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1 week Later

•Y/n POV•

I woke up in The Morning feeling Sick Again Like I wanna Throw Up And I'm Getting Little Dizzy... I've Been Feeling this Morning Sickness This Past 1 week And I don't know What's Happing to Me Jungkook was Kinda Worried about me and He Want me To Go in the Hospital to check if I was Okey... But I Refuse him And Said Im Fine.. Now I Quickly run Towards Our Bathroom And Throw Up.. After I Throw up I wash my face.. And Then I Decided to Take a Shower and Do my Morning Stuff... By the way Jungkook and The Oppa's Was not here Cause They're Buying some Foods and Some Things...and Ms.Eun Ask Them A Favor So They Will be Coming Back home Tommorow.. So It's Just me and The Unnie's.. I Guess The Unnie's was Downstairs Cause I Heard Talking In the Living Room... After I Take a Shower I Wore my Clothes and This is What I look Like..

 After I Take a Shower I Wore my Clothes and This is What I look Like

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After I do My Stuff I Decided To go Downstairs with my Unnie's I walk Down To The stairs and Enter The Living room The Unnie's Great me and I did the same

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After I do My Stuff I Decided To go Downstairs with my Unnie's I walk Down To The stairs and Enter The Living room The Unnie's Great me and I did the same.. Then I Take a Seat Next To Jisso Unnie... we all Watch some Movies... When We are Watching I feel like I want to Vomit Again... I quickly Run Towards the Kitchen and Throw Up in the Sink The Unnie's was Worried and Quickly Follow me.. While I Was Throwing Up Jisso Unnie Hold Back my Hair When I was Throwing up.. the Unnie's was Realy Worried about me... After some Minutes of Throwing up I wash My Mouth.. and Leaned in the Counter.. Breathing Heavily..

Jennie : Y/n Are you okey..*Worried*
Rose : What Happened Are You sick?
Y/n : I Don't Know Unnie I've been Throwing Up This Past week And I don't know what's happening With me.
Jihyo : Did Jungkook Knows about this already?.
Y/n : Yes And He Want Me To Go to The Hospital But I refuse him...
Momo : Y/n You Should Go to the Hospital..
Y/n : why?
Dahyun : Maybe Your Pregnant.. There's a Possible Reason You And Jungkook have Sex Right?..
Y/n : *Nodded*
Jisoo : Y/n Dahyun Is Right.. Maybe Your Pregnant..
Y/n : *Shake Her head* N-no No It can't be I'm Too Young Unnie I can't be Pregnant In this Young Age Right?..*Tearing*
Momo : We are Still Not Sure About that Y/n The Only thing We can Do is to go To the Hospital and The Doctor will Have Some Test For you so that We Will know If You are Pregnant or Not...

I Was Breathing Heavily While Crying The Unnie's try to comfort me.. After Some Time I Was Feeling Little Dizzy I hold My head and Slowly Falling..  The Last Thing I Heard and Saw Was The Unnie was Calling me and My Vision Was All Blocked out..

•Jennie POV•

When Y/n Fainted We are So worried Luckily Jisoo Unnie Quickly Catch Her

Jisso : Call and Ambulance Now!! y/n Y/n.. Wake Up..
Rose : I got It..

After Some time The Ambulance Came and Took Y/n.. I quickly Grabbed My keys and We All Followed Them To the Hospital..


Me and The Girls Was Waiting For The Doctor To come out from Y/n's Room... not So long The Doctor Come Out and Went Towards us..

Rose : Doc..How Is she?
Doc : She's Okey Now There's Nothing Really Serious.. But I'm Gonna Tell You that...She is.... PREGNANT.. 1 week Pregnant... I Tell You Took a good Care Of Her and Of course Her Baby... excuse me I'll Take My leave Now..
Jisso : Thank You Doc..

With that We all Went Inside Y/n's Room and Saw Her Just Woken Up.. We Quickly Went towards Her With a Smile On our Face's...

Y/n : Unnie Where Am I?
Jennie : Your In the Hospital Y/n-sshi You Got Fainted lately and We Took You here...
Y/n : I don't Wanna Be Here I Wanna Go home Plss Jisso Unnie Plss..
Jisoo : Stay Still Momo will ask The Doctor If You can Go home Okey?..
Y/n : *Nodded*....
Rose : Y/n We wanna Tell You Something...
Y/n : ?????...
Jisso : Y/n... Your 1 Week Pregnant..
Y/n : ......... Your Joking Unnie Right haha It's Not funny Unnie So Stop...
Jennie : We are Not Y/n-sshi...
Y/n : Unnie I can't Be Pregnant!!! I'm Still young To be a Mother.. This Cant be!!!.. Plus Me and Jungkook Is Still attending School We Cant be a Teen Parents Unnie..*Crying*

We feel Bad For Y/n We Comfort Her cause She was Crying Mess.. But We Are All In This Together We will help Them Both To be a Good Parents I know Y/n And Jungkook can be a Good Parents To They're baby.... And Grow Up the Baby Together with full of love and Care and Also In a Good Way....

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