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Jungkook Oppa's and The Unnie's are Now Swimming in the pool I just Stay In the Chair While Eating some Pizza..

Jennie : Yahh Y/n-sshi Come on Jungkook Is Lonely Over Here...
Y/n : I'll just Finished This Unnie...
Jungkook : Baby...
Y/n : Yes?..
Jungkook : Come on...
Y/n : Wait baby I'm still eating...

I watched the Others Having Fun I Mostly Laughed at Taehyung Oppa and Hoseok Oppa.. When Suddenly Jungkook came So wet and He is Really looking Hot as Fuck.. He Walk Towards me And Leaned Over To me..

Y/n : B-baby?
Jungkook : Your Still eating huh?
Y/n : Just Go and Swim baby I'll Catch you up...
Jungkook : *Smirk*
Y/n : Y-yah What's with that Evil Smirk-

I was Shocked when He Quickly Carry me and Jump on the Pool..We Both swim up and Then I Wipe My face Cause I Cant See Clearly Because of The Water Dripping To my eyes.. Jungkook Then Swim Down and Went To me And Placed his hands on my waist And I Placed my Left Hand around his Neck...

Y/n : Baby...
Jungkook : What? I want you too swim with me.. but you're Just Eating a Pizza So that I carry You and jump Right away.. Now Your With me..
*Smile innocent*
Y/n : *Smile and Chuckled*
Jungkook : I love You.. *Kiss*
Y/n : I love You too
Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin : Overload Sweetness... Ouch Ants Everywhere..

Me and Jungkook Chuckled at them and Then We Just Enjoy the moment and Swim Under...


I woke Uo Early In the Morning I Saw Jungkook Still Sleeping I Leaned over To him and Kiss His Lips and Forehead.. I was about to Stood Up and Went to the bathroom when Suddenly My Phone Rangs I Looked at the Caller ID and Its From Ms.Eun I answer it...

  •On the Phone•

Y/n : Hello?
Ms.Eun : Good Morning Kim Y/n.. I'm Sorry With the Morning Call Did I disturb your Sleep or something?
Y/n : Oh No Ms.Eun I up Already when You call.. Is There Any Problem? Ms.Eun?
Ms.Eun : Oh No I Just Call Because I Excuse to the Principal along with your Teachers that You and The others are not Going to attend The Class Cause Your Going to practice Today...
Y/n : Ohh okey Ms.Eun..
Ms.Eun : And No need to tell The Others Cause I tell them already.. Just tell Your Brothers Your Oppa's  Unnie's and Jungkook.
Y/n : Naee Ms.Eun
Ms.Eun : Okey Today At Dance Room Okey 8:20 all should be come On time One pack All One.. I have to go Y/n..Bye
Y/n : Bye Ms.Eun

•End Call•

"Rude Anyways I have to Take a Bath and Tell The Others"...I walk To My Bathroom and Take a Warm Shower.. Few Minutes Later I was Done Taking a Shower I Wrapped my Towel on my Body and Walk Thru our Walk-in Closet Then Where My Clothes..and Put my Light make Up on Fixed my Hair a bit and Put on my Shoes..

and Put my Light make Up on Fixed my Hair a bit and Put on my Shoes

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I Walk back To our BEDROOM and Woke Jungkook Up

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I Walk back To our BEDROOM and Woke Jungkook Up...I walk Towards Him and Seat in the Corner of the Bed..

Y/n : Baby?.. Baby Woke Up now and Get Ready..
Jungkook : Hmm Yes baby Im Up..
Y/n : Come on Stood Up..
Jungkook : Hmmm *Still Eye's Closed*
Y/n : Baby!
Jungkook : Yeah yeah im Sorry...Good Morning Baby..
Y/n : Good Morning.. Now Go and Take a Shower I'll wait Downstairs Okey..
Jungkook : Okey

I kissed him On the Lips and lastly on his Head I walk Out From the Room and Walk The Others...

(Time Skip)

I finally Woke them Up and Told them What Ms.Eun Told me I Walk Downstairs and Went Into the Kitchen and I Decided to cook some Breakfast for all of Us...Real Quick I know How to Cook okey It's Just Jin oppa and Jisso Unnie Always The One Who Cook us Some Foods..
I Was Cooking some Pancakes For Us and Some Waffles when Suddenly Someone Hug me From Behind I flinced A Little bit And I Recognize Who was It And Its Jungkook.. He Inhale my Neck And kiss My Shoulder

Jungkook : My baby Really Smells so Good...*kiss my Neck*
Y/n : *Chuckled* Baby Go and Take a Seat Im Almost Done...
Jungkook : Hmm Okey Baby...

I was Cooking the Last Pancake Then Put It in the Plate I Turned Around and Saw Jungkook Looking at Me..I Rolled my Eyes and Just Put Some Plates for me jungkook Oppa's and Unnie's.....

Hoseok, Taehyung : Good Morning Love Birds..
Jin, Jisso : What's that Good Smell?
Jisso : Oh Y/n-sshi Did you cook this?
Y/n : Naee Unnie
Namjoon : Ohhh Wait Im Going to eat Now..
Taehyung : Yah Yah Wait Me Too!
Rose : Also Me
Jennie : Mine!

They all Take a Seat And Start to eat they're Pancakes And Waffles I Took a Seat Beside Jungkook and We Both Start to eat Our Foods...

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