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Leeezzzz goooooo

Y/N's POV:

The hoard of Rakghouls gets closer and closer while sniper shots sail over my head. I look around for something, anything.

Y/N: Damnit.

I turn my blaster to where the sniper fire is coming from and fire back before kneeling behind cover.

Y/N: Can't stay here for too long. Need to move.

I get up and sprint towards the hoard before making a sharp turn to the right as a sniper shot nails a Rakghoul.

Y/N: Nice aim asshole!

I turn down the street using the crumbling buildings as cover. I move deeper into the city.

Y/N: I can use the Rakghouls as a shield of sorts. Even that snipers not sane enough to come into this hell hole.

I keep on running until I come to an office building of sorts.

Y/N: Need to get off of the streets.

I run into the building and begin to creep my way to the upper floors.

Tyler: Sergeant are you there?

Y/N: Yeah I'm still here. Did the others make it back?

Tyler: They did sir. We're dispatching a rescue team to extract you out of there.

Y/N: No. They'd be driving into a death trap. And I refuse to trade lives. I'll make my way back is that clear?

Tyler: But si-

Y/N: Is that clear private?

Tyler: Yes sir.

He cuts the comms and I sigh to myself.

Y/N: 3 more months of this bullshit before I can finally take a break.

I proceed through the building until I make it to the roof. I stay low and press myself up against a wall.

Y/N: Goddamn that was a lot of running.

I lean my head against the wall and sigh.

Y/N: If it's not one thing it's another. Can't a guy catch a break these days?

I peak over my cover and look down into the destroyed city that's crawling with Rakghouls.

Y/N: Seriously who in their right mind would come up with this shit?

I sit back down and check my blaster and then my armor. My shoulder is still in pain from the shot I took earlier. There's scratch marks on my chest piece from when I was holding the door. Thankfully it's only scratches and didn't break my armor.

Y/N: Guess I'll have to play the waiting game with this guy.

And so I wait. I lay on the roof for hours as the moons pick their way across the sky and the sun slowly begins its ascent into the sky.

Y/N: Should be clear by now.

I peak over the building and see nothing.

Y/N: Hmm...alright time to get a move on.

I start to make my way out of the building and find that the streets are completely devoid of life. Or whatever the Rakghouls are.

Y/N: I've got a bad feeling about this.

I raise my rifle and start to push up towards the exit of the city. My footsteps echo off of the walls.

Y/N: This isn't right. Where'd all the ugly fucks go?

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