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Me and Jungkook Arrived at the School He park the Car And We Both Went Out From the Car He Walk to Me and Placed His hands on my Waist Then We Wait the Oppa's and Unnie's When They All Went out from the Car
We all Walk In The school Everyone Look at us...For real Im In the bad mood Right now because of that Bitch Can't wait too See you Euhna.. Just be Prepared While We are In the Hallway We are about to go inside the Classroom but I stop..

Y/n : Baby.. Oppa's You can Go Inside Me and The Unnie's Have Something to handle with..
Jungkook : Baby What Is it?
Y/n : Is it okey for you..
Jungkook : What?
Y/n : Me and The Girls While Have some Fun Before Class Starts?
Jungkook : Oh I Get It Euhna right?
Y/n : *Nodded*
Jungkook : You Text Her?.. I told you dont Mind it Right?
Y/n : Baby I cant Take it out of my mind You know I hate It..
Jungkook : Okey Fine Just Be Careful Make Sure You dont Get hurt...
Y/n : *nodded*

With that He Kissed me And They Went Inside I First Explain it to the Unnie's and They all agreed bro Its Been a While Since We Hurt Someone though and we Missed it.. Now Why not? with that We Went To the Rooftop.. When We Arrived at The Rooftop We Saw Her Standing Waiting Patiently When She See us she quickly Crossed her Arms In her Chest We walk Towards her..

Euhna : Why are you Bitch Here?
Rose : Wait What did you just call us?
Euhna : Are you a deaf? I Call You all a Bitch Any Problem with that?
Jennie : You The Bitch In here Girl not us.. Your a Bitch and Also A Slut *smirk*
Euhna : Fuck You..
Y/n : Oh Im Sorry We just Came here To ask You.. and To Handle Something
Euhna : Well Then Go ahead Straight to the Point..
Y/n : Why are you doing here?
Euhna : Ohh That's it?.. Im here to meet Your Boyfriend Jeon Jungkook
Y/n : Ohhh My Boyfriend?..
Euhna : Yeah Why?..You have a Problem?
Jisso : Actually Yes We have..
Euhna : Then What?
Y/n : Texting, Flirting, seducing my Baby is a Big Mistake Girl.. Did you know That When Jungkook Reply on Your Text.? Actually His not the one I Did it and He Knows It Im the One who text You To came Here Before Class Starts..Too bad.. You know what It's been a While Since We Hurt Someone Now It's a Pleasure To Be Back...
Euhna : You bitch! *Was about to Slap me*
Y/n : Too Wrong Girl

With that I Twisted her Arms and Make her Groaned in pain I Then Pushed her And Make Her Fall In the Floor I smirk At her she Look at me and stood up She was about to attack me but The Unnie's got her Rose and Jennie Unnie Hold The Both of her Hands while Jisso Grabbed her Hair and Slap Her 3× ohhh I missed this One.. after Jisso Slap Her I kick Her Stomach that make her Cry In pain..
After the Kick I Give her A Hard Slap That Make Her Lips Bleed.. Rose and Jennie Also Give her a Slap Then Pushed her Down To the Floor..

Y/n : Look at your Face Too Mess *chuckled* Sorry Not Sorry But I like too see a Girl In this Condition made by Me and The Unnie's.. Like I said Flirting seducing and Texting my Boyfriend or our Boyfriend Is a Big Mistake In your Life So Fuck Off and Keep Your Dirty hands And Personality To Us...
Jennie : What A Mess *Laughed*
Rose : Ohh I like To be back.. I missed Hurting People thank You Euhna *Chuckled*
Jisso : So Sad Haha It's Really Good Looking at you...
Y/n : See You around Euhna *smirk*
Euhna : Fucking Bitch!!!!

With that me and The Unnie's Walk Away leave Her Alone In there Actually Though Class Is Already starting.. We Went in the Girl's Restroom and Wash our Bloody Hands Then Walk to our Class....

Mrs.Kang : Girl's Late again?!.. Your all 15 minutes Late Where We're you?
Y/n : Handling Some Business..
Mrs.Kang : What Business?!
Jennie & Y/n : Not Your Problem..

Mrs.kang was About to say Detention But Me and The Girls just cut her Words By Walking towards our Seats and Telling her Not Interested.. she Give as a Sign and Start lecturing again.. Jungkook look at me and Check if Im Okey..

Jungkook : Are you hurt?
Y/n : No Baby.. Im Fine..
Jungkook : Hmm Im So worried..
Y/n : Why would you you know me Already..
Jungkook : yeah I know but still..

I just Kissed him and Tell him im Good He Let out a sign and Placed his Head on my neck His Safe Place.. I giggled and Hug him.. For Real we dont Really Participate for Mrs.Kang's Class..


We walk Towards our Next Class Which Was Our Favorite Class Dance Class.. Jungkook and The Oppa's Change they're Clothes while me and The Girls Also Change our Clothes We went towards the Fitting Room For girls and Change our Clothes..

 Jungkook and The Oppa's Change they're Clothes while me and The Girls Also Change our Clothes We went towards the Fitting Room For girls and Change our Clothes

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Me and The Unnie's Have the same Clothes and We all Wear That...Then We walk towards the Oppa's I Walk To Jungkook and I was about to seat next to him but he Pulled me And Make me His Between his Legs And my back was facing him I Giggled at him and Then He Placed his Chin to my shoulder and Kiss my Neck.. Until Our Teacher Came And talk..

Ms.eun : Hi Everyone.. I see Everyone is Present Today.. Now Can I Ask Bts To Dance In front of us and Show They're dance Skills..

With that Jungkook and The Oppa's Stood Up But Before jungkook Came In front he Give me a Kiss And I Chuckled at him Then They All Start dancing Me and The Girls Cheered for Them..

Some Of the Girls are Seducing our boyfriend me and The Unnie's along with Jihyo, Momo, and Dahyun Glared at the Girls na Then They Say Sorry To us and I looked back to Jungkook.. He Always Smirk on me and Wink.. He Only Looked at me No one Else.. until They're Done..

Ms.Eun : Wow That Was Lit Thank You Boys.. Now This time Let's request Blackpink to dance.. For us The Hottest Girl Group..

With that me and The Unnie's Stood up and Before Jungkook seat down I give him a kiss on the neck that make him Giggled... we then Start Dancing

(you are Lisa In here)

Everyone Cheered for me and The Unnie's We We're About to seat down When Suddenly the Students Ask A Favor to Ms.Eun..

Student 1 : Ms.Eun Can Jennie, Taehyung, Jungkook and Y/n Dance?
Ms.Eun : Well If they dont mind..

Jungkook and Taehyung Quickly Stood up and Went To us While Jisso and Rose unnie Seat down And They All Cheered for us...and Start Dancing.

(your the one That Girl With a Brown Hair)

After The dance They are all Shocked even The Oppa's and Unnie's.. they all Didn't expect that Dance To us.. We Bowed and Walk Back To our seat...

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