|• Forty •|

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•Y/n POV•

I was Here In The Living Room With Eunbi Watching Her Favourite Movie Eunbi Had No Class For about  1 Week.. Eunbi Was Laying Down While Hugging Me In The Couch. When Suddenly Jungkook came... I Look Up To Him While He Took a Sit Beside Me and Eunbi..

Y/n : You Dont Have Work?
Jungkook : No.. I Want To Spend My Free Time with My Two Princess..Oh wait Nope My One Queen and One Princess..
Y/n : Hmmm Such a Flirty.. Now What Do You Want to Tell Me?..
Jungkook : .....Mmmmm.. Nothing
Y/n : Jungkook I Know You Now Tell me Im on Ears..
Jungkook : *Sign* Okey.. Love I'm Going To Busan Tomorrow.. I Have Some Work to do There Is It Okey?..
Y/n : ....ohhh Of course Its Your Work After All.. And Wait If You Go There and You Have a Free time Visit Your Mom Okey?.. And Also Say My Hi To Her..*Smiled*
Jungkook : *Smiled* I will...Thank You For Understanding Me Baby...
Y/n : No Problem..*Kiss*

With that Jungkook Cuddle with us on the Couch Together Watching The Movie.. When Suddenly When We are Watching My Phone Rings..I Sit up and took it From The Coffee Table I look Over to the Phone Screen to see the Caller ID But its an Unknown Caller..

Y/n : Love I'll Just Take This Call I'll Be Back..
Jungkook : Hmmm Okey..*Kiss*

"Who is Calling Me?" I Said To myself.. I then Walk Away From Them Then I Opened The Sliding Door Here in The Living Room Going To The Garden.. I Step out and Answer The Call..

•On Call•

Y/n : Hello?.

??? : ...Hello Y/n

Y/n : Who Is This?
Why are You Calling me?
Do I Know You?

??? : Hmm I Guess You Already
Forget About Me.. How Sad

Y/n : Im Sorry But I think Your
Calling a Wrong Number..
*Was about To end the Call*

??? : Before You End This Call
Y/n I Just Wanna Tell You
I'm After you and Especially
your Daughter..*Laugh*

Y/n : *Shock* S-sehun?..

Sehun : finally You Recognise
Im glad With That anyway See You
Around or Maybe Not *Laugh*

Y/n : Y-yah!! Sehun!

•End Call•

The Phone Call Ended I Can Feel My Tears Fall From my Eyes But I Quickly Wiped It Out from My face..It Didn't sound like Sehun I'm Not Sure if Its Him Since It's Been a While Maybe His Not Him Maybe someone Was Just Messing Around.. I Block and Deleted The Number Before Entering The House..

Eunbi : Mommy You Missed the Movie
Y/n : I'm Sorry Baby.. Mommy Was Taking a Phone Call..
Eunbi : Its Fine Mommy But Next Time Let's Watch It Fully okey?
Y/n : okey *Smile*
Jungkook : Are You Okey Love?
Y/n : Hmmm Yes I'm Fine.. Are You all Hungry?
Eunbi : I Am!
Jungkook : Me Too!
Y/n : *Chuckled* Okey I'll cook Your Favourite Gimbap and tteok-bokki..

They Both Look at Each Other and Shout I chuckled and Started Getting all The Ingredients that I Need and Start Cutting It then Cook It..

After Some Couple of Time I Was Done Cooking I Served it in the plate and Put It In the Table Where They are Already Sitting and Waiting..

After Some Couple of Time I Was Done Cooking I Served it in the plate and Put It In the Table Where They are Already Sitting and Waiting

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I took a Sit and We all Start Eating It

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I took a Sit and We all Start Eating It..
While Talking some Stuff And About How Eunbi was Good In The School

Time Skip

It's night time Already and Now I am In Eunbi's Room She Was In the Bathroom Getting a Quick Warm Shower and Changing Her Clothes Into a her Pajamas Not so Long She Run Over to me and Climb into her Bed then Layed Down.. I sit down beside her Caressing Her Hair

Eunbi : Mommy?.
Y/n : Yes Baby?
Eunbi : Is Daddy Going Home Tomorrow?..
Y/n : Hmm Yes Honey He Had Some Work To Be done There..
Eunbi : Mommy I Want To Go With Daddy..Can I?
Y/n : ..I Don't Know Baby But I Think It's Better If We Stay Here and Wait Until Daddy Will Come Back Home..
Eunbi :.... o-okey Mommy
Y/n : Im Sorry Baby.. Close Your Eyes Now and Sleep Okey?.
Eunbi : *Nodded* Goodnight Mommy I Love You..
Y/n : Goodnight My BabyGirl and Mommy Love You Too So Much *Kiss*

With that I Pulled the Blankets Over to her and She Then Close her eyes and Start Dripping To sleep.. I Kiss Her Forehead one Last Time Before walking Out From Her Bedroom..
I Opened The Door from Our Bedroom and Went Inside I closed back the Door and Saw Jungkook Just got Walking Out from The Bathroom

Jungkook : Is Our Eunbi Feel asleep Already?..
Y/n : Yeah She Is.. She told me Just Now that She want to Come With You There Probably Missing Mom (Mrs.Jeon)..
Jungkook : Yeah I Think so.. I'll Just Gonna Talk to Her Tomorrow..

/n : Yeah and We Should Sleep Now you need a Lot Of Rest Come now..

He Smile and Layed Down With Me I Pulled me Over to Him And Make Me Place my Head to His chest.. While His  other Hand was Caressing My Back..

Jungkook : Goodnight Love..
Y/n : Goodnight Too.. I Love You
Jungkook : I Love You Too *Kiss Your Head and Lips*

With that He Closed his Eyes and Sleep While Me still thinking about lately to That Phone Call It Cannot be Sehun Right?.. Please I Hope His Not..
The More I Think Of him The More I Got Scared... But Hopefully His Not Going To do Something bad To Us.. I'm Scared Of What's Going To Come.. Please be Not...

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