|• Forty-Nine •| 21+

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A/n : Annyeong Everyone Before I Start this Chapter Real Quick One Of You Said That Why Do They Have To Do Sex when Y/n is Pregnant Right?.. Well Actually based On What I Know and For What I Learned and also Just To make Sure I search it in A Medical Link and For the Best Luck  Actually sex during Pregnancy is perfectly safe. don't worry. you won't hurt the baby in any way, or increase the risk for infection assuming your partner doesn't have a sexually transmitted infection,. SO yeah Lets Start the Chapter...Thank You For Gaving your  attention Real Quick Enjoy The 21+ 😂☺️

•Jungkook POV•

I woke Up In The Morning By The Sun hitting my Face I was about to stretch when I Feel Someone's Figure Laying down To My chest snuggling her face In My Neck...I Chuckled and Then Hug her More.. While Kissing her Forehead Down To Her lips.. Such a cute Girl...Even though She is a Mom already...I was Admiring Her Face when I didn't Notice That she Woke Up Already She Slowly Opened her eyes Adjusting the Sunlight.. she then Looked at me with Her Cute And Beautiful Smile...

Jungkook : Good Morning My Baby *Kiss*
Y/n : Good Morning *Smile*
Jungkook : Let's shower  together?..
Y/n : What? no..
Jungkook : Oh Please baby I won't do Anything Yet I Promise that... I Want To save it Later Tonight... though..
Y/n : ..........
Jungkook : Please?..*Puppy eyes*
Y/n : ....Fine! but promise me You won't Do Anything But just to Take a Shower Okey?!
Jungkook : *Nodded* I Promise *Kiss*
Y/n : Let's Go So That I Can Wake Up Eunbi..
Jungkook : Okey My Love..

With that I Stood Up from the Bed and remove the Blanket from her Then Carry Her Bridal Style and entered the Bathroom
When We Stepped Inside the Shower I Removed all My Clothes and Now Im Completely Naked while She was Still untying Her long and Soft hair.. I Sneak my hands To Her waist and Remove her Pajamas And Now We are Both naked How I Wish I Can Fuck her Now But I Make a Promise And Of Course I Want To save It For Later... with that We Both take a Shower Together while Having fun.. laughing cause She was Playing with my Hair..She Is so Cute ughhh...

After Some Time me and Y/n are Already Done Taking a Shower so Bow We are In our Walk-in Closet then I Started Choosing Some Comfortable Clothes For Today while Y/n did her Own Thing This is What We Look Like. 


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