|• Forty- Six •|

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•Y/n POV•

Eunbi : Mommy Is Daddy gonna Save Us?
Y/n : Yes Baby.. Daddy Will Save Us.. We Just Have To wait Okey?. He will Come And Save us Three..
Eunbi : Okey Mommy..
Y/n : How was Your Arm? Is It Still Hurt?
Eunbi : A Little Mommy But I'm Fine Now..
Y/n : *smile a Little* I'm Sorry Baby.. This Is Mommy's Fault If we shouldn't Go Out From The House Without Daddy's Permission This Wouldn't Happened Maybe We are In The House With Daddy Now..
Eunbi : Mommy Stop Don't Blamed Yourself.. Its My Fault Mommy If I Didn't Want To Buy Ice Cream We Shouldn't have Ended Up Here...
Y/n : Okey Im sorry baby... But There's No Ones Fault If We should Blamed Someone We Should Blamed that Sehun Guy Okey...
Eunbi : *Nodded*

While Eunbi Was In My Embrace Snuggling Her Face In My Neck Hugging Me.. Sehun Then Opened the Door With His Men's Behind Him... They Went Inside and walk towards Us...

Y/n : What do You want?
Sehun : Stand Up Both Of  You..
Y/n : Why?! What are Going To do!!
Sehun : Your Husband Is On His way Here You Don't Want To See Him?

Jungkook Is Coming?... While I Remain Silent His Mens Tied Up my Wrist From My Back.. They didn't Tie Eunbi and She Just Hug My Legs I Told Her Its Fine They Then Let us Walk To where They Want us to Go..

•Jungkook POV•

Hoseok : Jungkook You Know what To do Okey?.. Go Inside Like There's No One Is With You Keep Them Focus On You So that we can Go and went To Our Positions...
Jungkook : *Nodded*
Namjoon : Dont Worry Jungkook We are Going To Save Them...I Already Told The police not to make any Sound so That They wont Know That We are Here..
Jungkook : Good..
Jimin : Girls Just Stay Here In The Car and Dont Do anything No Matter what Happened Dont Go Out In The Car.. Not until we say So Okey?
Bp : Okey Got It..
Yoongi : I Hope This Will End Up Good I still dont Want To Die Though I Still Have To Go to my Bed and Sleep I also Have a Future ..
Dahyun : Your Not Going To Die Yoongi Stop Thinking  Nonsense your over Thinking too much..
Yoongi : Okey Okey Chill girl
Jin : Guys Stop Talking and Lets Just Do This...
Taehyung : Me, Yoongi, and Jimin will be In The Other Side to the Second floor ..
Hoseok : Yeah Then Me, Namjoon, and Jin will be also In the Right side of the Second Floor.. Get your Gun Ready Everyone.
Bts : Ready...
Jisso : Good Luck Guys...Be Careful

I took a Deep Breath "This is For You My Love  for Eunbi And For our New Baby" ... and With That we Arrived At The Location Sehun Gave Me Before I Go Out from The Car The Hyung Gave me a Good luck then I Nodded to them so I Stepped Out from The Car and walk to the Entrance Of This Abandoned Building... And When I fully Entered the Building Sehun's Mens Came out from a Room and Went To their Positions while I just Stood There and Wait For That guy To show Up..

Sehun : Glad You Came..*clap**clap**clap*
Jungkook : Where Is My Wife and Daughter? Gave Them Back To Me Sehun.
Sehun : Wow wow do You think I Gave Them To You that easily? Okey Maybe I will For Your Daughter But For Y/n No Uh..
Jungkook : You Piece Of Shit!.. where are They?!
Sehun : Okey Okey I'll let You See Them for the last Time since You will never Ever Gonna See Them ever again..

"You wont Succeed Sehun..Lets See" After He Say that He Shout For His Man And that's when Sehun's man along With my Daughter and My Wife came Out from The Room I look over To them and Saw That There's a Lot of Bruises In There Body Eunbi's arms Was Bleeding Probably She was Hurt But She Managed it while Y/n's corner Lips was Bleeding Then Some Cuts On Her Wrists and Arms then A Bit Blood on her Forehead I Got Mad seeing Them Hurt I Clenched my teeth and my Fist Is Already Ready to Punch His Dumb Face.. I Managed To Not attack him so That I Wont Mess Up The Plan

Y/n : J-Jungkook..
Eunbi : Daddy!!
Jungkook : *Look at Them and Gave Them a "Its Okey" Look *turn to Sehun*... You asshole You Hurt Them!?. For Me That's The Biggest mistake You did I Told You Sehun That Don't Touch My Wife and Daughter Right But You did and Especially You Hurt Them..
Sehun : Ohh Jungkook I'm So Scared..
Jungkook : You should Cause I Will Not Be Easy On You.. I Will Make Sure You Will Die So That I Can Sure That You Will Not Came Back To Our Lives..
Sehun : *Scoffed* Like You Can Kill Me..
*Walk Towards Me* You Can't Do That Jeon Jungkook...
Jungkook : ..... Your Nothing Sehun Nothing but a piece of Shit!
Sehun : *mad And Punch me* ....Fuck You Jungkook!!! YOU TOOK Y/N AWAY FROM ME!
Jungkook : *Wipe The blood On my Lips**Smirk* You Wish sehun...If she Was Yours Then Why is She was My Wife now? She is Mrs.Jeon Y/n In a Better words She.Is.Mine..

