C u a r e n t a y ocho

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Willow's POV

My mouth hurt like crazy.

I totally forgot how much it hurt to just have my braces tightened.

My teeth just hurt so much, and I hated having braces.

I was trying to focus on trees that we passed by in the car, trying to ignore my mouth pain.

"Willow, remember to take Tylenol for the pain, eat soft foods, and smoothies will really help." Dr. Winters reminded me as we rounded the corner to the uni's hospital parking lot.

I totally forgot what it felt like to be a cancer patient for just 5 hours, 5 simple hours.

It would be much better if Noah would text me back and tell me that he is okay.

I haven't heard from him, I don't know where he is, I'm just so worried about him, and I don't know what to do.

Dr. Winters parked the car, and I really dreaded going inside the hospital, especially without my Noah.

"Thanks." I mumbled, still causing my mouth to hurt from talking, making me cringe from the pain.

"You're welcome, and try not to talk too much so the pain won't be as bad." He mentioned as I gave him a thumbs and got out if his car.

I slowly walked towards the hospital entrance, and found my way to my room.

Nobody was in there and it looked the same as I left it, but I don't know what Dr. Carraway wants me to do, so I went to go find her or the Chief.

I didn't know if Dr. Carraway had an office, but if she did, I have no idea where it's at. So I just asked one of the nurses in the cancer wing to page her.

I headed off to the Chief's office cause I know where that is.

When I got to the Chief's office, I saw his assistant sitting outside his office at their desk.

"Where's the Chief?" I asked, wondering why his assistant was just chilling at his desk.

"Oh, he's in surgery. For your-I mean for some drunken college student that got in a fight. It must've been pretty bad." The assistant said back.

I swear these college kids get out of control for no reason, they become drunk and do the stupidest shit.

"Okay, well when he gets out of surgery, let him know that I'm back." I said before walking off, not sure where to go.

I ended up just wandering around the hospital.

And I must say that I may or may not have gotten lost.

And I have no idea where I'm at.

I might've taken the elevator down a few floors and past a few hallways.

I finally found a directory and just stared at it, trying to figure it out as random people went by.

I continued to stare at the directory, until I heard a voice behind me.

"Do you need help?"

I turned around to match the voice with the person.

I see a somewhat tall, dark toned male with very brown, almost black hair, and glowing honey eyes standing in front of me, wearing tight black scrubs.

This guy was drop dead gorgeous

But it's too bad, because I have my Noah, a loving and caring boyfriend that I have no idea where he's even at or if he's even alright.

Why is this person still staring at me.

Oh, he asked me if I needed help.

I mean, I'm sure I could find my way on my own.

But, what if Noah or maybe the Chief was back at my room.

I guess I will use his help.

"I wandered around and may or may not have gotten lost. If you could just direct me to the Chief's office, I could go from there." I asked politely, not wanting to reveal why I was at the hospital.

"Sure, right this way. Are you visiting family or friends or.....?" He asked, being super nosy.

"I'm, um, I just needed to talk to the Chief, I'm a dental student so." My answer seemed to please him,  not questioning me anymore, we just walked in silence, him seeming to easily know the way.

"Are you an intern or something?" I asked as we came up on a familiar hallway.

"Something like that, I'm a resident in the cancer wing. I assist the oncologists with their patients and take them to chemo and everything like that. " He explained as we came up on radiology, me realizing where we finally were.

Wait, he said he worked in the cancer wing.

How have I never seen seen him before.

I've only seen Dr. Carraway, the Chief, and two female nurses ever come into my hospital room.

As we came up on the Chief's office, I saw his assistant still sitting at his desk, showing that the Chief still wasn't back at his office.

"And here you are." He said, before mysteriously just walking away.

I didn't know his name or even who we was, just some random resident who helped me.

I don't know what I'm writing about anymore.

And I'm sorry for the slow and random updates.

Any random thoughts or new ideas, just say so in the comments.

Thanks for reading and voting.


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