O n c e

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Bryan has walked away after he put the bed into the machine and I was just laying there waiting for something to happen.

Soon enough, a voice came through the speaker,

"Ok, Willow, the MRI is about to begin. Remember to not move or else we'll have to restart and you don't want that. It should take around 30 minutes." Bryan said right before the melodies of  Vampire Weekend started to flood through the headphones.

The music was barely loud enough than the MRI. There was some parts when the very loud and obnoxious noises of the MRI would stop and I would only be able to hear a Vampire Weekend playing, until the noises frightened me and started again.

I don't even know how much time I wasted, I just hoped that I wouldn't be late to my radiology class. 

Thankfully, there was a long pause and the music stopped, I was hoping it was done.

The bed started to move out of the machine.

Bryan comes over the speaker, 

"Mmhmm, Okay, you're good, I'll be out there in a sec."

He sounded unsure about his response.

I would've immediately gotten out of the bed, but there was still the random cage thing over my head.

I waited a few minutes and saw Bryan come into my view as his gaze tried to avoid mine, well that's weird.

He managed to get the cage thing detached and got my headphones off, but he seemed like he was concentrating on something.

I got off the bed and went to go grab my bag, but I stopped and turned around to look at Bryan.

"What?" I asked, he was acting super weird, he's never acted like this before.

"Huh, oh, nothing. Your scans will be sent to your psychology professor tomorrow, so you'll have them for class. You can go now." Bryan said, sounding unsure, until he smiled at the end, before it slowly faded away.

I cautiously grabbed my bag and looked at Bryan one last time before I left so that I wouldn't be late to radiology class.

Bryan was being super weird for some reason, I hope he still doesn't have feelings for me or something.

I make my way through the chaos of people in the hospital and head towards my radiology class in an office right outside it.

I walked in and remembered that my phone went off in psychology class and I still haven't checked it.

I found a random seat for class and pulled out my phone to check the text, seeing that it was from an unknown number.

Hey it's Noah, what are you doing tonight?

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