|•Thirty - Seven•|

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•Jungkook POV•

I Was In The Middle Of The Meeting Right Now Getting Frustrated Because Of The Big Fail Work Of The Other Company And They Want To Collaborate With Me So That They're Company Will Raise Up Again... It Doesn't Mean That I Don't Want To Help Them But It's Just They Fail A Big Work Anyways I Just Wait This To End... while Me and Mr.Ko was Discussing about our Collab. My Secretary Came and whispered Me Something...

Ana : Mr.Jeon.. Mr.Kim Seokjin and Mr.Kim Taehyung  Was In Your Office Waiting For You..
Jungkook : Tell Them I'll Be Right There In a Minute.. Accompany Them By Asking If They Want Anything..
Ana : Yes Mr.Jeon *Bowed*

After Ana Walk Away I Spoke To Them and Took My Stuff..

Jungkook : I Agree With the Collaboration But Make Sure It Won't Be A Mess and Failed
.. Just send me The contract and I'll Sign It.. Meeting Is Over..

And With That They all stood up and Bowed To Me I Also Then Stood Up and Walk Out From The Meeting Room Then Walk To my Office Where Taehyung and Seokjin Hyung Was Waiting...


I Was Now In My Office Door I Opened It and Went It I Saw Taehyung and Seokjin Sitting In The Couch I Have In My Office I Called My Secretary and Tell Her To Get Some Tea and Cookies I Then walk Towards Them and they Both Stood up and Gave Me a Bro Hug I Hug Them Back and Patted They're back Shoulder..

Jin : How Are You Jungkook-ah?.. and How Is My Sister Doing Any new News Like Giving Eunha a Sister Or Brother? Haha
Jungkook : I'm Good Hyung.. We are Good I'm Still looking Forward For Giving eunha A little Sister/brother..
Taehyung : Hahah I'll be Waiting For That So That I Can Have Another Niece And I'll Buy him/her a Gucci Clothes Like I Brought for Eunha..
Jungkook : *Chuckled* So You How Are You Both and Along With The Others? Especially Your Girlfriends?.
Jin : Ohhh Of Course We are Great As Always...
Jungkook : Good To Hear That Let's Have a Sit hyungs..So what's Make You Come Here? Is Anything Bad Happened Or Something?
Taehyung : No Not at all.. Why Can't we Visit You Here? are We Not Allowed?
Jungkook : No Of Course Not..
Taehyung : We Just Got Into a Meeting And We are About To Go Home But Then We Decided to Visit You Here Cause Its Been a While So Yeah that's Why we Are Here..
Jungkook : Oh Okey *Chuckled*

•Y/n POV•

I Was In My Car Driving Back To Eunbi's School So That I Can Just Wait For Her School to End And Of Course To Make Sure She Is Fine.. I Really Dont Know What Beakhyun Oppa Told Me Which I'm Definitely Afraid Of What's Coming But I Need To Be Brave Enough To Protect My Daughter I Don't Know If I Should tell This to Jungkook Or Not But Maybe I Should We Promise To Not keep Secrets From Each Other.. But I Think Not Now...

Time Skip

I'm Back At Eunbi's School I Parked my Car and Then I Took My Bag And Steeped out then Walk Towards The School Entrance..

Teacher: Ohh Good Morning Mrs.Jeon
Y/n : Good Morning
Teacher : What Makes You bring Here Mrs.Jeon?.
Y/n : Oh Nothing I Just Wanna Stay Here and Wait For My Daughter..
Teacher : Oh I See Want Some Drinks Mrs.Jeon Coffee, Tea?
Y/n : Coffee Will Do..
Teacher : Okey Excuse me for A Second.

She smiled and Bowed To me Before Walking away to Get a Cuo of Coffee.. I took a Seat In The Chair They Have Here For The Parents Who Want To Wait For They're Son's and Daughters.. The Time I Took a Sit My Phone Rings I Took It Out From My Bag and Look at The Phone Screen and Its from My Husband Jungkook I Quickly Answered It..

On Call•

Y/n : Hello Love?

Jungkook : Hello Baby Where are
You at? I Called your Bodyguard and
Ask if His With You But It Turns Out
You are not..He Told me That You Still
Didn't Come Home From Dropping
Eunbi At School?

Y/n : Ohh Yeah Sorry Love
I Just Feel Like Staying Here
And Wait For her school To End.
Im Sorry If I Didn't Call You and
told You about that..

Jungkook : Oh I See.. No It's Fine
Just Next Time Tell me And In form
Me Wherever You Are? Okey?

Y/n : I Will Babe..

Jungkook : Good.. Anyways Your
Brothers are Here With me
Seokjin and Taehyung..

Y/n : Really? Say Me Hi To Them

Jungkook : Yeah I will..Okey Baby
Im sorry But I Still Have To call
Someone..My Partner for Business
I'll Just Gonna Call You Later Okey?.

Y/n : Ohhh No no Its Fine..
I Understand see You At Home
I Love You.m

Jungkook : I Love You Too Baby.. Be
careful Okey?. Drive Safely.. Bye..

•End Call•

After The Phone Call I Put My Phone Back To my Bag.. You Know what I Really Feel Bad To Not Telling Jungkook about What Beakhyun Oppa Said To Me Lately..It Just I Dont Want To make Him Worried and Especially To stressed Him out..

Teacher: Mrs.Jeon Here's Your Coffee..
Sorry For Taking a Bit Long..
Y/n : Oh No No Its Fine..Thank You for This.
Teacher : No Problem Mrs.Jeon

Me and This teacher talk For a Bit about Eunbi On How Good She Is At School... I'm Really Proud For My Baby We are all Very Proud and Especially We are Very Lucky To Have Her.. She's So Especial to me and Jungkook... And I Wont let It Anyone To Hurt My Daughter..

Time Past By and Finally The
Bell Rangs It Means School Has Ended The Classroom Door Open And All The Kids was Running out and Went To Their Mother or Father I stood Up and saw Eunbi Running Towards Me.. I Smiled and Kneel down then Spread my Arms to Hug Her She Quickly Jump To me and Hug Me tight..

Eunbi : Mommy Look I have starts!..
Y/n : Woahhh that's Good My Baby.. I'm so Proud Of You *Kiss Her*
Eunbi : Thank You Mommy..
Y/n : Where Do you wanna Go Baby?
Eunbi : Hmmmmmmm... Let's Go To Daddy's Work Mommy Please!!..
Y/n : ..Baby Im Not Sure If Daddy was Free For This Time..His Probably Working By Now..
Eunbi : Please Mommy!!..I promise I Won't Disturb Daddy I'll Stay Still Like a Good Girl.. Please I Just wanna Stay and See Daddy Mommy Please *Was About to cry*
Y/n : Don't Cry Honey Don't Cry..*sign* Fine.. Let's Go To Daddy..But You promise not To disturb him When He is Working Got That?..
Eunbi : Yes Maam!!..
Y/n : *Chuckled* Your Lucky that Your Cute and Adorable I Love You Baby..
Eunbi : I Love You Too Mommy!! *kiss*
Y/n : Okeyy Let's Go To Daddy!!
Eunbi : Yesss!!!

A/n : Hey Everyone Sorry For not Posting For a Long Time..and For Making You Wait.. I Hope You All Will Understand.. But It doesn't Matter Now The Important Is I'm Back.. Anyways Thank You All For Supporting my Book 😊 I Really Appreciate it you all Thank You, Thank You so Much ♥️No Hate Spread Love 💙😘

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