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Jungkook and I Was done Taking a Shower Yes We take a Shower Together Happy Now?.. HAHA Just Kidding.. Jungkook Wrapped a Towel Around His Hips And I also Wrapped A Towel all around my body Then While I was Brushing my teeth Jungkook Came Behind me and Back Hug me..He Placed his Chin on my Shoulder and he was Inhaling My neck....

Jungkook : *Sniffing* Hmmm Smell So Good as Always.. I love It...
Y/n : Baby Stop Hugging me and Just Brush Your Teeth...
Jungkook : I'll do that later I Just Want to hug my baby...

I chuckled and Wash My mouth.. I Wipe The Water from my Mouth and walk Through Our Walk-in Closet... Jungkook was Following me Wherever I go.. I Faced Him and Stare At his brown Eyes...

Y/n : Come on Baby Go Get Change..
Jungkook : But I wan-
Y/n : You can Hug me As Long as you want Later...
Jungkook : Really? then What if I say That I Dont Want Just a Hug I want Kisses from You and more...
Y/n : I'll Let You Just Go and Get Ready..
Jungkook : Promise?
Y/n : Promise...
Jungkook : Okey ..I Love You Baby
Y/n : I love You more..Now Go and Wear the Clothes I Prepared Lately..

With that He Kissed me one Last time and Start Wearing His Clothes While I Do The Same.. After I Put on my Clothes I Put on my Heels and then Do my hair and Makeup... And this is what We Looked like...

 And this is what We Looked like

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Me and Jungkook Walk Out From the Room and went Downstairs We Excuse ourselves to the Oppa's and Unnie's that we are Going out

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Me and Jungkook Walk Out From the Room and went Downstairs We Excuse ourselves to the Oppa's and Unnie's that we are Going out.. When We Get They're Permission We Walk out from the Room and He open the Door for me and I Hoped in.. We Closed the car Door and Went to the Other Side of the Car Then seat on the Driver seat.. He Kissed my Forehead Before starting the Engine and Drove Off..

Y/n : Where are You Taking me?
Jungkook : Let's Eat First then Go Shopping For Our Competition I want My Girlfriend to be Stunning.. *Hold My Hands*
Y/n : *Giggle* Really Cheesy HAHA but thank you Baby...
Jungkook : Your Welcome as always.. Anything for you Just to make you Happy..
Y/n : *Smile*

Me and Jungkook are Talking The reat of the ride.. Not so long we arrived at the Fancy Restaurant.. He Stepped out from the car and open the car door for me Then Help me Get out From the Car.. When I Finally Outside He Closed the car and lock It.. I Looked at him and Smile He Do the Same and Kiss me on the lips and Forehead... He then Placed his Hands On My Waist then Walk Inside The Restaurant We Walk Towards to the receptionist..

Receptionist : Good Day Mr.Jeon and Ms.Kim... Are You Going In Now Sir Maam?
Jungkook : Yes...
Receptionist : okey Follow me plss.

We Followed the Guy Caused He lead us Our Table that Jungkook must be Reserved it Before.. Jungkook Pulled The Chair and I take a Seat I Thanked him and Then He Also take His seat...
Jungkook Ordered us some Foods from the waiter.... When the Waiter walk away To Prepare our Food.. Me and Jungkook talk Together...
After a Couple of Minutes our Food Arrived and We Start Eating it.. Smiling Talking and Laughing Together...


Y/n : Is It Nice Baby?
Jungkook : *Look at me From Head to toe*... Fucking yeah..
Y/n : *Smile*.. Baby Let's But this Couple clothes... I think It looks Good and Cute on you...
Jungkook : Okey Baby...

After Chosing some of Clothes We All Payed it and Went to the Other Shop... Me and Jungkook Buy A Lot of Couple Clothes for Me and Him.. I Dont Know We Find It Cute Though Like What We Wear Today Hehe.. and By the way We Also Buy some Clothes For the Unnie's And Oppa's We all Have the Same Clothes.. That Was Jungkook's Idea And I Like It... The Clothes we Buy Is A lot now... We Happily Spend our time together... And When We Got Home Already Jungkook was Always Kissing Hugging Giving me Small Hickey everywhere and I Just Let him Cause I Made a Promise..and I Woke Broke It Like I Do Before..

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