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A/n : Guys Warning This Chapter is Full of 21+.. I just wanna Remind You so Enjoy ✨🌸 By the Way Every 21+ In this story Is..  Im not the One who make It Its My Friend I Ask a Favor So That's It..  Let's Start


•Y/n POV•

Me Unnie's and the Oppa's Finally Went Home.. Me and Jungkook Quickly Went to our bedroom He let me inside then He Close and lock the door.. he then pinned me to the wall and start Kissing me Rough.. He kiss me down to my Collarbone.. He told me to jump On Him and I did what he say He.. My legs Wrapped around his Waist He Walk Towards our Bed and layed me down Carefully Without Breaking Our Kiss.. He hovering me.. I Pulled away From The kiss and took off My dress.. Now I'm in my Undergarments... He quickly Kiss my Chest Down To My Stomach... I Arch In The bed Because of the Pleasure He gave me I Moaned In The Pleasure.. He then Kiss me back to the Lips and Unclipped my bra.. He Suck My Left Boobs while He was Squishing My Right Boobs... I can saw some Hickey's on it... I was Breathing Heavily Right now... He went Down and Remove my Panties.. Now I'm completely Naked He Touched My Clit And I Flinced A little bit...he Then Spread my legs widely and Lean Towards my Pussy He Start Kissing it and licking I Throw my head Back of the Pleasure I Moaned and placed my hands on his Hair And Moved my Hips more Closer To him...After some Time I cum in his Mouth Jungkook swallow it all.. Jungkook crawl back to me and Kiss me I Unbuttoned his shirt and Throw it somewhere in the room Then I Unbuckle his Belt and he help me Take off His Pants along with his Boxers.. I Grabbed His Neck and Kiss Him .. I let him sit and I then Seat on his lap.. Grinning on his Dick...

Jungkook : Ride me baby Uhhhh *Moaning*
Y/n : Fuck.. I Want You Inside me Now Baby..
Jungkook : Fuck Me As long as You want Baby....

With that I Grabbed His Dick and Place it into My Entrance and Let his Dick Inside My pussy.. We Both Moaned in Pleasure... I Started Bouncing On him We Placed his Hands on my waist for Support While My Hands Was in His Chest I Throw my Head Back.. While Jungkook was Looking at me while Moaning He Leaned over to me and Kiss my neck after some Time We both cum In the same Time I cum on his dick while he Cum inside me I Then Hugged Jungkook.... After Some Seconds He Then let me Layed down In the Bed and He Grabbed my Feet and Place It To his Shoulder He Then Insert His Dick On my Pussy and Start Thrusting In and Out On me.. The Room Was Full Of Our Moans and Skin Slapping... after some Minutes He Came inside me.. He Layed down Beside me and Pulled the blankets Over To us He Pulled me Closer to his Chest and Hug Me.. He Kiss My Forehead and Head Before Drifting to Sleep in Each Other's Embrace...


•Jungkook POV•

I woke up early in the morning I looked at Beside me and Saw Y/n sleeping Peacefully in my Chest I smirk Remembering Ehat Happened to us Last Night I know We Did It So Many Times But Still It Feels like A First Time While I Was Thinking about last Night While Looking at her It Make's me have a Boner again I Grabbed my dick and Pump It Up and Down and Moan Softly...While I Was Pleasuring myself I Touch Y/n's Waist... I can't anymore I want Her Again .. That's it..

Jungkook : Baby? Ahhh *Moaned* Baby Pls W-wake Up Ugh Fuck baby Pls Help me With this I Want to fuck You again...
Y/n : ..... Hmmmm
Jungkook : Baby Plsss Fuck *Moan*

She was Still sleeping I make my Body Towards her and Rubbed my dick in her Butt I Moaned Cause It Feels so Fucking Good... I Back Hug her While Still Rubbing my dick To his Butt not so long I Cum on her Butt I Moaned Hard... I Then Hovering her and Kiss her Everywhere.. She Chuckled at me Still Eye's Closed..I Smile at her Cuteness and Continue to kiss Her leaving Hickey's all around her Body.. After Some Time Of Kissing her I spread her Legs And I Pumped my Dick a Few Times Before Entering her Tight Pussy...

Y/n : Hmmm Fuck Jungkoo-k Ughh Yesss Like That Bab-y Y-es.. Right There baby Ugh! FUCK
Jungkook : You Like It baby?
Y/n : Yes Yes Yes Ughhh
Jungkook : Ughh Fuck Your So Tight Ahh! this Pussy is so Fucking Tight and This is Just Belongs to me.. Right baby?!
Y/n : Yes Only yours! Ugh Fuck Fuck Fuck...

Not so long I Came Inside her We Both Breathing Heavily I Kissed her.. We Both Looking At each Other's Eye's and I then Spoke to her

Jungkook : I love you...
Y/n : I Love you too Baby so much..

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