Waining Hours of Kraval

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Leeezzz goooo also theres important shit at the end that affects the next story.

I peak over my cover as the early morning fog conceals the enemies HQ. Despite our numerous attempts to call for their surrender their leader never backed down. We've had to fight for every damn inch of this island. His men refuse to surrender and fight to their last breaths.

Oblivion: Commander.

I look behind me to see our general standing next to a far more intimidating figure. I quickly salute them.

Vader: Oblivion tells me you have a plan for the final push.

His voice sends chills down my spine but I do what I can to conceal it. I look up at the towering figure.

Y/N: Yes sir.

I pull out a holo map of the area.

Y/N: Sir we have reason to believe the enemy is heavily dug in. Far more than any other island. I don't know how but they managed to get their hands on a few AT-ST's and have them in a bunker located here.

I point at a bunker in the large compound that is the enemy base.

Y/N: We can't get close enough to take those out so we're going to have to draw them out.

I begin marking places around the compound.

Y/N: We need to set up mortar positions in these marked areas to provide a constant stream of shelling until we breach the compound.

The two dark lords look at eachother. I then mark a large line.

Y/N: This here will be the front of the battle. It'll serve as a distraction while smaller forces begin to enter the compound from the sides.

Vader: And who will man the front?

Y/N: The 607th will hold the front sir.

Oblivion: Are you saying the 501st can't hold their own on the front?

Fucking kissass.

Y/N: I'm not saying that sir but as it stands the men of the 607th are in better condition than the men of the 501st. Instead the 501st will be attacking from the side, their main target will be the destruction of the enemies bunker housing their AT-ST's.

The dark lord stands there unresponsive. His breathing fills my ears. It's calm, relaxed, as if he's done this a thousand times already.

Vader: We will go with the commander's plan.

And with that he walked off leaving me with Oblivion. I say nothing to the man and go to round up my men.

Fortunately I've been graced with my team being in good condition. Well as good as they can be seeing as how we've been fighting for these damn islands for a long time.

Ethan: Whats the play sir?

Y/N: We'll be holding the front.

Jane: Can't shy away from a fight can you?

I look over the beautiful woman that I haven't seen in a long time. A metallic arm protrudes from where the original was blown off.

I can't help but smile at her soothing warm voice that still lights a fire in my chest and warms me to my core.

Y/N: I could say the same to you. I didn't realize you were discharged.

Jane: Eh I got lonely in that hospital room. That and you never came to visit.

I rub my shoulder awkwardly and guiltily.

Y/N: I've been...busy.

I motion to the men beginning to prep their equipment for the fight ahead.

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