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2 Week's Later

It's Been 2 Weeks and My Baby Bump Is Getting Bigger and Bigger.. Today is a especial Day Jimin and Taehyung Oppa Is Now Finally Going To Propose On Jennie Unnie and Rose Unnie.. right Now Jungkook and The Other Boys Is Preparing Everything While Me, Jisso Unnie and The Other Unnies Was Distracting Jennie and Rose Unnie. right Now I Was Just Waiting For the Dress that Jihyo and Dahyun Unnie Bought It from The Famous and Well Know Expensive Dresses and Gowns Shop... so That The Both of Them Will Wear It For Tonight's Proposal..and oh yeah If Your Wondering Where is Eunbi well She Is With Jungkook... Lately Eunbi wants To be With us All the Time... She Sleep With Us and When we Asked her she Respond By saying "I Just Wanted To Be With You Mommy and Daddy and Also I want to Keep an Eye On my baby Sister/Brother" and We Found It so Cute So We Let Her Be with us...

Jennie : Yahh Where is Taehyung and The Others?
Jisso : Ohhh uhmm.. *Look at me*.. They just Went To..
Y/n : Jungkook's Company Unnie.. Jungkook Need They're Help So That All Of Them Went There...
Jisso : Yeah Yeah..
Rose : But We can Go With Them Right?
Y/n&Jisso : Ani!!!(No)
Jennie : Wae?(Why)
Rose : Yeah Why.. We Promise We wont Disturb them we Just Want To be With Them..
Y/n : Uhmmm.. They Wont Let Us..

The Both Of Them was Looking at Me and Jisso Unnie Confused..We Just Gave Them a Light Smile...But Then Someone Opened the Door..We Looked towards The Main Door and Saw Jungkook With a Black Box On his Left Hands While On his Right Hand was Holding Eunbi's Hands I walked Towards Them Both and As Soon As I approach them Jungkook Gave Me a Kiss on My Forehead while Eunbi Hug My Legs..

Y/n : *Whispered* Are You all Done Preparing for Tonight?
Jungkook : Ani But We are Almost Done..
Y/n : Ohhh What Makes You Come Back Here?
Jungkook : I just want To Gave you This.. wear This For Tonight Okey?
Y/n : Okey *Smile* Thank You Love *Kiss*
Jungkook : Your Welcome *Kiss my head*
Eunbi : What about me Mommy?
Y/n : *Look down* Oppps I'm Sorry Baby...*Kneel down* Thank You My Baby Girl.. I Love You..*Kiss*
Eunbi : I Love You Too Mommy *Chuckled*
Rose : Jungkook where Are They?

Jisso Unnie and Me Was Shocked Cause Probably Jungkook Didn't Know what was our Excuses for the Both of them I stood Up and Pretend To Cough before Secretly Whisper to him..

Y/n :*whispered* Tell Them That They are Still In Your Company

Jungkook Secretly nodded while He Placed his Hands Around My Waist Before Speaking To them..

Jungkook : They are Still In My Company I ask Them To Help Me For Something..
Jennie : Ohh We see But Why are You Here?
Jungkook : ...*Silent*...I just Came By Cause Namjoon Hyung...ask Me to get the File That I Gave Him The Other day.. He Forgot it Lately..So Yeah.. and Also I Gave My Wife's Dream Dress..*smile awkwardly*
Y/n : *Whispered* Nice Excuse Baby
Jungkook : *Wink*.. anyways I'll Go Get It Now..

With that Jungkook Pretend To Go Upstairs and Took a Empty Seats and a Brown envelope..

Jennie : I Kinda Miss Taehyung!
Rose : Yeah Right I'm Bore.. An without Jimin Hugging me I Feel Sad
Y/n : Yah Unnie You Both are overreacting They Will Be Back later You both Will See them Tonight.. When are Are Now Finished on they're Business..
Jisso : *Chuckled* What To go Out and Grabbed some Coffee?
Jennie &Rose : Im In!!
Y/n : Yeah Me too
Jisso : Okey Great Then!.. Go And Get Change..

With that Jennie and Rose Unnie Quickly run Upstairs To they're own Rooms While Me Also Go Inside to Me and Jungkook's old bedroom Yeah It's Still There All Our Stuff Was also Here Its Still Clean And perfectly Organized The Oppa's and Unnie's decided to keep It Here so that Whenever We Come Here We still Have Our Bedroom.. Anyways The Moment I Entered The Room I Saw Jungkook..

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