|• Forty-three •|

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•No One's POV•

Earlier With the Bodyguards

Before the Van Drove Away One of the Bodyguard Tried to stand up and Manage to Shot the Van But He Failed He throw away his gun and growl They failed to save Y/n and Eunbi And Now They are Scared and Worried... They Both Manage To Went Inside The Car and Drove Back Home.... To Tell The Other Bodyguards..

Time Skip

When They Arrived At The House They Saw Some Cars Parked in the Side Of The House They Are Now More Scared They Thought Its There Boss Jungkook... They Both Stepped Out From The Car and Walk Slowly In front of The main Door They are Groaning in Pain Since they are Bleeding too Much.. and When They Are Inside They Saw Everyone Except for Jungkook They Bowed To them..

Taehyung : Ohh You Arrived.. Where's Y/n and Eunbi?..

There Was a Silence for a Second The Both Guards was Just Looking Down Don't Even Know What To say... Until Namjoon Spoke

Namjoon : Yahh He is Asking Answer It..
Guard 1 : We-we Are S-Sorry Sir..
Namjoon : What Fo You Mean For Your Sorry?
Jennie : Wait You Both are Bleeding
Rose : What Happened To The Both Of You.. Where is Y/n and Eunbi.. They Are With You Right Where Are They?
Jin : Answer!!!!
Guard : S-Someone K-Kidnap Them Sir We are Truly Sorry.. W-We Tried to Save them But They Shot Us and Quickly Drove Away..
Namjoon : What?!!!! Are You Both Dumb?

All Of Them Was Shocked and Disappointed To the Both Of The Guards...Taehyung Looked away and Punch the Wall While the Girls Was Out of Words and just Stared Blankly
They are all Worried For Y/n and Eunbi Especially They Dont all Know How To say This To Jungkook Since His Really a Bad temper...

Guard 1&2 : We are Really Sorry Sir..*Bowed*
Yoongi : Did You Know the Plate Number Of the Car?
Guards : Sir. we Didn't
Taehyung : Bullshit!!.. You Both Had The responsibility to Protect For The Both Of Them and Now You Didn't What Kind Of a Bodyguards You are!!!
Jin : That's My Sister and Nieces Who Got Kidnapped!!! Fucking Shit!!
Guards : We are Truly Sorry Sir...

Taehyung was about To Punch The Guards But He Guys Stopped him and let Him Chill...

Hoseok : You Both go Get Treated To The Doctor Come Back Here After your Treatment We are Not Done Yet...
Namjoon : Get Ready For Your consequence and For Jungkook...
Guards : We are Ready To face that Sir. It's Our Fault after all..
Taehyung : Im Glad You Both Know That!!
Guards : We are Really Sorry..
Jin : Sorry Is Not Going To bring Back The Time Where We can Still Save Y/n and Eunbi What If something's Gonna Happened To The Both Of Them!!
Jisso : Jin, Taehyung Relax.. Stop Saying Sorry and Just Go get Treated Quick...

The Guards Bowed the Other Guards Help Them Since They are in Pain

Rose : How are we Going To Say this To Jungkook Now..
Jihyo : Im Scared for Y/n and Eunbi Though I Hope They are Fine
Yoongi : I'll Call Jumgkook But Jin and Taehyung relax Okey Everything is Gonna be fine..
Dahyun : Im Not ready To See Jungkook Being mad..
Jennie : We all Know That He Is Really a Bad Temper When his Mad especially it's Y/n and Eunbi Who was In Danger..

•Y/n POV•

I opened my eyes And Found Myself being Tied Up In The chair I Managed to Free from This rope But It's Too Tight and Now My Wrist Hurt So Bad  I Look Up and Realized Im In this Dark Abandoned Room

I opened my eyes And Found Myself being Tied Up In The chair I Managed to Free from This rope But It's Too Tight and Now My Wrist Hurt So Bad  I Look Up and Realized Im In this Dark Abandoned Room

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And I Remember Eunbi She's With me Where is She I quickly Look around and Luckily She's With me Also Tied Up In The Chair.. Her Eyes Was Still Close I managed to Call her name and Luckily she Woke Up She Look around and start Tearing Up and Was about to Cry..

