Off Base

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Leeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand in a dark hallway alone. In my hands is my rifle. My footsteps echo off the walls as I try to feel my way around. The floor feels wet and sticky in a way. A light pierced the black void that surrounds me. So I move towards it and make out the outline of a door. I open it.

Stepping out of the dark hallway I find myself back home on Kerell. The warm sun almost invites me to take off my armor. But nonetheless I keep it on.

Looking around I can see the Glade bridge. It's a popular bridge as it was dedicated to some clone commander. If memory serves me right he was also a 607th soldier. We never did learn his fight as he was listed MIA.

Wait. Bridge. Snapping my head to the bridge I see it become engulfed in a vortex of fire as the ground shakes from an explosion. I can hear the screams but through all the screaming I can make out one voice. Juliet.

Somehow I make it onto the bridge and find her. Her face cut to hell as she thrown through her windshield. Around her is my mother, father, and brother. She stirs as she fights for air and I try to hold her. I fight to hold her one last time. She looks to me in pain with blood streaming down her face and begs me to shoot her.

???: Knox. Hey Knox wake up!

I gasp as I sit up in my bunk. My heart thunders in my chest as I breathe hard.

Jane: Knox hey are you okay?

Y/N: W-What happened?

Jane: You were talking in your sleep. Are you okay?

I hold my head in my hand as I focus on controlling my breathing.

Y/N: Yeah...yeah I'm fine.

She rests her hand on my shoulder.

Jane: It's okay if your not fine.

Y/N: It was just a bad dream. Nothing more nothing less.

Jane: Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N: No it was just about someone I used to know.

That woman on the bridge. That was Juliet. If I close my eyes I can still remember her laugh, her voice, the way her eyes glittered in the sun, her blonde hair flowing in the wind and how she always made me feel better about myself.

Jane: Here lets get you some air.

I nod my head as she leads me out of the barracks. We step out into the cool Kronos night. My body reacting with the sudden change of climate shivers a little. A breeze blows and tussles her and my hair.

Jane: Knox?

Y/N: Yeah?

Jane: Whats going on with you?

Y/N: I don't know. I just can't control what I see at night these days.

Jane: Yeah I hear you there.

If anyone's seen hell its Jane. She and her family had always been pro empire and her was a higher up in the empire. The rebels found her and used her to get information from her father. When she changes I can see the physical scars they left on her. But I know the mental scars run deep.

Jane: Feeling any better?

Y/N: You know what yeah I am feeling better. Well sorta, still calming down.

Jane: That's fine, we can stay as long as you need.

And so we stayed talking through the night. And then the morning came. Now my squad got to have some leave time. And where did I end up? A cantina with Natalie.

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