|• Thirty-nine •|21+

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•Y/n POV•

This Past Few Days I'm Getting This weird feeling Like Everytime I Dropped Eunbi To her School and when We are outside bonding together it Feels Like Someone Was following Us And Watching us To be Honest I'm Scared.. I'm Scared for My Daughter.. But I Think I Know Who was This Guy Spying On us watching every  move We made.. I'm really Sure Its One Of Sehun's Men I Can't anymore I have To Tell Jungkook About This.. He Should know His my Husband After All..

I stood Up from the Bed and Walk out from me and Jungkook's Shared Bedroom I Walked Over To Eunbi's Room and Check If She was fine asleep and she is.. So I walk downstairs Where his Office Are.. I am Now In front of His Big Black Modern Door Which is his Home Office.. I Knocked Before Opening it And went Inside.. I Saw him Doing Some A bit Paper Work Not so Long  He finally Notice me He Smiled at Me before Standing Up from his Chair and Walk Towards Me..

Jungkook : Hey Love Why are you still Up? You should sleep now.. It's Late Already aren't you Sleepy?
Y/n : *Smile a Bit* Im Not.. Jungkook Can we Talk?.. I Have Something To tell You
Jungkook : ......... Your Scaring Me.. But what is It?.. Is There anything Wrong?
You Seems Very Serious..
Y/n : Its About Our Daughter..
Jungkook : What is all about With Eunbi?

I Sign and walk Towards The couch He Had.. I Was Caressing my Hands.. He seem Notice Me that Im Nervous so he follow me and let Me take a Sit..

Jungkook : Its Okey You Can Tell Me.. Dont Be Nervous Im here..
Y/n : Jungkook...*Bite my Button Lips* Me and Beakhyun Oppa Talk Days ago.. He warned Me Something.. He said That Sehun Was planning to do something From me he said he want me Back.. Me and Eunbi.. Jungkook I-I Dont W-want To be with him Again.. Jungkook His going To hurt our D-daughter.. Jungkook I-Im Sorry If I Didn't Tell You about this Earlier.. I was afraid *Crying* I-Im Sorry. Im S-Sorry..,
Jungkook : Shhhh Dont Cry...*Hug Me* Everything is Gonna Be Alright.. I'll Do Everything To protect you And Eunbi..I wont Let anyone mess with our family
I promise You this will end.. Now I want you To Promise me that Everytime You feel something was wrong Tell Me okey?..
Y/n : *Nodded*
Jungkook : Baby look at Me.. It's fine As long As I'm here I'll protect you and Our Baby no matter what happened.. Dont cry now Okey?..
Y/n : *Smile A bit and Kiss Him*

⚠️Warning! ⚠️

I placed my hands around His Neck and Shoulders Pulling him more closer To me And To depend Our Passionate Kiss While his hands was Sneaking around my Waist And Back Carrying me.. We Walk out From his
Office and walk to our bedroom Without even breaking The Kiss.. He Closed the Door and Layed me down On the Bed.. I looked at him While He was Taking Off His Clothes.. Not so ling he was Now fully Naked.. He Crawled Back to me and Kiss Me from My forehead, Eyes, Nose, Lips, Jawline And last He suck My Neck Leaving Hickeys.. He sneak his hands and untied my wrobe The took it off from Me after taking it Off I was now Also Fully naked He stare at My Body Admiring It Before He Lean in and Kiss My Shoulder Down to My Stomach I moaned in Pleasure he was giving me..

Y/n : J-Jungkook *Moaned*

He looked up to me and Lock his Eyes to Mine He Then Suck My pussy While I wad moaning Loud By his Tongue swirling around My Pussy..He insert His fingers to Mine I Arched my back and Eyes Rolled back by the Fucking Pleasure..His fingers Was Thrusting Fast and deep To Me.. Not so Long I Cumm he swallowed all and lick It he pulled Out his Fingers and I looked at him He Was also looking at me while he was Licking his fingers seductively
I bite My lips and pulled Him With me in the bed I Switched our position..Now I was sitting On the top of him He Placed His hands On side Of my Waist Supporting me I Grabbed his Dick and Placed It in my Entrance I slowly Entered his dick To mine and Now his inside me.. I Bounce up and down I placed both of My hands in His chest while I throw My head Back.. Jungkook was moaning Mess While I fast My thrust to Him He grabbed my chin and spoke Between his moaned..

Jungkook : Let me look at your beautiful face Baby!! Fuckkk
Y/n : Jungkook I-I Love you Ughhh
Jungkook : I love you too My baby!..Yes Just like that Honey..
Y/n : Fucking Big dick!! Fuckkk
Jungkook : That's yours Jeon Y/n You own all Of me and I own All of you.. Shit!! Im Almost There..
Y/n : Me too Jungkook!!
Jungkook : Wait for me.. Let's cum together My love!!..Ahhh Fuck

I keep Bouncing Up and down to him and not so long We both Cum together  He shoot His Seeds Inside me whike I cum around his dick I Fall Down to his Chest and he Laid me down then Grabbed my waist My butt was Now In front of his dick He was facing my back He Slammed himself inside me fucking Me from behind Skin slapping and Moaning Filled the room He Grabbed My hair and Pulled me closer to him He Kiss my back Leaving Some hickeys All around it I moaned loudly..

Jungkook : Fuck Your so good My Love!
Y/n : Ahhh It Hurts Ughh Fuck Jungkook slowly..
Jungkook : Shhh baby your fine.. Ugh yes this is hella Good
Y/n : Im close Baby!! Fuck fuxk fuck!
Jungkook : Cum now baby!

With that We both cum Together He Pulled Out his dick And layed Beside me I Layed down To his chest hugging each other.. we are both Breathing heavily He Place a kiss on my Head and we both fall asleep..

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