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Me Unnie's Oppa's and Jungkook was on the Way To our House This Day is Really a Tiring Day... when We Finally Arrived home I Quickly Layed Down On the Couch Along with the Others.. Jungkook Seat in the Floor Just Right Beside me Without Noticing I Fall asleep...

•Jungkook POV•

I Turned around to look On Y/n But Then I Saw Her sleeping I Giggled and Kiss her lips I Then Stood Up and Carry her Through our Room so that She Wont Get Disturb... I Kiss her Forehead Before Going to the Bathroom to take a Shower and Change My Clothes.. When I Finished Showering I Took my Hoodie and Short And Wore It... I walk Back To our Room and Look towards Y/n I pulled the Blankets Over to her body And Went Downstairs...

Jungkook : Where's the Girls?..
Hoseok : Sleep They are Really that Tired..
Jin : Our Poor baby's..
Namjoon : Let Them Rest for a Bit...
Yoongi : And Can You all Lower Your Voices Also? I'm Trying to sleep
Taehyung : Your Always Sleeping!!.
Yoongi : Shut the fuck Up!!!!
Jungkook : Yah Stop Shouting.. Our Girl's are Sleeping..
Yoongi : This Mother Fucker was the One Who Start Shouting Though...
Taehyung : I dont Fucking Care..
Jin : Yahhh!!! You both watch Your Mouth Before I Shoved my Sleepers on your Fucking Mouth!!
Namjoon : Your Words Also!!
Jimin : Yah Can You All ShUt Up!!!
Hoseok : Yah won't You all Stop!!!

They are Really Shouting.. When Suddenly We Heard the Doors Make So Loud Bang... We Looked Up and Saw Our Baby Really Pissed Jennie Rose Jisso and Y/n Throw A Pillow To us Then Went Back Inside the Room With tge Loud Bang again...

Jungkook : Look what you all Have Done....
Jimin : Fucking Shit Rose Will Kill me..
Taehyung : Its Not just You Though..
Jin : Jisso Will Chopped me Into pieces Oh godd...

I rolled my eyes at them Then Walk Upstairs to me and Y/n's Bedroom.. I open the Door slowly and Saw Her Trying to sleep She Look at me with a Glare... I walk Towards her and Layed down Beside her...

Jungkook : Im Sorry baby I try To Make Them Stop Shouting but They didn't Stop...
Y/n : Are you one Of Them Shouting?
Jungkook : No Im Not..
Y/n : Ughhh I Can't Sleeo Anymore!!
Jungkook : Im sorry Baby...
Y/n : No No No don't be It's Not Your Fault baby...I swear Im Going to Break they're Bones later..
Jungkook : *Chuckled* Let's Watch Movies?..
Y/n : *Nodded*

I Turned on the Tv on our Room and Took the Remote and Chose a movie in Netflix.. I went Downstairs and Took a Chips and Drinks.. Then Walk back To our Room and Then me and Y/n enjoy the movie Together while We are in Each Other's Embrace...


Y/n : Baby I'll just take a Shower Okey?
Jungkook : Okey.. Ill wait You here..
Y/n : *Nodded*

•Y/n POV•

I Was Done Taking a Shower Now So I Went To our walk-in closet and Where My Comfortable Clothes... I Then Bun my hair..

I walk back to our room Then Me and Jungkook walk Downstairs

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I walk back to our room Then Me and Jungkook walk Downstairs.. and Saw The Unnie's Are Scolding The Oppa's...

Jisso : Who start Shouting?
Jin : Taehyung-sshi...
Jennie : Ohh Then Did No one Dared To Make Them Stop Shouting?
Hoseok : Jungkook Did..
Y/n : Then Who's Also Shouting Some Bad Words?
Jimin : Jin Hyung
Jin : Yahhh!! I was telling You all to watched your Mouth But you all Just Continued it until I Got enough and Say Those words also!
Rose : You all Disturb My Beauty Rest..
Y/n : I dont Really Sure About You As My Brothers though..
Namjoon : I dont know either Why Mom and Dad Had a Two Weird sons
Y/n : From Other Planet I guess Namjoon Oppa..
Jin & Taehyung : Yahhh We Both can Hear You!
Y/n : Then Good...

Me and Unnie's Rolled our Eyes and Walk Towards the Kitchen Leaving the Oppa's They're...


Rose : The Weather Is So Good Though.. wanna Go Swimming?
Jennie : Im In
Jisso : Me Two
Y/n : Me Three..
Rose : The last Person Got change To they're Swim suit Have To Treat us and  Buy Us All a Food.. Game?
Jennie,Jisso & Y/n : Game!!

With that Me and The Unnie's Run Upstairs to our Room and Change our Clothes...


We we're Talking when Suddenly the Girls Run Upstairs to the Room and We Got Confused..

Hoseok : Why are they're Running?
Namjoon : I dont Know...
Yoongi : Oh godd You all Just talking Not Hearing them?
Jin : Why Did You heard Them ?
Yoongi : What Do you think?
Jimin : Yoongi Hyung What Is it?
Yoongi : $100...
Jimin : What?! no!
Yoongi : Then No Also..
Jimin : Ugh Fine!!.*Give Him $100*
Yoongi : Rose Talk and Said "The last Person Got change To they're Swim suit Have To Treat us and  Buy Us All a Food.. Game?" And They All Agreed and Run Upstairs To get Changed..
Taehyung : Oh Swimming Im In With that...
Hoseok : Me Too
Jimin : Me Three..
Jin : Me Four
Namjoon : Im In
Jungkook : I also In

•Y/n POV•

I Was Done Changing my Clothes into a Swimsuit and yeah By the way This is What I Wear

I First Cover my Swimsuit With a White see through Cloth and Then Walk back To the Bedroom then Saw Jungkook

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I First Cover my Swimsuit With a White see through Cloth and Then Walk back To the Bedroom then Saw Jungkook... I went to him and Kiss Him Quick..

Y/n : Go change Into your Swim Clothes I'll  wait you in the Pool Okey?
Jungkook : Okey...

With that I run Downstairs and Run Straight to the Pool and Saw Jennie unnie Sitting in one of the Chairs She giggle and I also Did..

Jennie : We are the First one HAHA
Y/n : Haha E-

I was cut by the Sudden Shout...
Me and Jennie Unnie Look back and Saw jisso and Rose Catching They're Breath She Laughed at them and Theu Just Giggle while Still catching some Ear..

Y/n : Who was the First one?
Jisso : Me and Rose Are tie
Jennie : Then Haha You both have to Order some food For all of us HAHAH
Rose : Fine I'll Order Some Chicken..
Jisso : I'll Order 4 boxes of Pizza

We are Talking and then The Oppa's came hoseok Jimin Jin and Taehyung oppa Quickly Jump into the Pool That Make a Big splash We Laughed at them Jungkook came To me and Seat next to me...

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