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I woke Up In the morning I opened my Eyes and Adjust to the Light Who was Hitting my face I Was about to stood Up but I feel a Heavy Arm's in my Waist I looked Besides me and Saw Jungkook Sleeping Cutely Like A Bunny.. I smile and Kiss His Soft Lips..
After I Kiss Him I was about to broke The Kiss when He Pulled Me Closer to him I Chuckled Between the Kiss and Then After a Couple of Time kissing We Finally Broke It I Catch some Air... he Look at me and Kiss My Forehead..

Jungkook : Good Morning My Two Baby.. How Was Your Sleep?
Y/n : Good Morning too you to Daddy ... And Our Sleep Was Fine *Giggled*
Jungkook : What Time Do You want To Meet that Yuna?
Y/n : 3PM I guess I'm still Lazy.. I Want To Cuddle With you..
Jungkook : Okey As You Wish Baby.. I've Love To do That...
Y/n : *Chuckled*.. But Before We Cuddle let me Do my Morning Routine
then You Also Okey?..
Jungkook : Okey..*Kiss You In the Cheek*

I stood Up from the Bed and Went Towards The Bathroom.. I Took a Quick Warm Shower and Then Brush My Teeth.. After brushing it I walk To Our Closet and Wore my Clothes..
After I wore my Clothes I Put some Light Make up and Fixed my Hair.. Jungkook was Taking Shower now By the way... And Yeah This is What I Look like Today

 And Yeah This is What I Look like Today

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I was done Doing my Hair Jungkook was Wearing His Clothes I Wait for Him In the room After He Was Done we Both went Downstairs To see The Oppa's and Other Unnie's Watching Movies Me and Jungkook Join Them I Layed Between Jungkook's legs while He w...

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I was done Doing my Hair Jungkook was Wearing His Clothes I Wait for Him In the room After He Was Done we Both went Downstairs To see The Oppa's and Other Unnie's Watching Movies Me and Jungkook Join Them I Layed Between Jungkook's legs while He was Playing With my Hair Strand's
And Pinching my Cheeks and hold It soft..While Me I was Caressing my Tummy Where My Baby Was.. We Enjoyed the Movie it's Really Good Though...


Me and Jungkook change our Clothes cause we are now Going To The Mall 
And This is What I look like so Far..

Me and Jungkook change our Clothes cause we are now Going To The Mall  And This is What I look like so Far

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I then Jungkook Kiss me And Say Some Confessions about me I got it Hehe Anyways I then Grabbed my Bag and Phone Also Wallet and Put it in my bag Jungkook Grabbed his Phone and keys then We both walk Out from the room along with the House Then Went...

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I then Jungkook Kiss me And Say Some Confessions about me I got it
Hehe Anyways I then Grabbed my Bag and Phone Also Wallet and Put it in my bag Jungkook Grabbed his Phone and keys then We both walk Out from the room along with the House Then Went Inside his Car.. and Drove away Of course..


While me And Jungkook Walk where I told Euhna To Wait When We Arrived We Saw Her I Smirk While Jungkook Rolled His Eyes and Scoffed When He See Her.. We Walk Towards her and

Y/n : Gladd You Came Euhna *Smirk*
Euhna : Y/n I-Im Sorry About the text I-I Didn't Mean To Pls Forgive me Pls I Didn't do That On purpose..
Y/n : .... I dont Know Euhna..It Keeps Running On my Mind And It's Really Bothering me..
Jungkook : ... Thank For Your Text By the way Now My Girl Is Getting Stressed Because of You.. I Don't Love You anymore Euhna Move On Now..
pls Dont Disturb Us I'm Having A Family now..
Euhna : W-What Do you Mean Y-Your Hav-ing a Family?
Jungkook : Can't You see are You really That Blind?.. Y/n Is Pregnant Isn't that Not enough To Stop Texting me Nor Trying all your Best Just To make me Go back To your life?.. Even Though I'm Still Not Wanting to be With you It's Because your Selfish Like Hell and I Hate It I'm Happy now So Stop Ruining our life..
Euhna : I-Im Sorry I Didn't Know That..
im really Sorry About what I did.. Pls Forgive Me... I promise I'm Not going To Disturb you both ever Again.. just Pls Forgive me...
Y/n : Fine.. But If You Will Try To contact Jungkook again I Will Surely Gonna Kill you... give Me Your Phone
Euhna : W-why?
Y/n : I said Gave me Your Phone......
Dont make Me Repeat what I said Again Euhna...

With that Euhna Gave Her Phone With a Shaky Hands I Opened it Anyways Her Phone was No Passcode
So yeah.. I Press Her Contact and Scroll To find Jungkook Contact number I Look At her One Last Time She Just Look Down.. I Looked back in the Phone and Press Jungkook's Number I Then Deleted All Jungkook Phone Numbers... yes She Still keep Jungkook's Old Number.. After I Deleted All I Gave It back To her and Give her a Smirk...

Y/n : Thank You For Your Time... Euhna... Anyways We Have To Go We still Need To buy something See You Around I guess...
Euhna : *Nodded* I-m Sorry A-again Y/n along With you Jungkook Sorry...

Jungkook Nodded and Then We Both Left Her And Walk Thru The Store We want To but Some Clothes Nor Foods for the House we Still can't buy For our baby Cause we dont Know If Our baby will be a Boy or a Girl Bro I'm still 1 week Pregnant..

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