S e s e n t a y s i e t e

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I was not shocked when Noah didn't have any cavities at all, his teeth were just so perfect. They've always been perfect.

Of course, Noah's exam went with ease and he passed with flying colors.

His cleaning was super simple and his pearly whites were ready to face his random patient on Wednesday, if he can find one.

Now it was my turn, I wasn't super worried because it's just Noah. I was just worried that he would find a cavity and I don't know if I can handle being his patient in front of Dr. Clemens.

I took off my gloves and mask as I hesitantly switched spots with Noah.

He washed his hands and snapped on gloves along with a mask as I anxiously sat in the dental chair, scratching my palms and picking at my hangnails.

"Babe, I'm sure your teeth are beautiful and that there is nothing to worry about." Noah said as he was ready to start, but didn't do anything until I gave him the all clear.

"Can I pretty please start so we can blow this popsicle stand?" Noah basically pleaded as I slowly nodded my head.

"Alright, going back now." He warned as I felt the chair start to move.

As the chair was moving towards 180 degrees, Noah spoke up, trying to make conversation,

"You know if I had to pick a themed room like this, I would pick a library. You know, like an older library with shelves filled with books. The smell of old books just brings happy and comforting memories. Which is why, I'm guessing your happy and comfortable place is a beach."

I didn't respond back to him, I was just trying my hardest to not worry about it teeth.

"Willow, babe. I'm going to look right now, real quick, you'll do great. Come on, I'll show you, just open up and I'll prove to you that I'm right and that you're perfect." Noah suggested, which I cautiously complied, slowly opening my mouth for him.

He grabbed his explorer and mirror and looked at my teeth longer than the basic quick check.

I couldn't see any change in his facial expressions at all.

As he went to quickly move to switch his tools, I shut my mouth and gave a solid look in Noah's direction.

"Where is it?" I asked him, knowing that he would've had to have found a cavity or his facial expressions wouldn't be so blank.

He didn't say anything, he just set his tools down and heavily sighed. So I continued to look at him, waiting for an answer or anything out of him.

"Upper right 4." He said, immediately making the expression that he wished he hadn't said that, since he wasn't expecting my unknown reaction.

Now it was my turn to be silent.

I can't believe I was about to do this.

"I'll be your patient on Wednesday."

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