|• Forty- Seven •|

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•Jungkook POV•

I was Walking Back and Fort waiting For The Doctor To Come out from The Operating Room and tell Us If Y/n was Fine Along With Our Baby...Its Been 2 Hours Since We Got Here I Was Getting Very Worried For The Both Of Them Eunbi was With The Nonna's Geeting Treatment For Her Wound

Not so Long The Doctor Came Out from The Operating Room and Walk Towards Us..I Quickly Went In front Us Him and Ask Him

Jungkook : How Is My Wife and Our Baby Doctor?.
Doctor : She is Fine Now along With Your Baby...We already Removed the Bullet Out of Her Luckily It Didn't Hit the Baby...We almost Lost Her but Luckily She Fight and Manage to Come back..Your Wife is Strong Mr.Jeon We Dont Have To Worry About they are both Fine Now..

I sign In Relief and Smile With Tears In My Eyes I Thought I Will Loss them Both But Thank God She Fight for The Both Of Them.. The Hyung Went Towards me and Gave me a Hug..

Doctor : Y/n is Going To be Transferred In The ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Her Personal Nurse Will Just In form You if Your Good To Come In Her Room...
Jungkook : *Nodded* Thank You So Much Doc.
Taehyung : Thank You
Others : Thank You Again Doctor.
Doctor : No Problem Its Our Job to save People's Lifes.. Anyways I'll Get Going Now Just Call Me If Something Wrong and If You Need Something...
Namjoon : We Will..

The Doctor Tapped my Shoulder Before Walking Away from Us I Sit Down In The Chair and Thank God For Giving My Wife another Life...While We are Waiting For The Nurse I Saw Eunbi Running Towards Me While The Nonna's Went To Their Boyfriends/Fiance I Took Eunbi and Let Her Sit On My Lap...

Jungkook : Are You Good Now My Little Angel?
Eunbi : Yep Im Fine Now Daddy.. But Mommy How Is she and The Baby?
Jungkook : They Are Fine Baby Right Now We Will Just Wait For the Nurse To Say That Its All Good To Went Inside Mommy's Room..
Eunbi : Okey...
Jungkook : Did You Eat Already?
Eunbi : Nae Unnie's Already Buy Me Food and I Eat It All!!! but I Left Some For Mommy
Jungkook : Really Then Gave It To Mommy When She Woke Up okey?..
Eunbi : I Will Daddy..
Jungkook : By The Way Baby Thank You For Protecting Mommy And The Baby.. Thank You For being a Strong Baby Girl and for Being There To Her..
Eunbi : Of Course Daddy I Promise To Mommy and You That I Will Protect You Bith Remember?..
Jungkook : Yep Daddy Remember It..*Smile and Kiss Her*
Eunbi : I Love You Daddy
Jungkook : I Love You Too Our Little Angel
Eunbi : *Chuckled* The Nurse Is Out Of the Room Daddy

I Smiled To Eunbi and Then Carry Her In My Arms Before Standing Up and Walk Towards The Nurse Along With The Hyungs and Nonna's.. The Nurse Bowed and Smile To Us...

Nurse : Mrs.Jeon Is Inside Mr.Jeon She is awake
Jungkook : *Nodded* Thank You
Eunbi : Thank You For Taking Care Of my Mommy Unnie!
Nurse : Your Welcome Such a Adorable Girl *Smile* Anyways please Excuse Me Sir/Ma'am Just Call Me If You need Something..*Bowed and left*

After The Nurse Left We Walk Inside The Room and Saw Y/n laying Down In The Hospital Bed When She Noticed Us She Weakly Smiled While I Put Eunbi Down then She Run Towards Her And Me I also Walk To The other Side of The Bed and Kiss her Head...

Eunbi : Mommy Are You Good Now?
Y/n : Uhuh Mommy Is Good Now
Eunbi : Are You Hungry? I Left This Food for you That Unnie's Buy  it..
Y/n : Aww Thank You Baby..
Eunbi : Welcome Mommy Wait I'll Prepare Your food Okey?
Y/n : Yes Maam!

Eunbi Chuckled and Stepped down and run Towards the Table and Prepared The Food
The Nonna's and Hyungs Was Chuckling and Giggling To her Also Along With me and y/n such a Cute Girl Just Like My Wife.. I Looked over To Y/n While Caressing Her Face She Look At Me right Into my eyes and Smile.. I Smile Back...

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