Roar of Cannons

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Leeezzz goooo

Wait before we start. I saw some interesting responses to Captain Avilla, I'd like to know what your guys thoughts were on her.

Alr now lez go

Y/N's POV:

I wake up in my bed to the shifting body next to me. As my eyes adjust to the dark of the room I see the back of Jane's head. I pull her closer to me.

Jane: Mm what?

Y/N: Your the one who woke me up.

Jane: Oh, my bad. Still not used to this.

Y/N: Me neither.

We've been on the Bismarck for about 2 weeks now. And for the past 4 nights Jane's slept in my room as opposed to the barracks. It's a little weird sleeping next to someone like this without any armor on. Sure I could sleep next to anyone if we were in armor but that's just purely a combat thing. When the blasters aren't being fired is a completely different story. Guess we're just used to sleeping in racks alone.

Jane sits up and I look up at her soft brown eyes. Her hair falls down her back. The scars that line her body seemingly shine in the room, the only light source being a window that stares out at the space around us.

Jane: Well now that we're up why don't we go get something to eat?

Y/N: Yeah sounds good to me.

I pull myself out of bed as she does the same. We both change into our armor and throw on our helmets before walking out of the room and towards the mess hall.

Jane: Gotta say that beds comfier than anything I've slept on before.

Y/N: Yeah your telling me.

We sit at a table with our food. I look around the cafeteria when I see two people enter. That being Ace and Evelyn. They spot us and I wave them over. So they sit at our table.

Ace: Morning.

Evelyn: You two are you early.

Y/N: I could say the same about you.

Jane: Yeah what're you doing up?

Evelyn: Well Mr. Never misses here and I found a shooting gallery on board so we figured we'd have a few rounds.

Y/N: Ace define a few rounds.

Ace: 10 rounds. We were at it for awhile.

Y/N: Huh, and the outcome?

Ace sighs.

Ace: Tie.

Evelyn: I'm sorry what was that?

Ace clears his throat.

Ace: It was a tie.

I raise my eyebrow.

Y/N: Huh well ain't that some shit. Guess your not a bad shot Evelyn.

Evelyn: Back home we didn't have much to eat so my dad would take me hunting every week. I just got better over time and bootcamp helped improve in areas I didn't know I needed improvement on.

Jane: So your a scout, beard that was a pretty hard school to get into.

Evelyn: The empire was looking for people on my planet who had survival experience, me and few other kids got picked and now I'm here.

Ace: Shes not a bad shot I suppose.

Y/N: That's Ace's way of complementing people.

Suddenly the ships alarms blare to life. I stand up from my table and see members running towards their battle stations.

Y/N: Jane go get the battalion ready, I'm going to go check in with Avilla.

I start sprinting towards the control center of the ship. Some kid standing guard tries to stop me from entering the room so I push him aside and storm into the control room.

Y/N: Captain?

I see her sigh before turning to me.

Avilla: Sergeant Knox. Why are you here?

Y/N: Ma'am the alarms are blaring and I want to know what's going on.

Avilla: Seems the rebel navy sent out a fleet of ships to hunt down our ship.

I look out the bridge and see X-Wings hauling ass towards us. The ships guns hum to life in a deadly symphony as they X-Wings are mowed down in a matter of seconds.

Avilla: That ship their launching from is called the "Hood" she's an older ship and one of the pride and joys of the rebel navy.

She admires the ship.

Avilla: Shes a beautiful ship I'll give them that. But no matter.

Suddenly the ship shakes as a large blast flies out from a large cannon.

Y/N: Thats some serious recoil!

The blast slams into the Hood but only shatters their shields. I see Avilla smirk as she nods to herself.

Avilla: Theres no reason to be concerned Sergeant. We have this handled.

The ship shakes again as another blast flys out from our cannon and slams into the Hood except this time it's a dead on hit and the Hood catches fire. It's then I realize they're sending boarding ships towards us.

Y/N: They're attempting to board us ma'am.

Avilla: I noticed Sergeant.

I see the boarding ships get blown to hell before they can even get close. This ships got some crazy fire power.

Avilla: Lets finish this.

The ship shakes once more as the cannon is fired. The shot hits the Hood and the enemy ship erupts into a fiery explosion.


Colorado: I sense a large explosion and it wasn't mine...who tf is the jackass trying to one up me?!

Back to the story

I stand there with my mouth agape as the enemy ship is nothing more than a ball of fire.

Avilla: I suppose we should get out of here before the rest of the fleet arrives to attempt to avenge her. Prepare to jump.

The ship performs a hyper space jump or something like that and we end thousands of miles away from where the whole naval battle went down.

Avilla: As you see Sergeant the Imperial Navy is the best of the best. There's no need for you to worry about the ship going down.

She turns away from me.

Avilla: You may leave Sergeant, this is no place for a stormtrooper.

I roll my eyes and just walk out to be greeted with that Tyler kid.

Tyler: Sir Sandman sent me to ask you what's going on.

Y/N: Well we just took down an enemy ship and that's really all that happened.

Tyler: Oh okay sir.

Y/N: Say when did you graduate boot?

Tyler: About a month ago sir.

Y/N: Ever been shot at?

Tyler: No sir.

Y/N: Your in for a show when we get into a firefight. Some advice, stay close to either me or Sandman and you should be fine.

I pat his shoulder and walk away back to the cafeteria to finish my food.

Y/N: Damn this is some good stuff right here.

Aaaand scene

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