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Leeeezzzz goooooo. Shits gonna get dark, like goddamn

Y/N's POV:

I sit in my transport vehicle headed to a city that is confirmed to be pro rebellion. How do we know? Well we just so happened to receive a training video of their men...let's just say we're not intimidated. They expect screaming and performing jumping jacks to scare us.

Natalie: The city should be coming into view shortly.

Ethan: Bloody hell look at the size of the thing.

A large city comes into view. It appears to be severely outdated with dirty buildings, hardly any proper roads mostly dirt. Trash litters the ground as we approach it.

We pass by this group of kids that stand next to tires. They quickly set the tires on fire and black smoke rises into the air.

Natalie: Those little shits!

Y/N: Well now the whole damn city knows we're coming.

We arrive in the city to be greeted with the bustling civilians waking from market to market.

Tyler: Sir? How do we know who to shoot at?

Y/N: You don't. You'll only know if they start to shoot at you.

Natalie: Fucking cowards posing as civilians.

Y/N: Team leaders report.

Jane: These guys don't look happy about us being here.

Sandman: All good sir. Keep your eyes on the rooftops.

My eyes flick to the rooftops where I see shadows of guerrilla fighters. We have about 100 men with us while everyone including Oblivion remains back in our controlled city.

Y/N: Alright keep your eyes up I don't want any surprises. We just got to find these rebels and light them up.

Ethan rotates the gun.

Ethan: Hey is it more is that chick checking me o-

He's cut off as blaster fire slams into our vehicles. A rocket slams into the vehicle behind us.

Ethan: Contact on the rooftops!

Jane: Left alley!

Sandman: Behind us!

Y/N: Fucking hell. Give me a sit rep on our wounded!

More vehicles are blown to hell creating burning road blocks.

Sandman: We're cut off.

Jane: We've got wounded in the truck ahead of us!

Ethan: Oh shit!

A rocket slams into our truck. Fire engulfs the truck.

Y/N: Get out get out!

We quickly get out of the trucks and are met with rebel blaster fire. We manage to take cover behind a wall.

One by one explosions go off blowing our vehicles to hell.

Y/N: Everyone get out now! Your sitting ducks!

And so everyone disperses from their vehicles as the rebels continue to shoot at us. Thankfully these guys can't shoot for shit.

I pop out from cover and shoot at the rooftops across from me. Two rebels drop to the ground dead.

Y/N: Everyone link up on me let's go!

I see Sandman push towards me while letting loose a flurry of fire from his mini gun. Bruce and Brock join him in creating a line of fire. Jane pulls her squad towards us.

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