Off Planet

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Leeezzzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I pull myself up from my rack and rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. Overall I've got about 5 or so hours of sleep. Which is amazing compared to the no sleep of Verdun.

Natalie: Morning Knox.

I look over at Natalie's bunk to see the half naked beauty stretching her body and yawning.

Y/N: Yeah morning. You sleep alright?

Natalie: All things considered yeah.

I get out of my rack and stretch. I feel Natalie's eyes look my body up and down but it's nothing I'm not used to.

Y/N: Alright get dressed we're shipping out of this hell hole.

Natalie: Where to?

Y/N: We're being sent to a star destroyer. We'll receive further orders upon arrival.

Natalie: Copy that.

And so I go around and wake everyone up from their slumber. I almost gasp when I find Sandman sleeping with his eyes open.

Y/N: What the fuck?

He stirs and sits up.

Y/N: You sleep with your eyes open?

Sandman: Old habits.

And so we all shower, change and throw on our armor. Thankfully some villagers cleaned our armor for us to save us the hassle.

Y/N: Alright now that we're all ready to roll, let's go men.

Ethan: Where to sir?

Y/N: The battalion's boarding transport ships to reach a Star Destroyer where we'll be for awhile.

Doc: What about the rest of the legion?

Y/N: Legions being split up for now. Everyone who was with us at Verdun at the Castle are coming with us.

Doc: Got it thanks.

Y/N: Alright let's go.

We walk out of the barracks and they go line up with the rest of the battalion. I stand in front of them inspecting them.

Y/N: Alright listen up Devil Dogs we're kissing this planet goodbye. Now I want you all to behave when we get to where we're going is that understood?

Battalion: Sir yes sir!

Y/N: Good let's go then.

They split off into different boarding groups. I enter my transport ship along with my squad. For once our transport ships have chairs so I go ahead and sit down. Jane sits next to me and traces her finger along my hand.

Zero: Check out these two.

Ace: Stopping creeping Zero.

Zero: Fine fine.

I roll my eyes under my helmet and hold Jane's hand throughout the flight. Whenever I hold her hand I can't help but think back to my times as a civilian living a care free life. I had plans of becoming a lawyer after I graduated but well the Rebels happened. Now I'm here serving with the greatest men and women the galaxy have to offer. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Sandman: Approaching ship.

I look out of the window and gaze upon our destination.

I look out of the window and gaze upon our destination

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