The Dead March Again

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Lez go? Stick around for...something at the end.

Y/N's POV:

I cough violently as the gas blankets us. My throat feels as if it's on fire. My eyes burn like a thousand suns.

To my left I can see Evelyn rolling in the sand as Ace grabs onto his throat before reaching towards the sky.

To my right I see Sandman struggling to his feet. He offers me his hand and I take it as if it'll be only chance at salvation.

Suddenly the cloud is blown away from us. I fall to my knee as does Sandman. I turn behind us and see Oblivion extending his hand before swiping it to the side.

The beach is littered with my men rolling in the sand before stilling and ceasing their struggle.

There are only a few of us who managed to survive the cloud of green death.

I rise my feet as my knees buckle and beg me to lay back down. Raising my rifle I fire into the stunned enemies.

One by one the survivors shakily pull themselves off of the sand. Blood flows from our mouth and cascade down onto our chest pieces staining the battle tested white armor.

Before the entrenched enemy can properly respond we all begin to fire at them. My eyelids feel like lead as I force my body to move forward.

Oblivion stands in front of us for the first time and begins deflecting the enemies blaster shots.

I try to find my voice to call out to my men but the taste of iron fills my lungs. I raise my arm and motion for them to follow behind me.

The enemy now realizing what's going begins to shell the beach with artillery located in the back of the HQ.

Grains of sand embed themselves within every nook and cranny of my armor. My own blood spills out onto the ground.

Ace is the first that I notice to begin firing back. After him Evelyn weak lays on her stomach before joining Ace in picking off key targets.

I fire at an enemy soldier and they drop to the ground dropping their thermal detonator. It goes off and wipes out 3 of his comrades.

Natalie is behind me supporting Jane's weight as the two begin firing back at the enemy before hobbling forward.

Sandman somehow through it all, plants his feet and let's loose a flurry of fire from his mini gun cutting down soldier after soldier.

Brock weakly carries his heavy blaster around his hip and holds down the trigger overheating his gun multiple times.

Doc unholster his pistol as he drags Ethan behind some cover.

I realize that we're missing someone. I survey the sand and find Tyler's unmoving body. His hands around his throat while a puddle of his own blood and lungs paint the ground around him.

Oblivion grabs hold of me and I can see his head moving. It's then my hearing finally comes back to me somewhat.

Oblivion: Move your ass commander!

He starts to advance up the beach acting as a shield detouring the enemies fire from hitting us.

I follow behind him firing out from his right shoulder. Flares fly up into the sky signaling the 501st breaching the enemies perimeter.

We have them surrounded now.

Bombs pound the enemies defenses over and over again. But no matter how many of them fall they seem undeterred.

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