|• Thirty- Eight •|

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A/n : Let Me Get Your Attention for just a Little second.. Okey So I'm Really Sorry About Not Putting A Picture Of Y/n And Jungkook's Little Eunbi I totally Forgot About That And Thank You For Reminding Me For That.. Anyways Let's Not Waste out time.. Everyone. This is Jeon Eunbi

A/n : Have a Nice Day Everyone Enjoy

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A/n : Have a Nice Day Everyone Enjoy


•Y/n POV•

Me and Eunbi Is Now Here In The Company walking Towards The Elevator.. I Press the Button and We Wait until The Elevator Door To Open.. Not so Long It Finally Slide Open Me and Eunbi walk Inside And press The Button Floor..

We arrived at His Office Floor while Eunbi was Holding My Hand while Smiling to Everyone who was greeting Us.. While Me and Eunbi Greet Back the Others Jungkook's Secretary was standing up in front of Us and gave us a Smile Before Taking A Bowed At us as respect..

Ana : Good Day Mrs.Jeon..Hi Eunbi
Eunbi : Hello Unnie..
Y/n : Is Jungkook There?
Ana : Uh Yes Mrs.Jeon He is Inside..
Eunbi : Unnie is daddy Busy?
Ana : Not So Really Eunbi-ah Just Few Papers..
Eunbi : Yes Mommy I Can Talk To Daddy!?
Y/n : You can Always talk To Daddy Baby.. But Not too Much Especially when He is Doing some of His Works..

I gave Eunbi a Warm Smile and she Did The same Ana Lead The Way and Knocked to the Door..

Jungkook POV•

I was On my Laptop Dealing some a Bit Business Partners when Suddenly Someone Knocked Into my Door and its My Secretary Just By the Voice But I didn't Look Up And just Focus On My Laptop screen My Secretary then Spoke..

Ana : Mr.Jeon Someone Is Here..
Jungkook : Just Let Them In..
Ana : Yes Mr.Jeon

My Secretary Open my Door Wide and Then Someone Run and Shouting While Calling my name I Know That Little Voice Its My Little Girl.. A smile Quickly appeared at my Face She Run Towards me And Hug me I Hug Her Back and Carry Her.. I stood Up and Walk Towards My wife Who was smiling To Us.. I Leaned in To Gave Her a kiss..

Jungkook : You Didn't tell Me That you are Coming here..
Y/n : Ohhh Our Little Princess was Begging For Me to Come Here She Want to see you and spend some time..
Jungkook : Really baby Eunbi?
Eunbi : Yes daddy Just Tell me if Your Busy I Will Just Gonna sit There In That Chair and Not going To disturb you Not until Your done with your Work..
Jungkook : Owww What a Sweet Little Honey.. Are you hungry..
Eunbi : Just a Little bit..
Jungkook : Okey What Do You Want To eat?
Eunbi : Hmmm I Want Some Ice Cream daddy Ohhh No No No Mommy Wont Like It If i Ate Them Especially when i was Hot By the Sun I want Someeeee.... hmmmmmm Ohhh daddy I want A big Glass Of Milk With 2 Cookies Please
Jungkook : Very good You do what Mommy said...Okey I'll Call ana to bring you Some Milk and Cookies You Sit there and wait for her To come Okey..
Eunbi : Okey daddy Thank You..*kiss*
Jungkook : Your Welcome Honey..

I Put down Eunbi and then she run towards the Couch and Sit There while Playing With her Toys.. Me and Y/n Watch her For some Time Admiring her.. I Put my Arms around Her while I place my Chin To Her shoulder..

Jungkook : We are Lucky To Have her In our Life Baby...Such a Adorable baby..
Y/n : Yeah So much..Thank You..
Jungkook : for What Baby?
Y/n : For everything.. For loving me and Especially for Giving me this.. This Beautiful family we Create..
Jungkook : I should be the One Who Tell you that My love... but Your Welcome Thank you also *Smile*

I turned her around to face me I Placed My Both Palm To Caressed her Cheeks She gave me her Beautiful smile and I Did the same I Then Kiss her lips Softly..
I really love them both so much They are My Life my world.. I can't leave without them in My life I Will do whatever I Can Just to make sure they are fine and safe no one's gonna Hurt them I Promise that To Myself..

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