Taking A City

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Leeeeezzzzz gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand in a drop ship with my team minus Sandman and Jane. Although there is a new presence in our drop ship.

Oblivion: Tell me again commander, why come up with a plan that will take longer to execute than my plan?

He seemed rather annoyed at how I managed to ignore his plan for taking the Rakghoul infested city, all while coming up with my own.

Y/N: Sir your plan involved a lot more casualties than my plan.

Oblivion turns to me and I gulp.

Oblivion: Let me make this clear Commander.

He ignites his lightsaber. It's red hue fills the drop ship. He places the blade close to my forehead. My head begins to ache but I do what I can to retain my composure.

Oblivion: You answer to me now. The Emperor may smile upon this battalion.

He begins to inch closer to me. He stands a good 6 inches over me and looks down upon me.

Oblivion: But that does not mean he will not care if you were to fall in battle, be it for insubordination or...unforeseen circumstances.

We continue our staring contests from behind our helmets. I inevitably nod my head.

Oblivion: We will proceed as planned. Impress me Commander.

Our drop ship lands and I'm the first to step out of it. We landed at the west side of the city. Three more drop ships land next to us and out comes an assortment of troops.

Y/N: Ace I want you in that building over there. Evelyn your going with him. I need you two to provide overwatch and drop any of those fuckers if they get behind us.

Ace: Copy that.

Evelyn: You can count on us boss.

They run off to their designated building. I then begin to radio in with the other teams.

Y/N: Sandman how we looking over there?

Sandman: We've landed and are in the process of clearing and securing our building.

Y/N: Good. Corporal?

Jane: All good on my end. We're moving to our building for the ambush.

Our plan involves drawing out the Rakghoul's into a kill zone shaped like a bottleneck.

Y/N: Alright let's move it people!

Me and my squad begin to jog to our spot. We come to an opening where my team will draw out the Rakghouls.

Ethan: Man why is it that we're always doing the stupid shit sir?

Y/N: Lead by example Ethan that's why.

Bruce: Sir we're all set.

Brock: Anything that comes into this bottleneck is going to be blasted to hell.

Ace: We're in position.

Evelyn: We have eyes on the hoard. Seems like these things are in the process of fighting over food.

Ace: Those ugly bastards sure are hungry aren't they?

I look over to Doc and he nods his head to me.

Y/N: Everyone set?

Sandman: Set.

Jane: Just waiting on you sir.

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