Operation: When the hammer falls

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Leeezzz gooooo que the empire march theme.

Y/N's POV:

I sit in the barracks rubbing my throat. It's been a couple of days since we had our asses handed to us. Alex, Ace, Doc, and I got away mostly unscathed and because of that we get to participate in a mission.

Alex: Hey you ready?

I turn to see Alex with his gear already equipped.

Y/N: Yeah let's do this.

I put my helmet on and jog out of the barracks with Alex. We link up with Ace and Doc at the transport ships. We line up and await the Lt.

Lt: Attention.

We all stand at attention.

Lt: We have found a rebel base here on Kronos. Your mission is to go in and kill any and all rebels. Retrieve whatever data you can. We expect minimal resistance. Dismissed.

We all salute and march into our transport ships. They take off and fly in formation. Each ship carries 20 of us and there's 6 ships total. The way the ship is designed is so that there's only one exit and that exit will always face the enemy. We do not believe in retreat.

Y/N: Hey Ace.

Ace: Yeah?

Y/N: You let that guy kick the shit out of us man.

Ace: Well you try hitting a soldier with that much experience. Hell I heard he killed a Sith Lord.

Y/N: I suppose yeah.

Our ships then land on a beach head of sorts. The doors open and drop to the ground. And that's when everything goes to hell. Blaster fire rips into the holding bay as screams fill my helmet.

Doc: Get out!

We all run out of the transport ship as a mortal shell strikes into our transport ship blowing it to hell. I see that the other ships have been blown to hell but a good amount of troops managed to get out. I dive behind a rock. Operation: When the hammer falls, has begun.

Y/N: We need to get off this damn beach.

Alex: Well yeah! How else are we going to get home?!

I turn to see Doc's hands stained with blood as a trooper dies in his arms. Looking around I see everyone's pinned.

Y/N: We're not getting anywhere like this.

I can just tell that everyone's scared and not trying to get shot. Hell I myself want to curl up in a ball and just cry. But I won't.

Y/N: I'm going to push. Give me some covering fire.

Ace: Are you crazy?!

Alex: You'll get killed!

Y/N: So what? If we don't do something we're all going to die!

Alex: Aren't you scared shitless!

Explosions pound the ground on the beach.

Y/N: I am! But you know what?! Bravery is not acting without fear. But in spite of it. So yeah I'm going.

Doc grabs my arm.

Doc: Don't you dare end up like another casualty.

Y/N: Yeah...Bounding!

I get up and time seems to slow down. My breathe echos in my helmet. My feet pound the sand. Blaster fire whizzes past my head. Explosions go off around me.

Ace: Look out!

And then I'm launched into the air as a mortar slams into the ground behind me. Pain courses through my body as my body screams to give up. But I slowly begin to pick myself up.

I stand up and starts sprinting again

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I stand up and starts sprinting again. It's then I hear a roar behind me. Turning my head I see my comrades following my lead. And we charge the beachhead. We finally push towards the enemies base.

Y/N: 607th on me!

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Y/N: 607th on me!

I hear my comrades roar in response as we reach the rebel lines. Immediately I'm met with fire. I drop to the ground and open fire nailing two rebels with LMG's. They drop to the ground dead.

Alex: Get some!

Alex joins me in my push along with the other members of our legion. The world around me comes to life with the roar of machine gun fire. My senses are diled up ten fold. A rebel runs at me and attempts to bash me with the butt of their gun but I catch them by the throat and slam him into the ground. I then press the blaster to their head and fire. I see Doc dragging people out of the fire zone.

Ace: I have enemy armor to the left do not let them mobilize or else your all dead.

I look to my left and see some make shift tank with rebels sprinting to it.

Y/N: Oh no you don't. Alex!

Alex turns and sees them and we both gun them down.

Ace: That's the last of the exterior defenses. No visual on the interior.

Y/N: Solid copy. On me let's go!

We enter the base and are met with resistance at a corridor.

Y/N: Push through!

I lob a thermal grenade at them and moments later a severed arm lands at my feet. But we push on. We come to a control room where we're met with a last stand group. I get hit in the shoulder and stomach but through sheer will power I remain conscious and return fire. I look to my body armor and see that my armor absorbed the damage for me but only stopped so much.

Y/N: Man that's going to be one mean bruise.

We then clear out the last of the rebels.

Y/N: Alright start the data retrieval.

Everyone goes off and ransacks the base looking for anything and everything. I step outside and see Doc collecting tags from all of our dead. His hand filled to the brim and soaked with blood and sand. I look to the sky as new transport ships come towards us.

Operation: When the hammer falls, was a success. But at what cost? 78. 78 of the 120 of us would not be going home. That's 78 families that lost their sons and daughters to the rebels. That's 78 wives and husbands who have to tell their kids that mommy or daddy isn't coming home anymore. We owe it to those families, to those soldiers, to keep marching forward and finally extinguish the rebellions flame. And stomp out and embers it may leave in its wake.

Aaaand scene

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