|• Forty-four •|

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•Jungkook POV•

I just Got Arrived From Busan And Now Im in The Front Door The Guard Opened The Door and I Quickly Went Inside Saw Everyone In The Living Room The Girls was Sleeping In the Couch While The Boys was Sitting In The Floor Talking And When They Notice me they Quickly Stood Up and Look at me...

Jungkook : Where Is The Two Bodyguards? *Serious*
Hoseok : They are In The Garage Jungkook...

After Hoseok Saud Where They Are I Quickly Walk away and Went To Them.. And When I Arrived at the Garage I saw Them Both Standing And Quickly Look Down when They Noticed me I approached Them and Placed My Hands inside my Pocket I then stood up In front Of Them Clinching My jaw In Anger...

Jungkook : What did I Told You Before I Left?...
Guard 2 : To Guard Mrs.Jeon and Eunbi No Matter What Happened mr.jeon..
Jungkook : Exactly.. But What Now?!!
My Wife and my Daughter Is Not Here With me!!! They are out there and We  Dont Fucking Know Where They Took them.. What Do You Both want Me To Expect!!.. It's My Wife and Daughter Who got Caught!!... We don't Know what they doing To the Both Of Them!.. Are you Both Dumb!!!
Guards : We are really Truly Sorry Mr.Jeon.. Well Accept The consequence...
Jungkook : Im Glad You both Will..

I Can't Hold It Anymore I Punch Them Hard As I Can.. Non Stop The both Of Them Are Now Bleeding Because Of My Punch I Kick Them and Throw Them In The Wall Still Punching Them.. I Can't Stop Punching Them Luckily The Hyungs Came and Stop Me From Punching The Two of Them my hands are also Bleeding...Namjoon and Yoongi manage To Bring me Back Inside the House While The Other Hyungs Took care of The Rest For The Two Bodyguards..

Namjoon and Yoongi Let me Sit In the Couch I was Really Mad I Don't Know What To Do.. I'm Afraid For My Wife and Daughter what If They are Hurt I Can't Stop Thinking of Them I Placed My Hands To My Head and Cried The Nonna's and Hyung was Worried By Just Looking At Me I Stood Up and throw All Of The Vase Even The Table I flipped It Over The Shattered Glass Hit My hands And Its Bleeding So Much and I Can't Feel any Pain at All

Namjoon : Jungkook Stop.. Your Hurting Yourself!
Jungkook : I Can't I'm Worried For Y/n and Eunbi!!!
Yoongi : We are Worried Too Jungkook But destroying everything Wont Help Not Even a Single One!..
Jisso : Maria! The First Aid Kit Please!
Maria : Yes Ma'am..
Jennie : Jungkook Don't Worry We'll Get Them Back But first Chill Yourself..

I fall Down In The Floor And Started Blankly In The Wall Tears Falling out From My Eyes Non stop If I wouldn't Leave Without Them This wont Happened Bullshit This is My Fault!
If Something Bad Happened To The Both Of Them.. I dont Know What I'm Going To do For Myself

•Y/n POV•

I was Still Here Tied Up From The Chair While Eunbi Is Leaning Over To me I stay Up All Night Just To Make Sure That Eunbi is Fine... Until The Door Opened and The Two Man Came inside with foods They Put It In The Table wait Are They dumb To Give Us Food while we are Tied Up Here?.. How Are We Supposed To Go and Eat If Our Hands Are Tied Up along With Our Feet? The both of them was about To Leave when I Spoke..

Y/n : Can You Both Untied Us First?
Man : Why Would We Untied You both?...
Y/n : *Shocked* Wow Are You Both Really That Stupid?.. You both Give Us Food and Now How Are we Going To Eat That If We are Tied Up so Tight In this Fucking Chair.. we are Going To Use our Mouth?.. You Dumbass!!
Man : ...... Just Shut U-Up Okey!!
Y/n : Fucking Stupid!!!!

They Both Walk Towards us and Untied Us From The Chair Finally Free From That Bullshit Rope They Both Left The Room and Locked It again I Can Saw My Wrists Really Red and It's Bleeding Eunbi Came Up To me and Hug Me I Hug Her Back and Kiss her head...

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