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•Jungkook POV•

Me and The Hyung's are Working for our Baby's Room It's almost Done Actually... all We Need Is To Put the Toys and Things in the selves Then The put the Crib Inside We Already Done Painting the Wall And Not so Long We Are Done Y/n and The Nonna's was In the Living Room Arranging the Closet for Our Baby
Me and The Hyung's walk Out from the Room then Went Downstairs To the Girl's I went To Y/n and Hug Her Behind While Caressing her Tummy..

Jungkook : The Room Was Ready Baby All We need Is To place That Closet inside..
Y/n : Really?.. Can't Wait to see It Baby..
Jungkook : You will See It later after We Put that Closet in the Room Okey?.
Y/n : Okey....

We help The Girls to Put the Clothes in the Cabinet... not so Long We Finished the Thing Me and The Hyung's Help To Carry The Cabinet and Jin Hyung Open The Door and We place The Cabinet In The Center of The Room.. after Doing All Of That We all went Out Too see The Girls Waiting For us in the Hallway... I Smile To Y/n

Jungkook : The Room Was Ready Baby.
Y/n : Can I See It Now?
Jungkook : Of course Baby You can

With that I Opened the Door and She Was Shocked at the Color and The Design we did With the Hyung's She Looked at me With a Teary Eyes I Smiled at her and She Did the same Then Hug me.. I hug her Back and Kiss Her Head.. anyways This is what Our Baby Girls Room...

Jungkook : Our Baby Is Going To Love This

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Jungkook : Our Baby Is Going To Love This.. Create by Her Uncle's, Auntie's and especially Her Mommy and Daddy.
Y/n : She's Surely Will *Smile*

I Kneeled Down In Her and Caressing Y/n's Tummy then Kissed It...

Jungkook : We Can't Wait to see you Baby.. Be Strong with Mommy Okey Be Healthy me mommy and Your Aunties and Uncles are Just Gonna Here With you and We will gave You All our Love and Care For you.. Few More Months Left And Then We Finally See You..

I kiss her Tummy ones again Then We I Stood Up and Kiss Y/n's Lips After a While We Broke The kiss I then Placed my hands around Her Waist Then Looked at The Hyung's and Nonna's Who was In The Bridge Of Tears while Looking at Us..

Jisso : Omg I Cant Imagine Coming Home here With Our Nieces Running Towards Us..
Jin : My Sis is a Mom Now *Crying*
Taehyung : Finally I'm Having a Niece's.. I will Buy Him A Lot Of Gucci Clothes and Shoes.. For Girls Okey..
Jennie : Oh My Ghadd I can't Stop Looking at You Both Your Both Match Together!..
Rose : Agreed!!!
Namjoon : We All Know You Both are Going To be a Good Parents To Your First Born Baby Girl..even She Grow up She Will Be Like You Y/n-sshi And She will Grow up With Full Of Love and Care..
Hoseok : Yeah Right Then I'm Gonna Teach Her Dance Like How Her Mom Dance so Well...
Yoongi : Oh Me Im Gonna Teach Her How To sleep In 2 days..
Dahyun : Yahh!!! Your Stupid Dont Be..
Yoongi : Just Kidding Okey...
Momo : I still Cant Believe that You Both are Going To be a Parent's...
Jihyo : Yeah Right I can Be her Play Mate anytime She Want...
Jimin : I think Your Baby Will Look Like Both of You Mini Y/n and Jungkook mixed Together Will be Wonderful she Will be The Most Beautiful Girl In The World Like her Mom...
Rose : That's Wonderful!!!
Namjoon : But Real Quick Y/n Dear Jungkook-ah Have You Decided What Name You will gave Her?
Y/n & Jungkook : Yes Oppa / Yes Hyung
All : What?! What is it?!!
Jungkook & Y/n : Eunbi.. Jeon Eunbi
Girls : Woahhh!!!! omg! Omg! OMG!!
Boys : Ohhh What a Cute Name!!!!

Me and Y/n Chuckled at They're Reaction... and Then After a Long Confession From The Hyung's and Nonna's We all Feel Hungry So We All Went Downstairs Jin Hyung and Jisso Start Cooking some Food while We are Waiting To Finished it we watched Movies in the Living room...

A/n : Okey Guys Real Quick In the Next Chapter I'll be skipping it Cause I Dont know what Are They're Going To Do During The Months Waiting For They're Baby to Come Out So I'll Just Gonna Skip It 9 Months later I Hope You all Understand Sorry about it.. I'll see You in the Next Chapter Everyone.. For Those Who don't know My New Book Yet Go Check It Its "LOVE GAME" That's all See You Everyone I Purple you all 💜

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