Sehun Again Punch me while I fall In The Floor I clench My Fist then Before Standing Up and Punch Him Also... we are Now Fighting....

•Y/n POV•

Jungkook and Sehun Is Now Fighting I Was Calling Jungkook and Tell Them To stop But They Didn't Listen Eunbi Was Crying Loud Since She Never See Jungkook Fight With Other Man and She Hate Seeing us Hurt... I Looked up and Saw The Oppa's Getting Ready They're Guns And Shoot Every Sehun's Man  When Sehun Notice the Gunshot and Saw His Man's Laying down in the dirty Floor But They are Not Dead Yet I mean Some Of Them.. sehun then Pushed Jungkook and run towards me He Grabbed me and Pointed his Gun In My Head Since I Was Tied Up I can't Do Anything but to slightly Cry and Looking Directly To Jungkook.. Eunbi was Already In Jungkook's back Hugging his Legs Crying Looking at Me...The Police Entered the Building and went to Their Positions and Pointed the Gun Towards him The Oppa's Went Down and stood Behind Jungkook's Back.. Taehyung Oppa Took Eunbi Out from The building...

Sehun : Don't Try To Come Closer Or I Shoot Your Precious Wife Jungkook!..
Jungkook : Sehun Please Let Go Of Y/n Please Sehun Im Begging You!!!
Sehun : Ohh So Now Your Begging to Let Her Go!?..
Jungkook : Put Your Gun Down and Let's Settled Things Down..!
Y/n : *Breathing Heavily* Sehun P-please Stop Please Dont..
Sehun : Y/n I Love You so Much Please Come With me I'll Treat You Better than Him Please Be With Me!
Y/n : S-sehun I Can't I Have a Daughter and husband Who needed me And Soon Were having another baby Please Just let me Go I'm Begging you..*Crying*
Sehun : Why can't You Love Me Like You Love Jungkook Y/n!!!!?? If You Can't be With me In This World Then Let's be With Each Other On Our Next Life.. I'll Kill You first Then I'll Kill Myself Okey Babe?
Jungkook : No!!!

I closed my Eyes Hoping that This is Not real I heard Jungkook Shouted "NO" then I heard a 2 Gun shot I Was Expecting to hit The Cold Floor and To feel Pain But I didn't feel Anything I slowly Opened my eyes and Looked over to him and Saw Sehun Holding His Bloody Shoulders Who Shoot him? I Look Over To the Back and I Didn't Expect What I saw... its Beakhyun Oppa He Shoot His Own Brother?!

Sehun : H-Hyung? H-how dare You!
Beakhyun : I Cant Take You Anymore Sehun Your Being a Jerk! you are Not My little brother I Use to know!!.. Your  Being Psycho!! Why can't You accept the fact that Y/n is Now Happy with her Life In Her Family!!

Sehun Didn't Say Anything and Just Slowly Turned his Head Towards me and When I Noticed His hands Went grabbed the Gun Not too far from Him.. I Widened my eyes and Quickly Run Towards where jungkook is And Suddenly A Gunshot Was Fired again and This Time I got Hit I Stop Running and Look Over To My Side and Saw Blood Dripping from My Side Stomach I Touch it and Slowly Falling Down Jungkook Shouted at me and Run Towards me Pulling me To His Embrace While Sehun was Laughing Out loud and The Police Quickly went to him... I looked over To Jungkook who was Crying His Eyes Out Pulling me To Him..

Jungkook : Baby, Baby Please Dont Close Your Eyes okey? Stay With me *Crying* Call an Ambulance Quick Please!!!!!
Y/n : J-Jungkook The B-baby Please Save The Baby Inside m-e
Jungkook : I Will save You Both just Please Fight For Us.. Stay With me Baby okey
Y/n : I-I Love You
Jungkook : I Love You Too, I Love You So Much..

I gave Him a Smile and Hold His Cheeks And Now His Cheeks Had A bit Blood Now Since My Hands Have a Blood From My Wound He I weakly Pulled Him towards me and Kiss His Lips He Kiss me Back And Then We Pulled away I Looked him Once Again Before Slowly Closing My Eyes...

Jungkook : Ba-by!! baby!!! Dont Please Don't Close You eyes Stay Up With me..Where is The Ambulance!!! baby?!!

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