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•Jungkook POV•

I'm glad Y/n is back to me Again.. But the Real Thing Is Im Getting Dizy.. But I Don't Wanna Make Y/n Worried for me.. So I Hadle not to make her Know that Im Not feeling Good... now Me and Y/n was In our Room now We layed down in the Bed I Snuggle in her Neck and Without Noticing I fall Asleep..

•Y/n POV•

Jungkook Was Sleeping in my Neck I Leaned down and Kissed his Head...Then I Closed my eyes cause I wanna Sleep For a While..


I Woke Up From My Sleep.. I looked over to Jungkook and he is Still Sleeping Peacefully Like a Bunny...
I Stared at his Face For the Past Minutes now.. When I Snap back I kiss him and Stood up from the Bed and Went Downstairs..

Y/n : Hi Jin and Namjoon Oppa..
Jin : Oh hello My Princess...
Y/n : What are you both doing?
Namjoon : Jin Hyung is Cooking some food For us And I'm Waiting For it...
Jin : Are You Hungry?
Y/n : Maybe...
Jin : Oh take a Seat My Princess..
Namjoon : Jin Hyung Make a Lot For Jungkook Okey...
Y/n : Why I thought He Dont Like Eating a lot...
Jin : Well.. when You Leave Her Along with Jennie Jungkook Never Eat He Skipped his Meals and he Even Sleep Late at Night Thinking of you...
Namjoon : We Tried Everything just To make him Eat His Food But There's No use To him... and Now Your Back Maybe He Will Eat His foods now...

I feel Bad for him.. He Never Eat? He Always Care About me.. Ughhh.. Jeon Jungkook I Hate You...

Y/n : Oppa I'll Feed Him Can You Prepare A soup For him?
Jin : Sure Honey...
Y/n : Thank You...
Jin : No Problem... Here Is Your Food Eat well..

I Eat The Food Jin Oppa Cook for us.. We talk and Smile together Me and Namjoon Oppa Was Eating while Jin Oppa was Cooking some Soup For Jungkook... after A Couple Of Times I was done Eating my Food.. And Jin Oppa Was also Done Making the Soup.. He Served the Soup And Put It in the Tray I thanked Jin oppa And Took The Tray Then Walk Upstairs In pur Room... When I Entered the Room I Placed the Tray In The Bedside Table and I Walk Towards him and Woke him up...

Y/n : Jungkook?... Baby Woke Up..Baby?
Jungkook : Hmmm...*Woke Up*
Y/n : Seat Down...
Jungkook : *Seat In the Bed* ....why
Y/n : Just Seat... Yah! Why Did You skipped your meals? are You Out of Your Mind?!.. what If You got sick.. What Should I do?!
Jungkook : Im Fine Baby..
Y/n : Your Always Saying Your Fine But You are Really Not!
Jungkook : ......Im Sorry

I looked away...and Make him Worried He Though I was Mad But I'm Really not The Guilt Rushed to me.

Jungkook : Baby.. PLS Im Sorry I was Just Thinking Of you all day and I Didn't Notice that I'm Skipping my meals...Pls Forgive me...

He Bend Towards me and Hug me He Was Kissing my Neck And Jawline.. I Looked at him And Chopped his Face
I stare at His eyes Down To His Lips.. I Quickly Kissed him Passionate..After a Couple of Minutes I Pulled away from the Kiss Then Stood up from the bed and Took the Soup...

Y/n : Eat This Jin Oppa Cook it for you..
Don't even Bother to Say "I dont Want it anymore.. Im Full already" You have To finished it all...
Jungkook : *Giggle* Naeee...But You have To Stay Here Until I Finished it..
Y/n : *Nodded*

With that I gave him the Bowl of Soup and He Start Eating It I Stare at Him In the Whole Time Until He Finished eating..


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