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•Sehun POV•

Chanyeol : Yow.. Just admit it that You Want Y/n back..
Sehun : Fine yes I want her back but How Jungkook Got her already...
D.O : Your Right.. but sehun If you love her You will do Everything just make her Yours again.. Try To win her again Bro
Sehun : I would Love Too.. but Im not gonna Disturb They're Relationship.. D.O She's Happy Now And Just See her Happy With him make me Happy Too..

•Jungkook POV•

We are now in the Cafeteria Eating our food while talking.. While We we're Eating I Caught someone Looking at Y/n and It's Sehun Y/n's Ex boyfriend.. my Blood Is Burning right now I was about to stood up But Y/n talk To me..

Y/n : Baby?.. are you okey?
Jungkook : I'm not..
Y/n : Why What's wrong?..
Jungkook : That's Guy Sehun is Looking at you.. and I really want to Punch that Fucking Face until It Broke...
Y/n : ..........Baby Just Dont Mind It..

•Y/n POV•

I looked towards that Person Jungkook Got Mad.. And I Realized Its Sehun my Ex Boyfriend.. I the just Looked away and I Try To Forget it.. After Some Couple of Time We All Done Eating our Food Our Class Is End Now So We All Go back Home.. Me and Jungkook Went In His Car and Drove Off We Followed Unnie's and Oppa's Car.. Jungkook was Still Holding my thighs.. and I looked at him.. I Suddenly Want him By just Looking at his Handsome And Hot Perfect Face make me Horny..

Jungkook : Are You Okey baby?
Y/n : I want You..
Jungkook : What?..
Y/n : I want you Right now baby..
Jungkook : But Im Driving.. were almost There Baby..

I Nodded and Suck His Side Neck and Shoulder He Moaned In Pleasure While Driving.. I really Want him Right Now... Not so long We Arrived at Home We Saw Unnie's and Oppa's Go In the House Before me and Jungkook Went out from the Car.. We Kissed Rough.. I Looked at his Eyes and we Are both so Lust now..

Y/n : Let's Go Inside..
Jungkook : Straight To The Bedroom okey?
Y/n : *Nodded*

Me and Jungkook Quickly Went Inside The House We Saw the Oppa's In the Living Room The Unnie's Maybe They are In They're room ..I Just Walk Straight To the Bedroom And Jungkook Talk The Oppa's Cause Literally I Egnore them..

•Jungkook POV•

Namjoon : Is Y/n Ok Jungkook?
Jin : Did Our Princess just Egnore us?
Taehyung : Jungkook Is She's Fine?
Jungkook : She's Fine Hyung She Was Just Tired and Want to rest right away.
Yoongi : Ohhh Then I Take my Rest Also Good Night..
Hoseok : It's still Not Night Time Though..
Yoongi : Whatever..
Jin : Well I Have To Go grocery Though We are Out of Foods..
Jimin : I'll Come
Taehyung : Me Too
Hoseok : Me Three
Namjoon : I'll Just Rest..

With that They all Left I quickly Went To me and Y/n's Bedroom I Have a Boner Now I Want her Also.. I Open The Door and Locked it Right Away.. I
Quickly kissed her and Layed Her down To the Bed Now My In the Top Of Her.. I Kissed her Rough and Then Kiss Her Jawline Down To her Collarbone.. She Moaned.. And Make me Horny more...
She Sneak Her Hands To my Abs and Took Off My Shirt.. I stood Up and Unbuckle my belt Then Take Off my Pants along with my Boxers.. And Now Im Completely Naked.. She Bite Her lips and I Kiss her again .. And Took Off Her Shirt Also.. And I Then Kiss her Chest down To her Stomach..

Y/n : Hmm Baby Ughh Fuck...
Jungkook : Yes Baby Moaned for me..

She Lightly Pushed me and Stood Up Then Now Im The One Laying in the Bed She Took off Her Skirt and Unclipped Her Bra.. She Look at me With a Smirk.. I Then Seat and Took off Her Panties.. I Lick My Lips and We are now Both Fully Naked.. She Crawl To me and suck my Neck and Jawline.. I moaned and I feel her Going down He Kissed my Abs and Then Stop In front of My Dick.. She Look at me Before Grabbing my dick and Pump It up and Down I Moaned to the pleasure...

Jungkook : Just Suck It Baby!
Y/n : *Smirk*

With that She Suck My Dick I Moaned Loud.. Oh by the way Our Room Is Soundproof.. Not So long I Came In her Mouth She Swallow all my Cum and She Crawl to me and Kiss me I Changed our Position and Now I'm in the Top of her I Position myself in her Pussy and Slowly Enter her Pussy She Moaned Loud and I Did the same too I Kiss her..

Jungkook : Fuck Baby Your Still that Tight Huh.. Ughh Fuck..
Y/n : ahhh Fuck.. Ughh

I fastened my Thrust on her And We Both are Moaning in mess now.. I Keep Giving her Hickey's on her Chest and Jawline....

Jungkook : Fuck It baby I'm Gonna Cum.
Y/n : Mee Too Baby Hmmmm..

Not so long she Cum Into my dick I Quickly Pulled out and cum On her Stomach.. Me and Y/n Are Catching our breath.. I layed Beside her and Pulled her closer to me.. She Place her head on My Chest While Hugging me I Placed my Other Hands On her Waist I.. Snuggle my Face on her Head and inhale Her Addicting Scent .. I kiss Her Head...

Y/n : I love you baby...
Jungkook : I Love You Too...

With that We Both Drift to Sleep In Each Other's Embrace.. I really Love This Girl so much Nothing else..

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