The hill

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Leeeez go

Y/N's POV:

Me and my group have been moved back to the main base that's been set up. While my squad is either sleeping, eating, or taking some personal time, I however am sitting in the mess hall with Jane.

Jane: So this Sandman guy?

Y/N: Yeah he's a little...intense?

Jane: I'll say.

The mess hall becomes filled with voices and it gets a little hard to hear.

Jane: Hey do you want to step out?

She twirls her hair. I nod.

Y/N: Yeah sure c'mon.

We step out into the night. For awhile we just stand around awkwardly.

Jane: Hey Knox I've gotta ask, why are you here?

Y/N: I hate the rebels that's why.

Jane: No. Why are you here?

I take a moment to think on her question.

Y/N: I'm here because I believe what we're doing is right. And that we're making a difference. I want to help maintain the peace this galaxy has seen. It's not perfect and I know that, but terroristic attacks are not the way to create change.

Jane: Yeah that sounds just like you.

I smile under my helmet. And then the sirens go off.

Y/N: Get down!

I pull Jane down as torpedos pound the base. It's then followed by heavy mortar fire.

Y/N: Fucking shit!

Everyone races to defensive positions and digs in for the night. But no actual assault comes. Just bombings. Scout Troopers would go on to repot the mortar fire coming from an enemy hill. The X-Wings however fall back to an airfield further in the woods.

It's the next day and I stand in a transport ship with my team. Us and the 82nd infantry are going to assault the hill. The Scout Troopers report that the enemy is heavily dug in. Our artillery has been pounding the hill to soften up.

Y/N: Alright men listen up. These are the mother fuckers who blew up our base last night. The same motherfuckers who ruined your meals, sleep, and alone time. So that being said, let's fuck their shit up.

Everyone: Hoorah!

Our ships land at the bottom of the hill and we run out. Blaster fire immediately flys out at us. The artillery only pissed these guys off.

Y/N: Get to cover!

We take cover behind some large rocks.

Ethan: Holy shit these guys really want us dead!

Alex: Yeah tell me about it!

I peak around cover and see members from the 82nd pushing upwards.

Y/N: Bruce, Brock lay down covering fire. Everyone moves one at a time. Copy?

Bruce: Copy!

Brock: Copy!

They begin to lay down covering fire and don't let up.

Y/N: Natalie go.

Natalie: Bounding!

She gets up and runs up the hill and dives behind a rock.

Natalie: Set!

Y/N: Ethan go.

Ethan: Bounding!

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