|• Forty-one •|

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Its 8am In The Morning Already.. I Woke Up early I Stretch My Body And Take a Look Beside me Which Is My Cute Bunny Was Sleeping Peacefully.. I Smile and Leaned Closer To Kiss His Lips and His Forehead.. I Slowly Took His Arms Away From Me Before Standing Up and When I finally stood Up I Felt Like I Want To Vomit So I Quickly run Towards The Bathroom and Throw up In the Sink.. Actually I Keep Throwing Up This Past Few Days Morning sickness I Think But I Have A Strong Feeling that Its Not Just a Normal Morning Sickness. I Think I'm.... pregnant Again.. No I have To Make sure For This I'll Take a Pregnancy Test tomorrow If I Throw Up Again..

Time Skip

I was Done Taking a Shower just a Minute Ago And Done Putting My Clothes On Im Also Done Putting my Light Make up and Do My Hair This is What I Look Like by The Way..

I was Done Taking a Shower just a Minute Ago And Done Putting My Clothes On Im Also Done Putting my Light Make up and Do My Hair This is What I Look Like by The Way

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I Walk Out From Our Walk-in Closet And Went Straight Downstairs To Prepared Some Breakfast for The Three of Us to eat Later

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I Walk Out From Our Walk-in Closet And Went Straight Downstairs To Prepared Some Breakfast for The Three of Us to eat Later..

Magical Time Skip

Eunbi : Daddy I Wanna Go With You Please...
Jungkook :...*Kneel Down* Baby Im Sorry But I Cant Take You with me The Reason Why I Can't Is I'm Going There For My Work.. I Promise We Will Go back to Busan after My Work Just Me, You And Mommy Okey?..
Eunbi : Promise?..
Jungkook : I Promise... stay Here With Mommy and be a Good Girl To Her Okey Take Care Of Her Arraseo?... I'll be Back Right After I've Done My Work..
Eunbi : Yes Sir!! I Will Be One Of Mommy's Bodyguard!!.. You Can Trust Me!.
Jungkook : That's My BabyGirl!!

With that Jungkook Put His Bag Down Then carry Eunbi In His Left Arm While his Right Arm Pulled me From The Side I Hug Him back and Then He Kiss Eunbi and Me I Smile to Him and Kiss Him One More Time

Y/n : Take Care Okey?
Jungkook : Dont Worry About Me Love Call me If Something Happened Okey..
Y/n : Yes Mr.Jeon And Also Call Us When You arrived There Safely and Especially When You Have Some Free Time..
Jungkook : I Will Mrs.Jeon *Smile*

Men : Sir. Your Car Is Ready
Jungkook : Hmm Okey..
Men : *Bow and Left*
Jungkook : Eunbi I Have To Go Be a Good girl Okey?
Eunbi : Yes Daddy Bye I Love You
Jungkook : I Love You Too My Honey.. Love I'll Go Now
Y/n : *Nodded* Hmmm I Love You
Jungkook : I Love You Too

Jungkook Then Put Eunbi Down and I Help Him Wore His Jacket On.. He Took His Bag and Then Waved Bye To Us Before Walking Towards All Of His Men's Who was Standing Still beside The door...

Jungkook : Do all Your Work Properly Got that? Guard Every Entrances of The House and The Rest of You Will Be Staying here inside to Guard my wife and Daughter..make Sure That They Wont Get Into In Trouble Of Else I'll Finish You All...
Mens : Yes Sir!!..

After Jungkook assigning his Mens He Took one Last Glance at Us and Gave us His Bunny Smile We Smiled back to him while eunbi Waved To Him he Also Waved Back and Completely Walk Out from The House...

I Carry Eunbi In my Arms and Walk Upstairs..I was About To Open Her Bedroom Door When She Suddenly Spoke...

Eunbi : Mommy can I Stay With you and Daddy's Room For Now? I want To be With You When I Sleep..
Y/n : *Smile* Okey Baby You Will Stay with Mommy For Now...Stay Here Okey I'll Bring Some Milk and Cookies for You..
Eunbi : Mommy I Don't Like eating Cookies for now Can I Have Perhaps Some Strawberries and Mango?
Y/n : Ohhhh Sure Baby I'm Glad you Prefer Eating Fruits than sweets.. I'll Be Back Okey?..
Eunbi : Yes Mommy...

With that I walk Out from The room and went Downstairs To Get Some Fruits and Eunbi's Milk...

Y/n : Hana(Maid) can You Get Pajamas To Eunbi's Room and Put It in My Room..
Hana : Yes Mrs.Jeon..

After Getting The Fruits and Milk I Carry the Tray and Went Back Upstairs To Our Room... I Opened the Door and Saw Eunbi Watching her Favourite Movie while Sitting Down In The bed I Then Placed Down the Tray...

Y/n : Come Here Baby Here is Your Milk, Strawberries and Mango...
Eunbi : Thank You Mommy Your The Best!!!.
Y/n : Hmmm *Chuckled* Your Welcome my Sweetie..

Time Skip *Night Time*

I was Doing My Night Routine Preparing For Bed.. Eunbi Is Already Asleep Tugging Into the Blankets...I was Brushing My Hair when Suddenly My Phone light up It means I Received a Text Messages... I took it and Read It. I realize that The Contact Number Was the Same who Call Me Yesterday...

• Message •

Unknown : Hey Again Kim Y/n (seen)
Unknown : Ohhhh So Your Not Replying to me Now huh? Yah!!! Kim Y/n

Y/n : What Do You want?!
Please Stop Texting me Nor Calling me!!!

Unknown : Finally You Replied back..
You know Kim Y/n I've been Planning this For A Long Time now to End Your Daughters Life and then the next Target would Be Jungkook.. Jeon Jungkook and When I Finally Do That.. I'll Get You and Start a New life With me... When Should I Start Kim Y/n?

Y/n : Real Quick.. It's Jeon Y/n...But Before You Do That Bullshit Idea Of Yours I'll Make Sure To Get Rid Of You First Before You Touch my family I'll Will never Be Yours I'm Happy With My Husband And My Daughter already...and... I will Never Be a Part
Of Your Shit life Now If You dare to touch my family I'll Make sure You Will be Killed!! And to Make Sure That You Will never Be Back to Our Lives!

•Block Number•

I Turned off My Phone and Harshly Throw It To my Vanity Table.. Some Tears Left my eyes but I Wiped It away and Just Shrugged It Off The Thought.. I'll tell jungkook About this But His Probably Sleeping By Now And I Don't Want To Wake Him Up In the Middle Of The Night Just To Gave Him a Problem I'll Just Gonna Tell Him Tomorrow.. What I texted Lately? I really Mean It If He Dared To Touch My Family I'll make Sure To Kill him In My Own Hands and That's the Final

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