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•Jungkook POV•

We just Got Arrived In The Club The Nonna's and Hyungs are Already Got out from The car.. I Escort Y/n And We all Went Inside... The Club Is So Crowded and So Loud Music I saw Some Boys Are Looking At Y/n And I Went to them And Talk Harshly Before Y/n Took me I Gave Them A Hard Punch then We Walk upstairs In the VIP seaction and Walk To Our VIP Seat... We All take a Seat..

Bartender : Good Day Sir/ma'am what Should You want to Order?
Hoseok : Can We have Some 7 Bottles of Soju and 3 bottles of Wine pls.
Bartender : Thats All Sir?
Hoseok : Yes
Bartender : 7 Bottles of Soju and 3 Bottles of Wine Coming Right Up Sir..

•Y/n POV•

With that The Guy Leave to get Our Bottles... me and The Unnie's Where Talking on the Side While The Boys Are Talking On they're own.. But still Jungkook is Right Next to me...

Jennie : *Whisper* Y/n?
Y/n : Yes Unnie?
Jennie : That Guy Are Looking at you all the Time.
Rose : Along with his Friends They're are Looking at us...
Girls : ...........
Jihyo : Girls Just don't Mind It..
Jisso : Yeah Jihyo Is Right.. They're are Just Drunk Guys..

We didn't Pay any Attention on them and Just Drink Our Wine While Talking Laughing And Smiling.. But Still I Sometimes Took a Secret Glance on them Checking if Is It Still Looking at Us...but when I look at it They're are Nowhere to be found.. We talk and Talk Together...
Few Minutes later Jennie Unnie Was Drunk a Bit now. .

Jennie : Y/n-sshi Can You Come with me In the Restroom a Bit..
Y/n : Oh Okey Unnie..

I stood Up from my seat Jungkook then Look at me and Ask..

Jungkook : Where are you going baby?
Y/n : Jennie Unnie Need to go In the Restroom and she want me To Come with Her... dont Worry baby We'll be back...
Jungkook : Ok.. Be Careful..
Y/n : *Nodded and Kiss Him*

Me and Unnie Walk thru the Restroom.. We went Inside She Was Vomiting in the Sink I Took her Hair up So that she Can Vomit Properly...
After a Couple of  Time She Stop Vomiting...

Y/n : Are You Okey Unnie?.. Are You sick Or Something?
Jennie : No No It's Just I Vomit because Of the Wine But Im Okey Now Thank You Y/n-sshi...
Y/n : No Problem Unnie...

We stay a bit In the Restroom Cause she is Still Vomiting A Little... I was Worried at her and Then After She Vomit She Wash Her hands and Mouth... she Then Fixed Her Hair and Clothes... then We Both walk Out From The Restroom.. But then Someone Grabbed Me and Jennie Unnie's Wrist.. We looked At the Person and They are the Guys Lately who was Looking at me and The Unnie's.. The Gripped is So Tight We Try To Escape From the Gripped but we Failed They Are So Strong.. I kick Then Knee But They didn't Groaned in pain There's no use to them...

Y/n : owww... Let go of us!!
Guy : What if We dont Want Too
Y/n : Oww It Hurts!!!
Jennie : Yahhh Oww Stop Plss!!!
Guy 1 : Noo.. Come With us Girls.. We will treat you like a Princess..
Jennie : Fuck You.. We Wont Go with you You wish Asshole!!
Y/n : Let go I said!!! psycho!!
Guy : Ohhh I more Like it...

•Jisso POV•

Jisso : They Took Too long..*Whisper to the Girls*
Jungkook : What Wrong?
Rose : Oh Its just Y/n and Jennie Didn't Came yet...
Namjoon : Are They In the Restroom..
Jisso,Rose : Naeee...

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