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•Jungkook FF•

I Woke Up Because of the sunlight Hitting my Face I Move A Bit When I Feel Someone in my Chest I look at beside me and Saw My Baby Sleeping Peacefully.. Looking cute.. Why would a Girl Like her Look So Angelic and have a Perfect Shape Face.. Oh Sorry Not Sorry She Only Have This Beauty
No one Will beat my Baby's Beauty..
I Leaned Forward To her and Kiss Her Forehead..

Jungkook : Baby Wake up now..We Still have School..Baby
Y/n : Hmmm I'm still sleepy... 5 more minutes baby Pls
Jungkook : Okey.. I'll just take a Warm Shower.. If I finished doing my morning stuff .. When I Came back here I have to be Woken Up Already.. Or Else I'll Punish you Okey?...

She just Nodded at me while Eye's Still close Lucky you I can't Handle your Cuteness and then I kiss her lips before I Stood Up and walk thru the bathroom...and Do my Morning stuff..
After I do my Morning stuff I walk Back To Our Bedroom and Saw Her Still laying down but eyes open It means She Woken up already Good I Walk towards her and seat In the Corner..

Jungkook : Good Morning Princess
Y/n : Good Morning..
Jungkook : How was Your Sleep?
Y/n : Good.. You Oh well I'm sure You have Fun Last Night..
Jungkook : Of course I have Fun..
Y/n : You know My Butt hurts so bad
Jungkook : Am I That Too Rough?
Y/n : Yes!.. I Told you so many time To Slow down But you Wouldn't listen..*Pout*
Jungkook : Ohhh Baby Im Sorry.. You know me Already..
Y/n : It's fine.. Even Though it Hurts I Still love It..*wink*
Jungkook : You wanna Do it? *Smirk*
Y/n : Maybe..*stood up and Walk thru the bathroom*
Jungkook : Yahh Where are you going?
Y/n : Take a Shower Obviously.. I love You *Flying kiss*

With that She Closed the Bathroom door This girl Is Really Teasing me Huh?.. But I like it Just Wait Kim Y/n
I'll Fuck You Later.. And I won't be Gentle on you..Or maybe Not now *smirk*

•Y/n POV•

I Was Done Taking a Warm Shower.. So I wrapped my Body With a Towel And Walk Towards me and Jungkook's Walk-in Closet I Was choosing My Clothes to wear When Suddenly I feel a Muscle Arms sneaking At my Small Waist I flinced at first But then I Realized Who is It.. By just the Smell Of it? I knew Already.. Its Jungkook.. He Then Kiss My Back Neck..

Jungkook : Don't know What To wear?
Y/n : Yeah..
Jungkook : Okey I Got it..

Sometimes When I don't Know What to wear Jungkook Will Choose my Clothes and I like It.. He Turned me around to face me I Looked at him..and He Quickly Lift me up and Make me Seat on the Counter We have in The Closet.. I Chuckled.. And Look at Every Move He Do..
Not so Long He Was Done Choosing it
I smiled and Kiss him Hi Chuckled Between the Kiss I pulled out and Wore my Clothes..And Also Do my Light make up and Curl my hair

And Also Do my Light make up and Curl my hair

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I looked Behind and Saw Him leaning in the Counter Looking at me

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I looked Behind and Saw Him leaning in the Counter Looking at me..

Y/n : Why are you looking?
Jungkook : Why Am I not allowed to look at you?
Y/n : Of course...
Jungkook : Oh really..

He Walk Towards me I stood Up and Wait for him when He Finally Near me I Placed my Hands around his Neck And He Also Placed his Hands on my Waist and Pulled me Closer to Him
Not making Any Space Like Literally No Space for the Air..

Jungkook : I Really wanna Fuck the Hell out of you..
Y/n : Well too bad You can't..
Jungkook : Ohhh Your Teasing me now huh?..
Y/n : I guess yes.. But Control it baby Save It.. You can Do whatever you want to me But not now We have School..
Jungkook : *sign* Fine.. I really hate School Especially The Boys in School are flirting To you..And Trying To Seduce you I really wanna Kill them
Y/n : owhhh My Baby Is Jealous?.. Dont be You know Already that I'm not interested in them I Only focus on you
Nothing else..
Jungkook : Yes I know But Still Angry and Jealous Was taking me Over..
Y/n : Let's not Talk About it and Let's Go Downstairs Everyone must be waiting for us ..

I Give him a Kiss and was About to Walk out but He grabbed my hand and Intertwined With his I Giggled and We both Walk Downstairs..

Y/n : Good Morning Unnie's and Oppa's..
All except you & jungkook : Good Morning Two Maknae..
Jungkook : Baby Let's Eat First Before Going to school
Y/n : Hmm okey...

With that Jisoo Unnie Walk with us and Prepare the Food For us To eat..
We thank Jisoo Unnie and She Went Back to the Living Room..
After Some Couple of Minutes Me and Jungkook was Done Eating So He Took My Plate and His Then Put it in the Sink I Thank Him and Then We Walk Back to The Living room Where The Others...

Namjoon : Your Done Eating?
Y/n : Naee Oppa...
Jennie : Okey Okey Now Let's get going before We will he Late for School
Taehyung : Y/n-sshi!!!!
Y/n : What?!!
Taehyung : nothing.. Hehe
Jin : This Alien Really Like to shout..
Rose : Oppa He Always do that To Y/n Right?
Y/n : Yeah He Always do Unnie Since We we're Still Kids...
Yoongi : we heard him that Thousand time's already..
Jimin : Tae Why are you Like this
Taehyung : Nothing I just Like Seeing my little sis Being Pissed *laughed*
Y/n : Shut up!!
Taehyung : What if I dont want to!!

I was about to Kick him When Yoongi Oppa Cursed... That make Jin Oppa Shout..

Yoongi : Shut the Fuck Up..
Jin : Yahh!!! min yoongi Words!!
Jisso : Ughh I got Enough my Ears Hurts So bad Stop Shouting already
Jennie : Uhhh my Ears hurt

I rolled my eyes and Then We all Went Out from the House and The Unnie's And Oppa was in the Van Me and Jungkook was Just Alone In his car.. We drove off and Then Follow by The Oppa's and Unnie's..
During the car ride Jungkook Always Rubbed my Legs.. Me and Jungkook Exchange phone.. when Suddenly his phone Ring ones So it means someone text I took it and Read the Text..

Y/n : This is a Girl Right?
Jungkook : Who was it?
Y/n : Euhna?
Jungkook : Oh yeah.. For real Baby I didn't give her my number I already Changed my number That the Only have it was you.. the Hyung's and Nonna's I dont know Where did she Get it But I swear Baby I Never Reply on her text nor Calls.. I just Egnore it
Y/n : This Bitch Really Testing me huh?


Euhna : Hi Jungkook Oppa.. I was Wondering if your Free Later Lets Go and Eat Together just The Both of us
Jungkook (You) : Okey.. Meet me In the rooftop Before Class Starts..
Euhna : Oh Okey Oppa Bye..

•End Text•

Cant Wait Bitch.. I'mma Kill you Texting my baby is a Big Mistake On Your life Bitch.. just Wait When I Get There

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