Eunbi : M-mommy *Cry*
Y/n : Shhh Baby Dont Cry.. Are You Okey Honey Are You Hurt?
Eunbi : N-No Mommy
Y/n : That's Good
Eunbi : Mommy Your Not Hurt Too Right?.
Y/n : No Mommy Is Fine Dont Worry Honey...
Eunbi : Mommy I'm Scared..
Y/n : Dont Be As Long As Mommy Is here With you Your Fine Okey?..
Eunbi : *Nodded*

I tried To Free Myself from The Rope again But Its Way To Tight I Can't Even Feel My Wrists While I was Trying all My Best The Door swang Opened Reveling a Man Who was All Black With a Black Cap on Him I saw Eunbi She was So Scared The man Walk Towards me the more he went Closer To me The More I can See His Image.. and when He is Close enough I Finally saw His Face I Widened my Eyes In Shock...

Y/n : S-sehun..
Sehun : *Smirk* Nice to Finally seeing my Girl Again..
Y/n : Im Not Your Girl!
Sehun : O-Ohhhh shhhh Babe dont Shout at me or Else You'll regret it...
Eunbi : Stay Away From Her!!!!
Sehun : You shut Up!!!!
Y/n : Dont Yell at My Daughter!!! You fucking Bitch!!!

Sehun Quickly Look at me and Gave me a Creepy Smirk He went Back To me and grabbed my Jaw

Sehun : Dont Try To Yell at Me Like I Said Earlier If You dont want To Regret Everything...
Y/n : Why Your Going To Hurt me?! then Do It If That's what You Want!
Sehun :..... oh Babe of Course I'm not Gonna Hurt you.. I Cant Do That To You.. But.. I can... To Your Daughter *Smirk*
Y/n : Dont Even Dare You Son Of a Bitch!.
Sehun : One last Yell Or I'll end Your Daughters Life
Eunbi : *Crying* M-Mommy
Y/n : Eunbi Dont cry Its Fine..Its Okey

Sehun Laugh Sarcastically before walking out From the Room and Locked it back I moved My Chair by Jumping Towards eunbi...

Y/n : Don't Cry Im Fine Honey We are Going To Be Fine Daddy and The Others Will Save Us Dont Cry Please.. I Dont Want to See you Crying My Love
Eunbi : M-Mommy What if he will hurt You and Baby? Mommy I dont Want That...
Y/n : He Can't Hurt Us Honey, He Can't I Promise that we will be Out of Here Soon I'll Try To Free Myself From this Thing Okey wait....

I keep Trying to Take Out This Rope From me But I Can't It's way to Tight I Can Feel That My Wrist is Bleeding already I stop For a Minute and Look at the Window and Noticed That It's Getting Dark already I know that Eunbi Is Hungry Now Just Hang On Honey This Will End Soon I promise That...

•Bts POV•

We are Here in The Living Room

(A/n: For what?. Waiting For a Miracle To Happened? HAHAHA)
(BTS, BP : ........... shut Up Author-nim)
(A/n : No way!)
(BTS : Just Leave!)
(A/n : If I Leave This Book Won't Continue... Want me leave?)
(Blackpink : We are Just Joking Author-nim HAHAHA)

We already Called Jungkook and To Be Honest His really Not Into himself He Said that His Going Home And Apparently His Arriving tomorrow So We are Just Here waiting for Updates We re Really worried... We Tried To Call Y/n's Number That Jungkook Gave To Us lately since She Change her Number.. But It's just Keep Ringing We Hope They are Fine and Of Course We Wish that Nothing Bad Happened to Them Do They Eat Already...Oh God Please...

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