|•Thirty-four•| 18+

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Me,Jungkook and Eunbi Arrived at Home I Opened Our Front Huge Door and Then Let Them Both Go Inside I Then Enter Jungkook Put Down Eunbi and She Quickly Run To the Kitchen and Approach One of our Maids...

Eunbi : Hi Unnie!!...*Smile*
Maid : Hey Eunbi Do You need Anything?
Eunbi : Actually I Need Something Unnie.
Maid : Ohh okey What is It?
Eunbi : Can You Hand Me The First Aid Kit?..
Maid : Ohhh Sure No Problem Ohhh Your Hurt Want Me To Clean It Up?
Eunbi : No Unnie I'll Clean It Up Myself
Maid : Are You Sure?
Eunbi : Naeee *Smile*
Maid : Okey Here You Go Eunbi
Eunbi : Thank You *Giggle*
Maid : No Problem...

And When She Got The First Aid Kit She Quickly run Back To The Living Room and Opened The Kit then Start Cleaning Her Wound While me and Jungkook Just Look At Her Smiling... yes Eunbi Know How To Treat and Clean Her Own wound since She was 4 Years Old..

Jungkook : She Is really Adorable, and Smart to know What She Will do Like You..*Kiss*
Y/n : Yeah and She Was cute as You..
Jungkook : But She Look Beautiful as You...

I and Jungkook Went Towards Eunbi Who Was Now Putting Some Gauze Pad On It... we Both Take a Sit Beside Her She Was Struggling For Putting It so I Help Her after That She Quickly Keep The First aid Kit and Bring It back To The Kitchen And Run Back To Us Who Was Smiling Brightly...

Jungkook : I'm So Proud Of My Baby.. Cleaning And Treating Her Own Wound
*kiss Her Head*
Eunbi : *Giggle* Thank You Daddy and Thank You Too Mommy I Love You Both so Much!
Y/n : We Love You too So So So Much Honey And We Forever Will!... okay Go Upstairs now Baby and Wear The Dress and Sandals Daddy Brought For You..
Eunbi : Why Mommy? where are We Going?..
Jungkook : We are Eating Dinner Baby With Someone's
Eunbi : Ohhh Okey Daddy!!..

She Then Kiss Peck Our Lips And Run Towards The Stairs and Go Up In Our Long wooden And Glass Stairs

Y/n : Be Careful honey..
Eunbi : Yes Mommy!..

Jungkook : We Should Go Upstairs Also and Get ready...*Pulling me Towards him*
Y/n : Oh Yeah We Should Or else This Man In front Of me Will Ended Up Taking  me to The Room and Fuck Me
Jungkook : Ohh You Know What I was Thinking Huh I like It *Kiss*
Y/n : Uh Huh Mr.Jeon We Still Have Dinner Save It For Later..
Jungkook : You Will Let Me Have You All Night?
Y/n : Yeah After.. Whatever You want I'll Gave You..
Jungkook : Promise me Mrs.Jeon
Y/n : I Fucking Promise Mr.Jeon.. *kiss* Now Let's Go And Get Dressed..


Me and Jungkook, Eumbi was Now Here Outside Our Mansion.. Spencer and John Was Standing In Front Of Us Cause Jungkook Called Them Real Quick

Jungkook : Me and My wife Decided to gaveYou Both A Day Off for 3 Days You can Go Home and Go To your Family and Wife..Thank You For Doing Your Job Properly..
John, Spencer : Thank You Mr. And Mrs Jeon.. We Promise to Serve You More.. Are We Still going To Go With you And Guard You In The Restaurant Mr.And Mrs.Jeon?
Y/n : Ohhh No We Decided To Go In Our Own You Can Go and Prepare your Things To Go Home Please also Tell Carl that His On a Day off  for 3 days
John, Spencer : No Problem Mrs.Jeon..
Jungkook : Your Are Both Dismissed Now You Can Go..Thank you Again
John, Spencer : Thank You Mr.Jeon and Mrs.Jeon Please be Careful..
Eunbi : Bye John Oppa!!..Bye Spencer Oppa!!..Have a Nice Day Off Be Safe Okey?..*Waved Her Hands* *Giggle*
Spencer : Bye Jeon Eunbi..and Yes Ma'am We will *Smile*
John : Good Bye Little Eunbi... *Smile*

And then They Both Bowed to Us Then Me Jungkook and Eunbi Went Inside The Car I Put Eunbi in the Backseat And Put Her Seatbelt On..

Eunbi : Mommy Can I Use My iPad?
Y/n : Yeah Honey You Can But Not During School Day's Okey? And Especially when You Have Homeworks To Do..
Eunbi : Yes Mommy..

And With that I Gave Her..Her iPad and Then Close The Backseat Car Door Jungkook Was Already Inside The Car... then I Opened The Front seat Car door Then Hopped In I also Put My Seatbelt on..Then Jungkook's Hands Went To My Legs and Squeeze It But Then He Slide Down His Hands In The end Of My Dress Then Make His Hands And Fingers Touch My Pantie Cloth and Rubbed it Using his Fingers I Moaned Silently While He Was Just Focusing To The Road...

Y/n : Jungkook..Eunbi I-s here..
Jungkook : Shhh Just Keep It Quite Baby
Y/n : Jungkook I Told You.. You Can Have Me All Night If You want But After The Dinner..
Jungkook : I Can't Just Wait Baby I want to Fuck You Already..
Y/n : If You Keep Doing This. then I'mma broke My Promise and Never Let you Have me Tonight Do You Want That?.
Jungkook : Aishhhh Fine But I'm warning you baby I Wont Be easy As You Thought I'll Fuck You All night So Be prepared For That...

And With That He Pulled Out his Hands on Ny Dress and Just Place It In My Legs.. Such a Horny husband I Have..and anyways Our Conversation Lately Was we are Whispering So That Eunbi Can't Hear What we Are Saying...

(time skip) - Restaurant -

We arrived at This fancy Restaurant Now
I Steeped Out from The Car While Jungkook Took Eunbi From The Backseat.. I wait for Them Outside Then Jungkook Let Eunbi Walk while She hold Both Of Our hands Then We Walk Inside And We've been Greet By The Two Workers..

Girl : Good Evening Mr.And Mrs.Jeon..
Jungkook : *Nodded* My Reservation?
Girl : Ahhh Yes Sir. They are all Inside Now waiting Mr.Jeon..
Y/n : Wait They?...*Look at Jungkook confused*
Jungkook : You'll See baby..
Girl : This way Follow me Mr.and Mrs Jeon...

Im Really Confused Since lately The Girl Walk Away and We Then Follow her Behind... Not so Long We Arrived At The Door it's a Private Room I Heard Noises and Their Voice Was Kinda familiar When I Finally Recognize It I Quickly look  at The Side Where Jungkook Is He Just Smile....and Open The Door for me I Saw Everyone The Unnie's and Oppa's They Looked Towards us and They are So Happy to See Us Along with me...

Y/n : Oppa's Unnie's?!!...
Everyone : Y/n-sshi!!!!
Eunbi : Uncle's Aunties!!! *smile*

I Smiled To Them and We Hug each And everyone eunbi Was playing with Jisso and The Unnie's..While Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung was kissing My Head I really miss them So much...Then I Thank Jungkook For making me happy This night And we Then all Enjoy The Dinner Together....

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