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Ayyye leezzz gooo this is gonna be a short chapter but all for explanation purposes.

???'s POV:

607th File:

Jet: KIA
Tank: KIA
Sgt. Rook: KIA
Ash: KIA
Null: KIA
Slipknot: KIA
9's: KIA
Jaeger: KIA

Captain Frost: MIA
Commander Glade: MIA
General Valkyrie: MIA

The 607th saw plenty of action during the clone wars. Constant contact with subject Oblivion.

Oblivion: Error: subject not found.

System Reboot initialized...please wait...


System Reboot successful.

Jet: KIA
Tank: KIA
Sgt. Rook: KIA
Ash: KIA
Null: KIA
Slipknot: KIA
9's: KIA
Jaeger: KIA

Captain Frost: Located with rebel alliance.
Commander Glade: Error: Subject not found.
General Valkyrie: MIA.

Subject: Oblivion: Active.
Project Information

Project Information:
We have found the corpse of the once feared Sith Lord Oblivion upon the planet of Kashyyyk. The body appears to have been strangled to death as well as shot for good measure.
Upon closer inspection of the corpse we found something...unusual. More in Kamino file.
After inspecting the cloning facility of Kamino we found a clone strand that was once created to rival the Jedi.
The strand has been noted of being able to use the force. How curious.
More in Experimentation.
Subject Oblivion appears to be the only surviving clone of previously mentioned clone strand.
Subject was put through intense experimentation causing a deep hatred for the; Kaminoans, Clones and Republic.
We have successfully re created the strand that created Oblivion.
Cloning was successful. Subject appears to retain the memories of the previous Oblivion through the force.

Having heard enough I place my blaster against the computer and blast it. I look down at the flash drive in my hand containing the computer's information.

???: Frost where are you brother?

Aaaand scene.

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