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• 5 Years Later •

5 Years Later Eunbi Is Now 5 Year's Old She's Really Cheerful and Beautiful..Jungkook And I Was Already Married 2 Years Ago..(Yeah I'm Sorry For That..) I Love Them Both So Much I Only Wish One Thing Just To Make My Family  Good and Peaceful Without fights and Others.. Also Be Safe As Always...

•Y/n POV•

I Woke up Early In the Morning as Always To cook Breakfast For my Little Baby and My Big Baby (Jungkook) I do My Morning Routine and Wore my Clothes After Taking A Bath also I do My Hair and Make up..

I Woke up Early In the Morning as Always To cook Breakfast For my Little Baby and My Big Baby (Jungkook) I do My Morning Routine and Wore my Clothes After Taking A Bath also I do My Hair and Make up

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After I Did My Morning Stuff I Walk Downstairs to cook Some Breakfast For us

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After I Did My Morning Stuff I Walk Downstairs to cook Some Breakfast For us.. Anyways Jungkook own His Mother's Company now And Me Well Let's Say Jungkook Won't let me Go To Work.. anyways I Started Getting The Ingredients From The Fridge and Start cooking it...

*25 minutes Later*

I was Done Cooking It and Serving It in the dining Table after That I Decided to woke Up Eunbi Cause She Still Had go Too School
So I Went Back Upstairs and Went To Her Room.. I Opened The Door and Went Towards Her Bed Where I Saw Her Sleeping Peacefully.. I Chopped Her Cheeks Then Kiss Her Forehead...

Y/n : Baby.. Baby Wake Up Now You still Have School Today...
Eunbi : Mommy...6 more Minutes Plss...
Y/n : Do You want To be Late In School?.
Eunbi : Nooooo
Y/n : Then You Have To Wake up Now....
Eunbi : Okey..

She Seat Up and Smile At me I Did The Same and She Then Jump In my Arms Hugging Me I Chuckled at Her Behavior
She Then Kiss all Over my Face.. Such a Cheering Daughter...

Eunbi : Good Morning Mommy....
Y/n : Good Morning Also Baby...
Eunbi : My Mommy Look so Beautiful as Always.. Beautiful and Sexy..
Y/n : Ohhh Yeah That's Mommy?..
Eunbi : Naeeee....
Y/n : Okey *Chuckled* Go and Get Ready For School Mommy Will Wait You Downstairs Okey?
Eunbi : Naeeee I Love You Mommy...
Y/n : I Love You Too Honey...*Kiss*

With that Eunbi Run Towards The Bathroom I Arrange Her Bed First Before Going Out On Her Bedroom I walk In The Hallway and Saw Jungkook Just Got Out from Our Room I Smile at Him And He did  The Same and He then Walk Towards me and Hug me...

Jungkook : Good Morning My Love...
Y/n : Good Morning too...
Jungkook : Did eunbi woke up Already?
Y/n : Yeah She's Taking a Bath Now..
Jungkook : Hmmm I see *Smile And Kiss Me*
Y/n : Let's Go Downstairs Breakfast is Ready we will Just Wait Eunbi...
Jungkook : Okey...

*At The Dining Room*

Me and Jungkook Was in the Dining Table Waiting For Eunbi To Come..Not so Long She Entered The Dining Room Fully Dress on her School Uniform.. She Put Her Bag Pack Down And Run Towards Jungkook... Jungkook Lift Her Up and Make Her Sit in His Lap...

Eunbi : Good Morning Daddy~
Jungkook : Good Morning Also Honey...
Eunbi : *Kiss* Your Going Work Daddy?
Jungkook : Yes Honey...
Eunbi : Can You And Mommy Come And Pick Me Up After My School?

Jungkook Look at me And I Just Smile At Him He Then Looked back To Eunbi Who Was Waiting For his Response...

Jungkook : Okey Honey Mommy and Daddy are Going To pick You Up later Okey?..
Eunbi : Yey!!!!..
Jungkook : *Chuckled*
Y/n : Okey Enough with the Talk Let's Eat Or Else You Both Are Going To be Late On Your Work and School Got it?..
Jungkook, Eunbi : Naeee!! *Chuckled*

With that Us Three Start Eating our Breakfast Together Chatting Laughing and Smiling...

After Some  Time We All Done Eating Jungkook Grabbed His Important Things And I Did The Same I Grabbed My Phone Wallet and Put It In My Bag while Eunbi Took Her Bag pack and Run Towards Me and Jungkook She Hold My Hand and Jungkook's hands then I Grabbed My Car Keys and Walk Out From The House...

Jungkook : Drive Safe Okey?..
Y/n : Yes.. You Too Okey?..
Jungkook : Yes Ma'am!..*Kiss My Lips*
Jungkook : Honey Be A Good Girl to Mommy Okey?.. Follow What ever she Say Got It?..
Eunbi : Yes Sir!!!!..
Jungkook : Good *Chuckled*
Eunbi : Be Safe Daddy..
Jungkook : I will Baby...I Love You
Eunbi : I Love You Too Daddy..

With That Jungkook Gave Her a Peck In Her Small Lips Then Put The Seatbelt On To Eunbi Before Closing The Car Door In The Front Seat.. I Then Say Goodbye To Him Before walking in the Other Side Of The Car..and Drove off To drop Eunbi In Her School...

A/n : Hey Everyone Sorry For not Posting A Chapter for a Long Long Day I Was Sick This Past Week But I Fell Good Now A Bit Plss Understand.. Anyways Thank You For Viewing My Book And For your Support... I Really Appreciate All Of you Im Sorry Again ☹️✨

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