|• Forty- eight •|

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•Y/n POV•

It's Been a Week Since I Got Discharge From The Hospital Im All Good Now My wound Was Geeting Good day by day Jungkook Well He Really Didn't Go To work Just To keep an Eyes On me I Told him that I'm Fine but He Just said No and I Can't do anything.. Anyways Me Eunbi and Jungkook was here In the Garden Sitting in the Grass And with of course With Picnic  Stuff watching The Big Fish Pond We Have Eunbi Was Feeding The Fish While I Was Laying down my Head To Jungkook's Lap...

Y/n : We did A good Job For Growing Up eunbi In a Good Way..
Jungkook : Yeah We did.. *Smile*
Y/n : Why dont you go back To Work?..
Jungkook : ...I want to stay With The Three Of You.. I let Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok hyung To took care of The Company..

I sign and then Sit up Then Looked at Him In The Eyes He Stare deep Through my eyes and Then Quickly Grabbed My Back head and Pulling me To Him He Smashed His Lips To Mine And Then Kiss me Aggressively.. I Chuckled and Kiss him Back.. After some couple of Times I Pulled away before Spoking To Him..

Y/n : Yah Eunbi Is Here..
Jungkook : So What? Can't I Get a Aggressive Kiss From my Wife?
Y/n : Not That I Didn't want To But It's Just Eunbi Is still Young To see This Kind Of Stuff ..
Jungkook : *Nodded* I Got It.. But don't forget Baby.. You still have some Punishment From Me...
Y/n : Oh I'm Dead..
Jungkook : Get Ready For that *smirk*
Y/n : Love!!!!
Jungkook : Do You want me To do it Now?.. If You Agree I'll Definitely Do It..
Y/n : Noo!!. Not Until You catch me and Eunbi!! *laugh*
Jungkook : Ohhh Okey I can Catch You Both *Smile*
Y/n : Eunbi Run!!!!! *running*
Eunbi : Ahhhhhhh!!! no no Daddy Not me!!! ahhaha AHHHHHHH *Running away*
Jungkook : I will catch you Both so I Can Get My Reward from Mommy and You *smirk and Smile*
Eunbi : No You can't Catch Me!!!! *giggling*
Mommy Run Faster!!!!

Eunbi Was Running around The Pond While Jungkook was Pretending To Run Slowly and then Catch Her Eunbi Was laughing While Jungkook is Carrying Her In His Arms I was Smiling and Chuckling Non Stop While Looking at The Cute view In front Of me.. Jungkook then gave Eunbi a Kiss On The Forehead before Looking towards me With a Smirk "Oh no I Better Run!!" With that I  Turned around and Quickly run Around While Jungkook was Running Behind Me He Almost got me Well I Forgot That his a Fast Runner Shit  I run around The Tree Trying To avoid him Eunbi was Chuckling While she is Still In Jungkook's Arms Not so Long I was Running More Slow Because I was exhausted I Stop For a Bit Breathing Heavily Totally Forgot that Jungkook was Catching Me And When I Looked Begin me He was Already There smirking I Flinched a Bit Then Try To Run away again but I Failed He Caught me... he then spin us around...

Jungkook : I got You Both *Laugh*
Eunbi : HAHAH Mommy Flinched a Bit When  he Saw Daddy Behind Her *Giggle*
Jungkook : Now Can I Have My reward From You Mrs. Jeon?..
Y/n : Yahh Eunbi Is here Dont talk In front of her Like That..
Eunbi : What Reward daddy?
Y/n : See *Playfully Rolled my Eyes*
Jungkook : My Reward From Mommy Is...
Y/n : *Look at Him* Heyyyy
Jungkook : Is To Gave you a chocolate...
Eunbi : Really?!!! Mommy You Will let me eat a Chocolate again?
Y/n : Ahahaha Y-yes Baby...
Eunbi : Yay Thank you Mommy thank you Daddy!!!! *kiss* That's My Reward For You Daddy! hehehe
Jungkook : Your Welcome baby.. Go And Get some But Do Not eat Too Much okey?
Eunbi : Okey!!!

With that Jungkook Put Eunbi down And she then run Back Inside the House to Get Some Chocolates... Jungkook Look towards me With that Evil smirk Written On His Face I Gulp in Nervousness and Laugh Sarcastically..

Jungkook : Now Since I Caught you both... 5 Rounds In Bed?...
Y/n : I'm Stupid for Coming Up with That Just by Catching Us both...
Jungkook : You can't Do anything Now Baby.. Deal is a deal...*wink*
Y/n : I'm really Dead..

Time Skip

Me, Eunbi and Jungkook Just got done eating our Dinner.... now eunbi was in her Room taking a Warm Quick shower before going To bed...While Jungkook was also taking a Shower.. I was on My pajamas Already and right Now Im just applying Some Skin care In my Face and Brushing My hair Before I go to Bed.. after I did My Thing I   stood Up from The Chair and Was about to Walk Towards the bed When Suddenly The Bathroom door Opened Reveling Jungkook With His Pajamas But without The Top He was shirtless Well actually He Always sleep Without a shirt...He Come Towards Me and Sneak His Hands Around my Hips While I Just Placed my hands around his Neck...

Jungkook : I Will Not Yet do the Punishment tonight...Cause We both dont want Eunbi to hear Weird Noise's Coming From Her Mom and Dad's Room.. But.. I will Tomorrow..
Y/n : *Pout* Ugh God Please help Me..But How about eunbi?
Jungkook : Since the Hyungs and Nonna's want To spend some Time with Eunbi I Decided to Let eunbi stay with them for a couple of days.. So that We  both can Do anything we Want and spend Our Time together..Is that fine with You?
Y/n : ...Yeah.. I mean eunbi Also Want to be With the Others so Its fine I know she Will Have a lot of fun with them...
Jungkook : *Smile and just Look at me*
Y/n : What's wrong?
Jungkook : Nothing... it's just Up until Now I Can't believe that your still mine After a lot Of Things that happened to us..Im the most Luckiest Man in The world To have a Wonderful, adorable, Sweet and the Most beautiful Girl I've Ever encounter With.. The girl That I've been admiring for such a long years And Now She was my Wife the one and only Mrs. Jeon..*Smile and kiss my head*
Y/n : *Smile and kiss him* So do I... I'm Also so Lucky to have a Such Handsome and Wonderful Husband  The one and only Mr.Jeon Jungkook Who was the guy that Stayed With me For all this years With his whole Life and For loving me from The bottom of Your heart I love You Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook : I Love you To so Much My Jeon Y/n..*We Kiss*

The Kiss was Full of Love We kiss For a long time Then I decided to pulled away and then kiss his nose And jawline before Spoking to him..

Y/n : We better go to Bed Now I Need a lot of beauty rest I Need more energy for tomorrow *Chuckled*
Jungkook : Ohhh right You Better Sleeo tight Cause it Wont Be  a easy  sex baby...
Y/n : Oh Please dont be...
Jungkook : Good night my love...*Kiss me again*
Y/n : Good night too Daddy *Giggle*
Jungkook : Fuck Now I can't wait for Tomorrow...

We Both Chuckled and then tugged under the Blanket Jungkook Pulled me To him and let me Layed My head To his warm chest He Put his arms Around me While smelling my Scent Then we Both Drift to a deep Sleep together...

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