|• Forty- five •|

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•Y/n POV•

Its Been 5 days Now And I'm Getting Weaker Sehun Keep Hurting me I'm Hoping Jungkook and The Other Is Going To save Us As soon as Possible Cause I Can't Hold It Any Longer Now... While Eunbi Was Taking Care Of Me Sehun Entered the Room with Full Of Anger I Dont Know Why But He is Really Mad He Walk Towards me and Grabbed me By My Hair and Throw Me Back To The Floor Eunbi Was Trying To Stop Him By Pulling His Shirt

Eunbi : Stop It!! don't Hurt My Mommy!! Stop! *Crying*
Sehun : Stay out of This You Little Shit!

He Pushed Eunbi hard away from Him and make Her Lay In The Floor and Her Hands Got Cut By the Piece If a Broken Glass I Managed To Stand Up and Run towards Eunbi Who was Her Hands Bleeding already...

Y/n : Don't Hurt My Daughter!!!!
Sehun : Shut Up!! She is Not Going To be Your Daughter anymore Sooner or Later You Got That?!!
Y/n : I Won't Let That Happened You Son Of A Bitch!! Your a Psycho A Bullshit Pyscho!!
Sehun : What Did You Call Me?!!!
Y/n : Are You a Deaf? I already Shouted What I said and Still You Didn't Heard me?!! What a Sh-

I saw his Hands Clenching In Anger He Throw Me again In The Floor and Kick My Stomach I groaned in pain But I Can't let him Hurt My Baby so I Place My Hands In front of My tummy as a defence for My Baby Inside Me...

Eunbi : Dont kick her stomach!! There's a baby Inside My mommy's tummy!!!! Stop!!!!

Sehun Stop from kicking me then look towards Eunbi Before looking back To me.. He Kneel Down And Grabbed My jaw....

Sehun : So your Pregnant again Huh? with who?!
Y/n : *Silent*
Sehun : Answer Me!!!!
Y/n : Who do you think Got me pregnant again?! Of course My husband.. my one and Only Husband jeon jungkook...
Sehun : Your really a slut!!
Y/n : Ohhh I'm Ashamed that's you.. letting Every girl fuck so tell me who's the real Slut now!!

He clenched his Jaw in Madness then slapped me hard that make my corner lips bleed I just Looked away and Split the Blood out from my mouth..
He stood Up And took Something In His Pocket When I Look Into It Its My Phone He Then Let me See it and Wave It In front of me... Before Opening It since I didn't Put Any Password and Called Someone Eunbi Run Towards me still Crying A Bit and Hug me I hug her back and try To Calm Her Down by Kissing Her head and Telling her That Its Fine...

•Jungkook POV•

Jungkook : When Are We Making a Move!!!?
Yoongi : Jungkook Chill We just Need To Wait Until We are Ready Dont Worry We'll get Them back as Soon as Possible..
Taehyung : Yeah right.. But we dont Know If They are Fine What If They are Hurting Them...
Namjoon : Y/n is Strong She Will Protect herself and especially Eunbi-

Namjoon Hyung has Been Cut by his Sentence by My Phone Ringing I Took It From My Pocket and Take a Look Who was Calling Me And When I Saw The Caller ID I Widened my eyes Its Y/n who was Calling Me The Others are Also Shocked I Quickly Answered it and Put it on A Speaker...

•On Call•

Jungkook : Hello Baby? are You Okey? Are You Both Okey?

Y/n : This is not Your Wife Jeon Jungkook.. Its me Sehun.. Its been a Long Time *Chuckled*

Jungkook : ....You piece of Shit! Where are They?!!!

Y/n : Ohh Dont Worry Jungkook I Took Good Care For The Both of them..

Jungkook : Don't You Ever Dare To Touch them!!!

Y/n : Hmmm I don't Know about that Jeon Jungkook.. Oh By the way I didn't Know That Y/n Is Pregnant again.. And Knowing that Its Your Child Make's me Really mad And Want To Hurt Both Of Your Child

•  •  •

I was Shocked To hear that Y/n is pregnant and they Are In Danger The Hyungs Was Also Suprise along with The Nonna's...

Y/n : Why aren't you Responding Jungkook? You Didn't know?

Jungkook : Where Are They!!! I swear Sehun If You Hurt Them I Will Kill You

Y/n : ohh I'm sorry Jungkook But I Already Hurt Them... They are here with me actually Wanna See Them?
Come here Tomorrow Afternoon Just You.. Make Sure You wont Come With a Police and Your Friends Or Else Im Going To Kill Them I'm Giving A warning jeon Jungkook... see You *Chuckled*

•End Call•

Before I Could Say Anything He End the Call I Brushed My Hair Back in Frustration I Turn off My Phone and Throw It Across The Living Room...

Jennie : Y/n is Pregnant? when?. Jungkook Did You Know About This?
Jungkook : I Don't She Didn't Tell Me..

After I Spoke... The Maid (Maria) Entered the Room and Bowed To Us we Looked Over To her and She Then Speak..

Maria : Mind If I Tell You Something Mr.Jeon? Mr./Ms.?
Jungkook : What Is It?
Maria : Actually Mrs.Jeon Just know That She Was Pregnant the Day After They've been Caught.. Eunbi Told Us Mr.Jeon...
Jungkook : *silent* Then Why did You Just Let Them Go and Buy Some stock's for the House?!.
Maria : Mr.Jeon I Was About To But Mrs.Jeon stop me and she Said she Want To do It Since they are Going To Buy Some Ice Cream Because Eunbi Want's it...

I close My Eyes From Frustration Now I'm More Scared and Worried Than Before My Wife Is Pregnant With Our New Baby... Eunbi Was Crying Over The Phone Lately... They're Must Be Hurt I Must Come and save Them Quick....

Jungkook : I'll Go Tomorrow..
Jisso : By Yourself?
Jungkook : I Have To Nonna.. I Must Save Them Especially My Wife Is Pregnant What If Something Bad Happened.. And Im Not In They're Side To Protect Them.. I made a Promise To The Both Of Them That I'm Going To protect them No matter what..
Rose : Jungkook We Know That But still Its Dangerous.. You Need Us Together We will Save Them...
Jungkook : How?
Hoseok : I Come Up With a New Plan..*Smirk*


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