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•Y/n POV•

I was Here In Our Room Sitting down while Playing with my Phone Jungkook was in The Closet putting Some Clothes that I Bought Yesterday.. I stood From the Bed I was About to go to Jungkook to help him Then My Tummy hurt so bad I looked down and I Think My water broke I Shouted at jungkook...Not so Long He Came Running Looking worried He Come to me and Gave me Support from standing..

Jungkook : Baby Are You Okey?..
Y/n : Noo I think Im going to gave Birth now!
Jungkook : Omo Naee Let's go To the Hospital...

Jungkook Carry me And Quickly Run Carefully Downstairs The Oppa's and Unnie's Followed us Too Jungkook Put me in the Front seat then He Hold my Hands And drove off I was Gripping on his Hands hard...Jungkook was Keep Kissing the Back Of My hand I Was Really Sweating Right now... after The Ride We Finally In The Hospital.. Jungkook Shouted for Help.. Then The Nurse's Took me In The delivery room...

•Jungkook POV•

I was Outside In The Delivery room The Hyung's and Nonna's Came To me.. I was Walking Back and Forth Hoping That Y/n  Will Gave Birth Normal.. It's The Day to see Our Baby.. This is What We've been Waiting For..The Hyung's Try To Let me Calm..

Jin : Jungkook-shi it's Fine Y/n can Do This..
Namjoon : Chill Jungkook.. Stop Walking Back and Forth This Will Go Smoothly..
Yoongi : For real I Got Dizzy watching Jungkook Walking Back And Forth...
Jungkook : Hyung it's The Day.. we are Finally gonna Be a Parent... we are family now.. We Will See Our Baby Now
Hoseok : Yes Jungkook this is What You've Been Waiting For...
Jimin : Yeah Right Now Relax Take a Seat...

The Hyungs Nonna's and Me Wait For The Doctor To come Out.. I Was Really Worried about My Two Princess... I Hope The Delivery Is Going Smooth..


Its Been 59 minutes And The Doctor Was Still Not Out Saying That It is Good now...
I was Worried More..

Jungkook : Hyung The Doctor Still Not Come Out Yet Hyungs I'm Worried About Them...
Jisso : Jungkook It's Fine.. Y/n is Strong She can Do This ..Trust Her..
Jungkook : Thank You Nonna's and Hyungs For Comforting Me I was just Worried About Y/n and Our Baby...
All : Your Welcome Jungkook Just Relax In There Chill The Doctor Will be Out In any Second..

I waited Patiently To the Doctor.. The Nonna's went Out to Buy Some Foods For Us.. A Couple Hours Later The door Swang Open I Quickly Stood up and Walk Towards the Doctor...

Doctor : Any Relation With Kim Y/n?
Jungkook : Im The Boyfriend And Her Brothers...
Doctor : Ohh Im Sorry For Taking So Long Y/n can't Really Push really Much But It's Good Now..
Jungkook : Can I See Them Now?..
Doctor : Yeah But The Baby Was still Getting Clean Up.. Y/n was Got Transfered to other Room her room was 104 by the way
All : Thank You Doc...
Doctor : Your Welcome I'll Take My Leave now Just Call Me If You Need Anything.. I'll be In My Office.. Excuse me...

With that We Bowed To the Doctor I Quickly went To Y/n's Room Followed by the Others... When I Entered The Room We Saw Her And Our Baby In Her Arms I Smile Seeing The Beautiful Sight In front Of Me..
She Noticed me And She Gave me a Warm Smile...I did The Same And Walk Over To her and Our Baby... I Looked at Our Baby's Beauty... she Really Look Like Y/n Had An Angelic Perfect Face and There's a part That She really Got My Mouth and A Mole Under The Mouth... I smile and Then Kiss Her Head Gentle Along with Y/n.. Y/n then Let me carry Our baby I Slowly Carry her In my arms I chuckled When She Snuggle Her Face In My Chest Just Like her mom...

Jin : Owww She Really Look so beautiful Like My Princess...
Namjoon : She Got Jungkook's Lips and The Mole Under Her Lips..
Rose : omo she Is So Cute!..
Jennie : Congrats Y/n and Jungkook..
Y/n : Thanks Unnie's and Oppa's...
Taehyung : Y/n-sshi Your A Mom Already!!
I can't Believe It..*Fake Crying*
Y/n : ahhh Oppa *Giggled*
Yoongi : Congrats about That Y/n-sshi
Jihyo : Congrats Our Y/n
Jisso, Dahyun : Omg So Cute!.. Congrats The Both Of You..
Hoseok : Your Here Now Little One When your grow up I'll Teach You Dance Like I said Before Hehehs
Jimin : I'll Teach you Sing Too Little One

We all Chuckled At Them while Looking at Our new born Baby.. For real This is The Best Thing Happened To me The Best Things in ny Life Was Y/n and Our Baby They are My first Priority They are My weakness.. and Of course the Hyung's and Nonna's They are Also The Best Things Happened to me When They Came To my Life.. I promise this To myself that I'm Going to Protect them No Matter what Even If I Have To Sacrifice myself I will Do It Just For Them...

•Y/n POV•

The Oppa's went Out To Buy some Food For Us Since I'm Hungry and They are Hungry too.. The Nurse Took Our Baby For Now Cause Our Baby Needs rest.. So It's Just Me and Jungkook in the Room Jungkok was Always Kissing my hands While Looking At Me I chuckled at him and I Grabbed his Neck Then Smashed his Lips On Mine I kiss him Full of Love and Passionate.. He Put His Hands On My Waist and The Other One Was in My Cheeks.. After The Long kiss We Had We Both Broke The Kiss and Stare At Each Other's Eyes I Then Spoke..

Y/n : Baby Thank You..
Jungkook : For What Baby?..
Y/n : For staying at My side When I Need You
...And For Not leaving Me When You know That Im Pregnant.. and For All You have Done To Me Thank You So Much..*Kiss*
Jungkook : Don't Be Baby.. I did that Because I Love You and I Don't wanna Hurt you and Especially I Dont Want To Leave You... you Are The Best Gift Of My Life You and Our Baby.. *Smile*
Y/n : I Love You...
Jungkook : I Love you too baby..

The Best day ever.. The Best Things Happened to me To us.. I'm lucky to have Him In My life I Chose the Right one.. and I will Love Him No matter what.. During my Struggles and Worst Day He Was There.. Staying at my Side He Wouldn't Leave When I Said So.. He Is Different from Other People's But When It Comes to me His Soft Sweet loving caring and More.. I'm Definitely will Love this Guy With my Whole life...

After Some Time The Oppa's and Unnie's came With Foods We all Then Eat The Foods ..have Some Time Together.. I love them All so Much They Support us every time especially My Brothers ..Jin Namjoon and Taehyung oppa They stay with Us They Support us Even Though we did the Wrong Thing at first (Pregnant) But for me Now that Me and Jungkook's baby Is here now She is a Blessing To me and Jungkook Im Happy Just To Have Them In My Life so Happy ..

A/n : Real Quick Sorry About Not Publishing
Some Chapters over Here I Was Really Tried when I got Done With my Work So Pls Understand.. Anyways Check My Other book "LOVE GAME" Pls Show Some Support for me I will do all My best for you All Guys..💕

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