|• Forty-two •|

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I woke Up Early in the Morning by me Feeling To I wanna Throw Up again So I Quickly Stood Up From My Bed and run Towards the Bathroom I Throw Up In the Sink.. After Throwing Up I wash out the Vomit and wash My Face  I take a Look of Myself In The Mirror breathing Heavily.. I decided To Take a Pregnancy Test So I Opened The Drawer under the Counter and Took The Unused Pregnancy Test And Test myself...

After a take it I Put It back In the Drawer since You Have To Wait for Couple Of Hours before you Knew If Your Positive or Not... While Im Still in the Bathroom I heard Eunbi Crying in the Bedroom Calling My Name so I quickly went Back To the Room and went To her I Sit in the and Look at Her Worriedly.. While She Crawl over me and Hug me...

Y/n : Why Baby What Happened?
Eunbi : *Sob* Im Having Nightmare Mommy!! *Crying*
Y/n : It's Okey Baby Mommy Is Here Stop Crying Now...
Eunbi : Mommy *Crying*
Y/n : Shhh Shhh Its Fine Honey..
Eunbi : *Still Crying*
Y/n : Hmmm Mommy Is Here Baby..

I Stood Up While Eunbi was In My Arms Crying In My Neck I Opened the Bedroom Door and Stepped Out Then Walk Downstairs and Entered The Living Room... I then Called Maria she's One Of Our Maids..

Y/n : Maria Can You Get a Glass of Milk For Eunbi Please..then Get me some Cup Of Coffee..
Maria : Yes Mrs.Jeon..

I was Caressing Eunbi's Hair While She Was Still Sobbing From Crying She Pulled away From My Neck and Look At Me With Her Swallowed Eyes
I then Caressed Her Cheeks and Tell Her Its Fine...

Eunbi : Mommy I'm Scared..
Y/n : Don't Be Baby Mommy Is Here To Protect You.. Stop Crying Now Honey..
Eunbi : *Wipe Her Tears away*
Y/n : What Was Your nightmare Is Honey?
Eunbi : Someone Came Inside our House Its a Guy and His Wearing all black And He Had Black Cap On... mommy He Was Holding a Knife And Killed Everyone In The House Before Walking To Our Room *Crying*

I was Silent For a Mean Time before Coming Back To My Sense By eunbi Crying Again...I Hug Her and Kiss her Head..

Y/n : Shhh Baby That Guy Can't do Anything To Us Okey...
Eunbi : Mommy What If He Is...
Y/n : He Wont Honey...
Maria : here's your Milk Eunbi and Your Coffee Mrs.Jeon..
Y/n : Thank You..
Maria : No Problem Mrs.Jeon Please Excuse me ill Cook Some Breakfast For The Both Of You..*Bowed*
Y/n : Honey Here Drink Your Milk.. Stop Crying Now Okey?.. Nothing is Gonna Happened As Long As Your With Us... okey?..
Eunbi : *Nodded*

She Pulled Away From The Hug And Kiss Me I Smile to Her and Kiss her forehead Before I Leaned In to Get Her milk In The Coffee Table and Give it To Her and I Also Drink Ny Coffee..after some Couple Of Times Eunbi Finished Her Milk before Looking at Me then Spoke...

Eunbi : Mommy Can We Call Daddy.. I Miss Him..
Y/n : Sure Honey But I Dont Think Daddy Is Awake By Now Let's Have Breakfast First then Let's Call Him Can We Do That?..
Eunbi : Okey Mommy...
Y/n : Good Let's Go To The Dining Room Then

We Both Smiled At Each Other Then Walk Towards The Dining Room and of Course We Already Saw maria and the Other Maids Preparing The Foods and Placing It in The Table as soon as They Saw us Entering The Room They all Bowed To us and great Us An Good morning... Eunbi Smile To Them Before Sitting In Her Sit...I called Our Maids and They All look to me

Y/n : After You Put all The Foods In the Table Come and Join Us For Breakfast and Left Some for The Guards..
Maids : Mrs.Jeon we are Fine you can Eat-
Y/n : Please Just This Time...
Maids : But Mrs.Jeon-
Eunbi : Please Unnie's!!!
Maids :....... O-Okey Thank You mrs.jeon and Eunbi
Eunbi : Your Welcome!!!

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