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Me And The Others are Now In the Dance Room Me and Jungkook was Arranging Them In partners...

Y/n : Uhmm Jin Oppa Move To Right A Little bit.. Along With you Jisso Unnie..
Jimin Oppa Move Backward a Little and Namjoon Oppa Move Forward Right There.. Jennie Unnie and Taehyung Oppa you both compress a Bit Yeah Like That..Hoseok oppa Step Sideward a little and You too Momo Unnie.. Dahyun Unnie Take a Little step Backward Okey That's Good...
Jungkook : Okey Now Remember Your Places.. Remember Who was Beside you in Front of you Or Behind you.. The Information Must Be Good And Perfect.. You all Got me?
All except Y/n : Naee..
Y/n : Okey The Boys Go Follow Jungkook cause He Will teach you Your Dance Steps By the help of Hoseok Oppa..While The Girls Let's just Move a Bit so That The Boys Will have Enough Space for them.. The Dance Steps must be Hot and Sexy By the rhyme of the Music So Feel The Music So That we all Going To Achieve what We Wanted... Now Go to your Places Faster!

They all Went to They're places and When The Song Started We all Start Dancing.. The Boys are Focusing on the Dance.. While me and the Other Girls are Feeling the Music.....


Y/n : Good Job Everyone.. You did all Your best.. I Hope everyone will Give All they're best..
Jungkook : You can All Go home now..

With that The Others Grabbed they're Things and Walk Out From The Room The Unnie's Oppa's Jungkook and Me Stays In here... We all Take a Seat on the Floor and Talk...

Jennie : Y/n is Really good at Teaching Some Steps Though...
Rose : Yeah Right The Dance Is So Good Even the Music...
Jisso : Very Talented Maknae...
Jihyo, Momo, Dahyun : Good Job Y/n-sshi!!
Y/n : Thank You Unnie's...
Jimin : Jungkook is So Strict When It Comes to dance Though...
Jungkook : Am I?
Namjoon : Yes You Are When Someone
real Quick Forgot the Step You Will stop the Music and scold That Person..
Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi : And The Worst thing Is...When He Plays the Music Again We All Had To Start the Dance From The Top..
Jennie : Pabo You have Too
Jisso : So That
Dahyun : Everyone
Rose : Will
Jihyo : Make The
Momo : Dance
Girls : Perfect!!

The Oppa's are Shock With our Sudden words Me and The Unnie's Laughed Together Along with that Oppa's...

Rose : Everyone Wanna Have Fun Tonight?
Jisso : Where?
Jennie : Club!!
Jihyo : Im In
Momo : Me Too
Dahyun, Yoongi  : Us Three
Namjoon : Four!
Jin : Five
Hoseok,Jimin : Six..
Taehyung : Seven
Jungkook, Y/n : we are In Too..

With that we all Went back home To Get ready...A Couple of Minutes we arrived Home We all Step out from the car and Walk Inside Then Went to our own Room.. Me and Jungkook went in Our Bedroom..

Y/n : Baby I'll Just take a Quick Shower okey.?
Jungkook : Im Going With you Lets take a Shower Together..
Y/n : W-what?
Jungkook : Oh come on Baby I saw You completely Naked In front of me So Many Time's Though...
Y/n : Y-Yah!!
Jungkook : Plss Baby..
Y/n : Fine But We are not making out In the Bathroom okey?..
Jungkook : *Nodded*

With that we Both Walk in the Bathroom and Took a Warm Shower...
After Some Couple of Minutes we are Done So Jungkook Wrapped a Towel Around his Hips And I wrapped The Towel all around my Body... And Walj to our Walk-in Closet... Jungkook Took his Clothes and Wore It While I Chose my Clothes to wear and Then Put it on .. Jungkook told me That he Will be Waiting In our Bedroom But Before he walk Out He Kissed my lips and Forehead.. I then Put some Make up and Do My Hair...

 I then Put some Make up and Do My Hair

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After Doing my make up I Grab my small bag and Went Back To Me and Jungkook's Bedroom

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After Doing my make up I Grab my small bag and Went Back To Me and Jungkook's Bedroom.. He Looked at me from Head to toe...

Y/n : Is It good?
Jungkook : ..... You look so Good Baby..
Y/n : Thank You Let's Go Downstairs?
Jungkook : Naee....

He Placed his Hands On My waist and We Both walk Out from our Room and Walk Downstairs To The Living.. When We reach the Living Room I saw Yoongi Oppa and Dahyun Unnie Hoseok Oppa and Momo Unnie Jin Oppa and Jisso Unnie Namjoon Oppa and Jihyo Unnie..

Jin : Wow Are Little Princess Looking Good...
Namjoon : She Is Always Looking Good Jin Hyung...
Y/n : Thank You Jin and Namjoon Oppa
Jisso,Momo,Dahyun,Jihyo : Stunning Girl...
Y/n : Thank You Unnie's You All Too Looking Hot...
Jisso,Dahyun,Jihyo,Momo : Our Pleasure HAHAHA
Yoongi : Our Maknae (Jungkook) Is Lucky To have Y/n.. So Jungkook Treasure Her...
Jungkook : Of course I Will Treasure Her Hyung And No one Will Took her away From me...
Namjoon : That's Good To Hear Or Else Your Be Dead in our Own Hands..

With That Jennie Unnie and Taehyung Oppa Came Downstairs Followed By Rose Unnie and Jimin Unnie... we all then Went Out from the House and Entered Our car Then Drove off..

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