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•Jungkook's POV•

I Was In My Office signing All The Paper works By The Clients.. When Suddenly Someone Knocked on My Office Door and Went Inside I Didn't Really Pay Any Attention Cause I want This to be Done So That I Can Go and Pick Up Eunbi From School Just What She Ask for...

??? : Hey Jungkook

The Girl Spoke I Looked up To See Who is it ..and Its My Client who Was Trying to Seduce me For about 4 MONTHS now and I Didn't Tell this To Y/n cause I Don't Want Her To come With Her Real Attitude Again You Know Like How She Use To... I Raised My Left Eyebrow Before Speaking....

Jungkook : Where Is Your Manners?
??? : Ohhh Im Sorry about That Ju- Mr.Jeon
Jungkook : What do You Want? Can You Just Go Out If All You Just Want Is To Flirt With me...
??? : Ohhhh Im Sorry Again But You Know Mr.Jeon Can You Notice Me Please Like Babe Ive Been Trying To Take Your Attention But There is No Use.. What's Was Y/n have That I Dont?
Jungkook : A Lot she Is Different From You Nancy Now Get The Fuck Out Of My Office Or Else I'll Do Something You Wont Like at all... And Real Quick Stop Trying To Seduce Me Cause I Will Never Ever Fell Of  your Stupid Games And Don't Even Try To Bother My Family....
Nancy : A Lot Huh?!.... Jungkook she is Useless Especially Your Daughter !!!! How can You Have a Family With That Stupid Bitch She just Want Your Body Jungkook wake Up!!...

I got Enough With her I Stood Up from My Chair and Slap Her Hard.. She Groaned In Pain I Looked at Her Really mad Like I Was about to kill her Anytime right Now.. She Hold Her Cheeks and It's Burning Red Now That's What She Got for Saying Some Mean and Bad Things To my Family.. No One Will Ever do That...

Jungkook : Don't You Ever say Some Bad Things for my Family ever again... Like I Said Earlier Do Let me Do Something You Will Regret Doing It... but I Don't Have To suffer Seeing Your Slut face over and Over Again I Got Enough With It ...
Nancy : W-what Do Y-you Mean?
Jungkook : *smirk* You're Fired!!... you Are no Longer Working At My Company Got That?!!... Now Get out!!!
Nancy : I Hate You Jungkook I Hate You!!!!
Jungkook : Then Hate Me I Don't My Even Give a Shit About It...Now Don't Waste my Time And Just Run Away To Your Guys...Cause Everytime I See Your Face and The Way you touch me I Fell Disgusting..

Her Tears Fall From Her Eye's and Fall Down In The Floor Crying I Just Stood There Not Caring anything When Suddenly Someone Came In And It's My Girl Y/n She Look Over To The Floor and saw Nancy she then Look up To Me and I Gave Her a Smile... before walking Towards Her and Gave Her a Open Arms and Kiss her Forehead...

Y/n : What Is Happening In here?
Jungkook : I Was Just Lecturing Her baby For saying a Mean Words to You and Our Daughter...

she Lift her right Eyebrow then Look down towards Nancy Her Expression Changed The expression I Like Seeing In Her Face Before I miss her being Like that You know A Bad Girl...She Then Beaned down To Nancy's Level And Look at Her cool Temper And Her Eyes That Could Kill Someone By Just Staring at It...

Y/n : Did You Really Say Some Bad Things to My Daughter?... Who are You By the way.. did You Have the Right To Say That To My Family and.. Why are You In My Man's Office?... You're Not Allowed To come In Here Right? ...... Use Your Words Bitch!
Nancy : *Flinced* I Im Sorry Y/n .... im sorry
Y/n : Did I Ask You Too Say Sorry? no Right? now Answer all My Questions With No Lie!!
Nancy : Im Nancy..Im One of Jungkook's Client...Y-Yes Im Not Allowed in here But Still I Went In here.. Y-Y/n I-I Mean Mrs.Jeon Im Sorry About Saying Mean Things over To You and Your Daughter Im Just Really Jealous Over You and Jungkook...*Crying*
Y/n : Why are You Here?...
Jungkook : She is Trying to Seduce me Baby...
Y/n : ..... Really?
Nancy : .... Y-Y-y/n Plss Forgive me I'll stop just Pls Forgive me...Mrs.Jeon
Y/n : That's Hard.. Did You Know That I Miss Beating Someone? Like Torturing someone and never Stop Until She or He Will almost die?

•Y/n POV•

I got enough by talking now I Quickly Slapped her Hard in The face And She Stubble Back Crying She Was About to Walk Away But Then I Pulled Her back And Let Her Face me She Was Scared as Hell I Smirk at Her..I Then Pushed Her And That Make Her Fall To The Floor I was Nearly Gonna Do Really Bad here In Jungkook's Office But Luckily I Stopped myself I Grabbed Her Chin and Let her Look at me..

Y/n : I'll Gave you a Chance Right Now Okey.. But Make Sure You won't Come near My Man Again and Don't Even bother to stepped Here In His Office not even a Single Muscle of your and Say Some Bad Words In my family I really want To Let You Fired So That You Will Lose Your Job But Still  I Have A Heart So I'll Gave You a Chance But If I Heard That You did Something That I Won't Like I'll Never Hesitate To Dragged You Out Of The Building and Throw You Outside And Let The People Know That You Seducing My Husband and You Wont Live Good in This World Got that girl?..
Nancy : *Crying* Ye-s I-Im Sorry Mrs.Jeon i-It won't H- Happen again..
Y/n : Next Time Babe Don't do Something that You cant Even Handle Look at You Girl I didn't do more To You Now.. Just one Slapped and your now Crying.. tsk Such a Weak.. Now Go and leave this Office Now!!!

With that She Stood up and Bowed to us before Running out from Jungkook's Office..
I looked over To Jungkook And he Just gave me smirk While sitting In His couch I Rolled my Eyes to him then he stood up and walk Towards me and Place his Both hands on My Waist..

Jungkook : You know Baby It's been a While Since I Saw You Like That... Interesting.. and Yet You Turn Me On Its Been Year's Since We Both did It... and I Really Miss It so bad...
Y/n : Oh yeah?..what Do You want me to do Then?..
Jungkook : What? well It's Just Two Words..
Y/n : What's that two words baby?
Jungkook : *Smirk* Fuck. Me
Y/n : ...Where?.. Mr.Jeon?
Jungkook : Here. right In My. Office

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