|•Thirty-Six•| 21+

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• Jungkook POV •

Me and Y/n was Done Taking a Shower.. Uhmm Yes We Went Into The Shower Together And You All Already Know What We Did During Our Bath.. Anyways I was Putting My White Polo On and Then Fold It In My Wrist then button It Up After I Put On My Polo I Wore My Pants On.. While I Was Tacking My Polo Y/n Came In Our Walk-in Closet Perfectly Dress.. She Was Wearing a White Long sleeves Off Shoulder And Her Down Was Black Skirt and Then Her White Heels Damn So Perfect... She Smiled While Leaning In the Island Looking at Me... Crossing Her Arms Together In Her Chest Looking at Me From Head To Toe

I Smiled and With a Little Smirk Back At Her Then Walk Towards Her...Placing My Hands Both Side Of Her and Make Her Trapped In Me...I Smirk and Lean Over To Her Kissing and Sucking Her Neck Fuck I really Love How She Smell.. Her Smell Was A Strawberry Cake With a Vanilla Scent Ugh Fuck That Turns Me On..I Continue To Suck Her Neck Leaving Some Light Small Hickey's Down To Her Collarbone and Shoulders..I Leaned More Closer.. that make My Friend Down There Touch Her Lower Stomach And It Feels So Good.. so I Grin Myself To her...

Y/n : Babe Stop You Still Have To Go To Work..And I'm Still Going To Drop Eunbi To School Hmmm*Moan A Bit*
Jungkook : But You make Me Go Insane To You Baby..
Y/n : It's Not My Fault If You Turn On On Me and Having A Boner Just Because Your Cloth Dick Touch My Lower Stomach That Easily.. and Are You Not Tired We Just Fuck 2x This Morning...
Jungkook : I'm not Going To Be Tired Feeling Your Tight Beautiful Pussy Around My Big fucking Dick..And Felling You Up With My Seeds.. I Can Fuck You All Day Baby If You Let Me *Smirk*
Y/n : Aishhh..*Look at me In Disbelief*
Jungkook : Come On Baby Help Me With This...We Still have a Lot of Time to Have Sex Now...

I Looked down To My Dick Raising Inside My Pants I Can Sense That She Also Want Me Now.. She's Now Turn on..I Looked at Her Waiting Impatiently.. When Suddenly she Pulled me Closer To Her Smirking at Me Hmm This Is What I've been Waiting For..
She Unbuckled My Belt and Unbutton my pants Then she Pulled it down I Bite My Lips Watching her..


She Then Push Me that Make Me Sit In The Chair She Then Fell On her Knees and Took Off My Underwear... she Took My Dick and Pumped It For A While Before She Gave Me A Blowjob...I Moaned and Throw My Head Back From The Pleasure I Was Receiving..
Not so Long I Cum She Swallow It All and Then Stood Up.. She Kissed Me Then Seat On My Lap Since She was Wearing A Skirt She Just Pulled It Up and took Off her Panties.. I Place My Hands In Her Waist And Legs for Support.. She Took My Dick and Position It on Her Entrance She Then Slowly Insert My dick Inside Her Pussy.. We Both Are Moaning Mess..She Place Her Hands On My Chest Bouncing Up and Down..

Jungkook : So Beautiful...Fuckk
Y/n : Ughh Fuckkk Baby....Your So Big!..
Jungkook : Hmm Shittt Baby.. Im Gonna Cum..
Y/n : Me Too Babe Fuckkk

Not So Long We Cum Together In a Same Time I Cum Inside Her While She Cum all Around My dick She Was Weak and That make Her Lean Down to My Chest I Caressing Her Hair and Kiss It...

Jungkook : Are You Okey?..
Y/n : Fuck you.. You make me Like This..*Heavily Breathing*
Jungkook : *Chuckled* But It Feels Good Though... admit It...
Y/n : Ughh Just Wear Your Clothes I'll Clean Up For a Bit Then I'll Wait You Downstairs..
Jungkook : Hmm Are You Sure You Can Walk?..
Y/n : Yeah I Can...

She Pulled Out and stood Up from Seating On Me She Then Walk Thru Our Bathroom and Clean Herself Up While I Wore My Clothes Back On and Put On My Tie..

• Y/n POV •

(TIME SKIP) Eunbi's School

Now me and Eunbi arrived here in Her School I Steeped Out From The Car And Walk at The Other Side Of The Car To Took eunbi From Her Seat Since She Was Still Struggling to Took of her Seatbelt.. She Stepped Out The Car and Hold My Hand Then We Both walk Inside The School Building Not So Long We Arrived At Her Classroom Door I Bend Over To Her Level and Gave Her Her Bag pack..

Y/n : I'll Pick You Up Later Okey?
Eunbi : Naee Mommy Bye I Love You..*Kiss*
Y/n : I Love You Too Baby..
Eunbi : Be Careful Mommy Okey.?
Y/n : *Nodded and Smile* Now Go in Your Class Will Start Soon Baby..
Eunbi : *Nodded and Ran Inside*

I Stay For a Bit Watching Her Getting all Her Stuff and Listen To Their Teacher She Look at Me For a Second And Smile I Then Gave Her a Fighting Fist and Smile Back To Her... not So Long I Walked Away From Her School Building And was about To Steeped In My Car When Suddenly Someone Walk Behind Me and Called My Name I Quickly Look back To see Who Was It...

Y/n : ohhh Beakhyun Oppa??..
Beakhyun : Y/n Can We Talk?
Y/n : *Confused* O-okey Oppa Where?
Beakhyun : Let's Just Talk In The Coffee Shop Near By Is That Okey?
Y/n :*Nodded* O-Okey..

(Time skip) Coffee Shop

Beakhyun : So..How Are You and Jungkook Y/n-sshi?..I Heard That You Have A Daughter Already?..How Old was Your Daughter?
Y/n : Ahhh Yeah We Are.. She's Now 5 Years Old...
Beakhyun : Ohh I See She's Lucky to Have You and Jungkook as Her Parents..
Y/n : *Smile*
Beakhyun : I Guess I Have To Say This Now I Don't Wanna Waste my Time But Y/N I Came here To Warned You That Your In Trouble You and Your Daughter..
Y/n : *Shock and Confused* O-Oppa What D-do You Mean?..
Beakhyun : *sign* Sehun Was Trying To Get You Back, He Want You Back Y/n and His planning Something And I Can Sense That It's Really Bad Be Aware Of That Don't Tell Anyone That I Warned You Please Be Safe With Your Daughter.. I Have To Go
Y/n : O-oppa Wait.. Oppa!

Without Giving Me any Idea Of What Sehun Was Planning To me and My Daughter Beakhyun Oppa Left Quickly I Was Left Behind I Was Shocked and Confused I want to Tell Jungkook but Beakhyun Oppa Told Me Not To..I Must Protect My Daughter..

A/n : hey Everyone I'll Just Be Telling You That Im Not Going To Published Some Chapter for Some Couple Of Days Cause My Uncle Died And We are Really Busy So I Hope You All Understand.. Keep Safe Everyone Always Stay at Your Home I Love You All and Thank You For Supporting My Book ♥️

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