|•Thirty-five•| 21+

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•Jungkook POV•

Me and The The Others decided To Go Home Now Cause We Still Had Works and Also Eunbi Had Still School..Its Already Late At Night So Me, Y/n and Eunbi Walk Towards The Car Eunbi Was Sleeping In Y/n Embrace I Opened The Front Seat Door and Y/n Slowly Seat Down Want Wanting Eunbi To Wake Up I Make Sure That They Put On Their Seatbelt and Then I Walk To the Other Side Of The Car and Went Inside... I Also Put On My Seatbelt Then Start The Car Engine Then Drove Off...

(Time Skip) Home

We Just Arrived at The House I Honked My Car And Our Guard Open The Gate For Us Y/n Was Also Sleeping Leaning In The Car Window ...I Parked My Car I front Of The House I Unbealt my Seatbelt and Leaned Over To Y/n

Jungkook : Baby...*Kiss her Head* Wake Up Now We arrived Home..
Y/n : Hmmmm*Opened Her Eyes*
Jungkook : Stay Here For a Bit I'll Open The Door For You..
Y/n : *Nodded* Okey..

With That I Open The Car door From my Side and Then Steeped Out and Went To The Other Side...I Opened The Car Door And Took Eunbi Slowly...Eunbi Snuggle Her Face In My Shoulder and Hug Me Tight..I Help Y/n To Steeped Out From The Car.. She Leaned Over To Me and Gave Me a Kiss..

Jungkook : Carl Parked My car In The Garage Please..
Carl : Ahhh Yes Mr.Jeon I Got It..

And Then I Gave My Car Keys To Him Then He Drove The Car To The Garage..
I Put My Free Hands Around Y/n Waist and We Walked Inside The House..We Entered The Living room..

Jungkook : Baby You Can Go Upstairs In Our Room.. and Change Your Comfortable clothes.. I'll Go In Eunbi's Room I'll Dress Up her up And Tugged Her In The Bed..
Y/n : Are You Sure I Can Go and Help You..
Jungkook : No No It's Fine Just Go.. I'll Be There In a Minute Okey..
Y/n : Hmmm Okey.. I Love You..
Jungkook : I Love You Too *Kiss*

And With that She Walk Upstairs and Went inside our Bedroom..While I Did The Same and Went Inside Eunbi's Room..

Jungkook : Eunbi?..Wake Up My Baby And Took a Warm Shower Before You Sleep..
Eunbi : *still Sleepy* Daddy?...Where's Mommy?
Jungkook : She's In Our Room Baby Getting Shower Also...Come On Go take a Quick Warm Shower Daddy Will Wait Here and Prepare For Your Pajamas Arraseo?
Eunbi : Okey Daddy...

And That's When Eunbi Stand Up And Walk Towards Her Bathroom and Take a Quick Night Warm Shower...I Then Went To Her Drawers and Took Some Cute Pink Bunny Pajamas... Not So Long She Came Out Fresh And Smell Good Like Her Mom..She Went To Me I Then Lift Her Up In Her Bed and Dress Her Into Her Pajamas...

Jungkook : Ohhhu Cute..*Smile*... Now Layed Down And Sleep You Still Have School For Tomorrow...
Eunbi : Naee Daddy...
Jungkook : Good Night My Princess..*Kiss her Small Lips*
Eunbi : Good Night Too Daddy and Tell Mommy Good Night For me Please..
Jungkook : I Will Tell Her ...
Eunbi : I Love You Both Daddy..
Jungkook : We Love You Too Honey...Now Go and Close Your Eyes Then Sleep Right Away Okey?..
Eunbi : Yes. SIR. *chuckled*

Y/n and Jungkook's Room

I Was Done Taking a Shower I Went To me and Y/n's Closet and Put On My Boxers  Then Went To bed I Saw Y/n was Already Sleeping Peacefully I Went under The Bedsheets and Then Pulled Her Closer To Me Her Back Was Facing Me By The way..I Let Her Head Layed In My Arms Like My Arms Was Her Pillow..She Was Just Wearing a Bra and Panties.. Yeah We Like Sleeping Only In Our Undergarments...I Leaned Over To Her and Kiss Her Exposed Shoulders then Her Neck and Ears..She Hummed and Then We Both Drift To sleep...

(Morning) 5:10 AM


I woke Up Early In The Morning I Rubbed My Eyes And Adjust At The Light...I Looked Over To My Left and Saw My Girl Still Sleeping I Pulled Her More Closer To Me That Make My Bulge Touch Her Lower Stomach...I Moan and Start Grinning To Her..Oh God I Got a Boner And Now I Want Her...

Y/n : *Still Eyes Close* Baby What Are You Doing?..
Jungkook : *Moan* I Want You Babe..Uhhhh
Y/n : Got A Boner?..*Opened Her Eyes*
Jungkook : Ssibal (Fuck) please Babe do Something..

Y/n Pulled Away That Make Me Stop Grinning at Her...She Went at The Top Of Me And Grinned In My Dick She Crawl Towards me and Make Me Kiss Her...I Moaned and I Cant  Control Anymore I Unclipped Her Bra and Then Took It Off I Looked Over To Her Chest and Start Sucking It Also Squeezing It she Moaned Softly Went I Pulled Away Her Boobs Was Red Now I Smirked and Then I Throw Her Over To The Bed Now She Was Laying Down I stood Up and Pulled My Boxer Down and Make My Dick Spring Out and Hit My Stomach.. I Looked Over To Her and She Was Bitting Her Lips looking at My Dick I Smirk Then I Walk Over To My Tie's Drawer and I Get The Red Tie Then Walk Back To Her I Tied Her Hands On The Headboard After I Successfully Tied Her I Went towards Her Lips and Roughly Kiss Her....

Jungkook : Baby I'm In charge Now..*leaving Hickeys All Over To her Body*
Y/n : fuxk... Fuckkk It..

I Then Went down To Her Pussy I took Her Legs and Put It Above My Shoulders I Ripped Her Panties and Throw It somewhere In The Room I Looked Over To Her Pink Pussy While Licking My lips I Saw Her Looking at Me While Mouth Opened By Soft moaning...I Then Suck Her Pussy That Make Her Go Insane.. I Insert My 3 Fingers on Her Pussy Still Sucking It...She Arched Her Back While Moaning Mess..Not So Long She Cum In Me I Swallowed Her all Cum...Then Crawl To kiss Her Lips.. Without Gaving Warnings To Her I Insert My Dick Inside Her And We Both Moaned Loud..I Thrust Hard and Deeper To Her.. She was digging Her Nails In My Back That Make Me Feel More Pleasure I Snuggle My Face To Her Neck Kissing And Sucking It..

Not So Long We Both Reach Our High She cum All Around My Dick while I Shoot all My Seeds Inside Her ..I Was Still Thrusting Slowly Inside Her.. While She was Giving Me Soft Kisses In My Shoulders I Then Pulled Out Inside Her and Layed In The Bed With Her.. I Pulled Her Over To me and We Both Cuddle Together...

Jungkook : I Love You..*Kiss Her Forehead*
Y/n : Hmmm I Love You Too...

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