'd they do sir?

Y/N: They were apart of a scouting party. Get them somewhere secure. I want everyone dug in because we are about to get hit.

Brock: Copy that sir.

He takes the kids to our temporary brig. And I start organizing our defense.

Y/N: Alex, Ethan, Natalie, and Bruce I want you guys holding down this area.

Natalie: okay lets go boys!

Natalie leads the 4 of them to where I want them.

Y/N: Zero, Doc, Brock I want you three holding the entrance.

Zero: Haha let's do this!

They run off to the entrance.

Y/N: Jane and Ace your with me we're going to hold by where Zero and I saw the scouts.

Ace: Roger.

We get set up and begin watching the tree line.

Y/N: Teams report.

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